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Class DefaultCompoundEditor

  extended by y.option.DefaultCompoundEditor
All Implemented Interfaces:
ChildChangeReporter, CompoundEditor, Editor

public abstract class DefaultCompoundEditor
extends java.lang.Object
implements CompoundEditor, ChildChangeReporter

Default base class for compound editors.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface y.option.Editor
Editor.Event, Editor.Listener
Constructor Summary
protected DefaultCompoundEditor()
          Creates a new instance of DefaultCompoundEditor.
protected DefaultCompoundEditor(int capacity)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultCompoundEditor with the specified capacity.
Method Summary
 void addChildPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
          Registers a PropertyChangeListener to receive all PropertyChange events from all PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void addChildPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String pn, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
          Registers a PropertyChangeListener to receive specific PropertyChange events from all PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void addChildVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String pn, java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
          Registers a VetoableChangeListener to receive specific VetoableChange events from all VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void addChildVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
          Registers a VetoableChangeListener to receive all VetoableChange events from all VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.
protected  void addEditor(Editor editor)
          Adds the specified editor to this CompoundEditor.
 void adoptItemValue()
          Resets the values of the contained editors to the values currently stored in the corresponding option items by invoking adoptItemValue() of all contained editors.
protected  void clearEditors()
          Removes all contained editors from this CompoundEditor.
 void commitValue()
          Commits the values of the contained editors that were modified to the corresponding option items by invoking commitValue() of all contained editors.
 int editorCount()
          Returns the number of editors in this compound.
 java.util.Iterator editors()
          Returns an iterator over the editors in this compound.
 Editor getEditor(int index)
          Returns the editor at the specified position.
 void removeChildPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
          Unregisters a PropertyChangeListener, that received all PropertyChange events from PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void removeChildPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String pn, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
          Unregisters a PropertyChangeListener, that received specific PropertyChange events from PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void removeChildVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String pn, java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
          Unregisters a VetoableChangeListener, that received specific VetoableChange events from VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void removeChildVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
          Unregisters a VetoableChangeListener, that received all VetoableChange events from VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.
 void resetValue()
          Resets the values of the contained editors by invoking resetValue() of all contained editors.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface y.option.Editor

Constructor Detail


protected DefaultCompoundEditor()
Creates a new instance of DefaultCompoundEditor.


protected DefaultCompoundEditor(int capacity)
Creates a new instance of DefaultCompoundEditor with the specified capacity.

capacity - the initial capacity of the compound editor
Method Detail


public int editorCount()
Returns the number of editors in this compound.

Specified by:
editorCount in interface CompoundEditor
the number of editors in this compound


protected void addEditor(Editor editor)
Adds the specified editor to this CompoundEditor.

editor - the Editor to add


protected void clearEditors()
Removes all contained editors from this CompoundEditor.


public Editor getEditor(int index)
Returns the editor at the specified position.

Specified by:
getEditor in interface CompoundEditor
index - zero-based index of the editor to return
the editor at the specified position.


public java.util.Iterator editors()
Returns an iterator over the editors in this compound.

Specified by:
editors in interface CompoundEditor
an Iterator over the editors in this compound.


public void commitValue()
Commits the values of the contained editors that were modified to the corresponding option items by invoking commitValue() of all contained editors.

Specified by:
commitValue in interface Editor


public void adoptItemValue()
Resets the values of the contained editors to the values currently stored in the corresponding option items by invoking adoptItemValue() of all contained editors.

Specified by:
adoptItemValue in interface Editor


public void resetValue()
Resets the values of the contained editors by invoking resetValue() of all contained editors.

Specified by:
resetValue in interface Editor


public void addChildPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Registers a PropertyChangeListener to receive all PropertyChange events from all PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
addChildPropertyChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pcl - the PropertyChangeListener to be registered


public void removeChildPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Unregisters a PropertyChangeListener, that received all PropertyChange events from PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
removeChildPropertyChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pcl - the PropertyChangeListener to be unregistered


public void addChildPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String pn,
                                           java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Registers a PropertyChangeListener to receive specific PropertyChange events from all PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
addChildPropertyChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pn - the name of the property to listen on
pcl - the PropertyChangeListener to be registered


public void removeChildPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String pn,
                                              java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Unregisters a PropertyChangeListener, that received specific PropertyChange events from PropertyChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
removeChildPropertyChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pn - the name of the property that was listened on
pcl - the PropertyChangeListener to be unregistered


public void addChildVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Registers a VetoableChangeListener to receive all VetoableChange events from all VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
addChildVetoableChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
vcl - the VetoableChangeListener to be registered


public void removeChildVetoableChangeListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Unregisters a VetoableChangeListener, that received all VetoableChange events from VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
removeChildVetoableChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
vcl - the VetoableChangeListener to be unregistered


public void addChildVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String pn,
                                           java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Registers a VetoableChangeListener to receive specific VetoableChange events from all VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
addChildVetoableChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pn - the name of the property to listen on
vcl - the VetoableChangeListener to be registered


public void removeChildVetoableChangeListener(java.lang.String pn,
                                              java.beans.VetoableChangeListener vcl)
Description copied from interface: ChildChangeReporter
Unregisters a VetoableChangeListener, that received specific VetoableChange events from VetoableChangeReporter children of this reporter.

Specified by:
removeChildVetoableChangeListener in interface ChildChangeReporter
pn - the name of the property that was listened on
vcl - the VetoableChangeListener to be unregistered

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