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Interface Partition

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DynamicObstacleDecomposition, GraphPartition

public interface Partition

This class divides a rectangular area into one or more PartitionCells. PartitionCells have to be disjoint. The union of all PartitionCells covers the original area.


Method Summary
 YRectangle getBounds()
          Returns the bounds of the original rectangular area that is partitioned.
 java.util.List getCells(YRectangle rect)
          Returns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.
 java.util.List getNeighbors(PartitionCell cell)
          Returns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.

Method Detail


java.util.List getNeighbors(PartitionCell cell)
Returns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.

cell - the cell whose neighbors will be returned
a list of PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell


java.util.List getCells(YRectangle rect)
Returns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.

rect - the rectangular area whose (partially) covered cells will be returned
a list of PartitionCells that (partially) cover the given rectangular area


YRectangle getBounds()
Returns the bounds of the original rectangular area that is partitioned.

the bounds of the original rectangular area

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