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Interface GraphPartitionExtension

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public interface GraphPartitionExtension
extends DynamicDecomposition.Listener

This interface provides methods for extending the functionality of a GraphPartition.

A GraphPartitionExtension can be used for creating new Obstacles that will be given to the initializer of the ObstaclePartition where they can react to the ObstaclePartition's decomposition events if it implements the DynamicDecomposition interface.

A GraphPartitionExtension has to be added to the GraphPartition which will call method preparePartition(PathSearchConfiguration, GraphPartition) before the ObstaclePartition is initialized.


Method Summary
 void cleanup()
          Cleans up the extension from the last partitioning with the current configuration and GraphPartition.
 void preparePartition(PathSearchConfiguration configuration, GraphPartition graphPartition)
          Adds a GraphPartitionExtension to the GraphPartition.
Methods inherited from interface y.layout.router.polyline.DynamicDecomposition.Listener
onCellCreated, onCellFinalized, onCellSubdivided, onCellUnlocked

Method Detail


void preparePartition(PathSearchConfiguration configuration,
                      GraphPartition graphPartition)
Adds a GraphPartitionExtension to the GraphPartition.

It is called by the given GraphPartition upon initialization before its ObstaclePartition is initialized. Implementations may use the graph upon which the given GraphPartition is based to initialize themselves and/or to add obstacles to the list with which ObstaclePartition is initialized.

configuration - the configuration used for the path search
graphPartition - the graph partition that uses this extension


void cleanup()
Cleans up the extension from the last partitioning with the current configuration and GraphPartition.

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