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Interface ConstraintManager.EditorAction

Enclosing class:

public static interface ConstraintManager.EditorAction

An action-callback that is invoked in response to either ConstraintManager.performActionOnPropertyChange(y.option.ConstraintManager.EditorAction, OptionItem) or ConstraintManager.performActionOnCondition(y.option.ConstraintManager.EditorAction, y.option.ConstraintManager.Condition).


Method Summary
 void performAction(OptionHandler oh, Editor editor, java.util.Map item2EditorMap)
          The callback that performs the actual action.

Method Detail


void performAction(OptionHandler oh,
                   Editor editor,
                   java.util.Map item2EditorMap)
The callback that performs the actual action. The provided Map can be used to obtain the corresponding Editor instances for each OptionItem in the current context.

oh - the OptionHandler which is associated with the event
editor - the current Editor instance for which the event was triggered
item2EditorMap - a map that yields for each OptionItem in the OptionHandler the corresponding Editor instance in the current context

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