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Class GraphConnectivity

  extended by y.algo.GraphConnectivity

public class GraphConnectivity
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides algorithms for determining certain connectivity components within a graph.

It also provides convenience methods for working with these components.



Method Summary
static EdgeList[] biconnectedComponents(Graph graph)
          Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.
static int biconnectedComponents(Graph graph, EdgeMap compNum)
          Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph and returns their number.
static int biconnectedComponents(Graph graph, EdgeMap compNum, NodeMap aPoint)
          Calculates the biconnected components and the articulation points of a given undirected graph and returns the number of biconnected components.
static NodeList[] connectedComponents(Graph graph)
          Calculates the connected components of a given graph.
static int connectedComponents(Graph graph, NodeMap compNum)
          Calculates the connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
static NodeList getNeighbors(Graph graph, NodeList startNodes, int maxDistance)
          Determines the direct or indirect neighbors of a given set of nodes.
static NodeList getPredecessors(Graph graph, NodeList startNodes, int maxDistance)
          Determines the direct or indirect predecessors of a given list of nodes.
static NodeList getSuccessors(Graph graph, NodeList startNodes, int maxDistance)
          Determines the direct or indirect successors of a given list of nodes.
static boolean isBiconnected(Graph graph)
          Checks whether or not the given undirected graph is biconnected.
static boolean isConnected(Graph graph)
          Checks whether or not the given graph is connected.
static boolean isStronglyConnected(Graph graph)
          Checks whether or not the given directed graph is strongly connected.
static NodeList kCore(Graph graph, int k)
          Calculates the k-core for a given undirected input graph and k value.
static int kCore(Graph graph, NodeMap kValue)
          Calculates the k-cores of an undirected input graph.
static EdgeList makeBiconnected(Graph graph)
          Makes the given graph biconnected by inserting a minimum number of edges in the graph.
static EdgeList makeConnected(Graph graph)
          Makes a graph connected by adding additional edges to the graph.
static void reachable(Graph graph, Node start, boolean directed, boolean[] reached)
          Determines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node.
static void reachable(Graph graph, Node start, boolean directed, boolean[] forbidden, boolean[] reached)
          Determines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node when a set of edges that cannot be traversed is specified.
static NodeList[] stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph graph)
          Calculates the strongly connected components of a given graph.
static int stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph graph, NodeMap compNum)
          Calculates the strongly connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
static EdgeList[] toEdgeListArray(Graph graph, EdgeMap compNum, int maxCompNum)
          Transforms the return values of biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap) to an array of EdgeLists, like it is returned by biconnectedComponents(Graph).
static NodeList[] toNodeListArray(Graph graph, NodeMap compNum, int maxCompNum)
          Transforms the return values of method connectedComponents(Graph, NodeMap) to an array of NodeLists, like it is returned by connectedComponents(Graph).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static NodeList[] connectedComponents(Graph graph)
Calculates the connected components of a given graph.

A graph G is called connected if there exists an undirected path of edges between every pair of nodes.

The connected components of a graph are the maximal connected subgraphs of which the graph consists.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes that belong to the same connected component


public static int connectedComponents(Graph graph,
                                      NodeMap compNum)
Calculates the connected components of a given graph and returns their number.

A graph G is called connected if there exists an undirected path of edges between every pair of nodes.

The connected components of a graph are the maximal connected subgraphs of which the graph consists.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
compNum - the NodeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the connected component to which each node belongs
the number of connected components of the given graph


public static EdgeList makeConnected(Graph graph)
Makes a graph connected by adding additional edges to the graph.

The number of edges that will be added equals the number of separate components of the original graph minus 1.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
an EdgeList containing the edges added to the graph


public static NodeList[] toNodeListArray(Graph graph,
                                         NodeMap compNum,
                                         int maxCompNum)
Transforms the return values of method connectedComponents(Graph, NodeMap) to an array of NodeLists, like it is returned by connectedComponents(Graph).

graph - the input graph
compNum - the NodeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the connected component to which each node belongs
maxCompNum - the maximum number of connected components
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes that belong to the same connected component


public static boolean isConnected(Graph graph)
Checks whether or not the given graph is connected.

A graph is called connected if there exists an undirected path of edges between every pair of nodes.

graph - the given graph
true if the graph is connected, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:

Connected graph

Non-connected graph


public static EdgeList[] biconnectedComponents(Graph graph)
Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.

The result is returned as an array of EdgeLists each containing all edges that belong to the same biconnected component.

Self-loops do not belong to any biconnected component. Therefore, no self-loops are included in the returned EdgeLists.
The graph must be connected.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
an array of EdgeLists each containing all edges that belong to the same biconnected component
See Also:
biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap), biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap, NodeMap)


public static int biconnectedComponents(Graph graph,
                                        EdgeMap compNum)
Calculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph and returns their number.

The main result is returned in the form of an EdgeMap that provides for each edge the zero-based index of the biconnected component to which it belongs.

Self-loops do not belong to any biconnected component. Therefore, the component index for self-loops is always -1.
The graph must be connected.
compNum must not be null.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
compNum - the EdgeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the biconnected component to which each edge belongs or -1 for self-loops
the number of biconnected components
See Also:
biconnectedComponents(Graph), biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap, NodeMap)


public static int biconnectedComponents(Graph graph,
                                        EdgeMap compNum,
                                        NodeMap aPoint)
Calculates the biconnected components and the articulation points of a given undirected graph and returns the number of biconnected components.

Articulation points are returned in the form of a NodeMap that returns for each node a boolean value indicating whether or not it is an articulation point.

Self-loops do not belong to any biconnected component. Therefore, the component index for self-loops is always -1.
The graph must be connected.
compNum should not be null.
aPoint should not be null.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
compNum - the EdgeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the biconnected component to which each edge belongs or -1 for self-loops
aPoint - the NodeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns a boolean value indicating whether or not a given node is an articulation point
the number of biconnected components
See Also:
biconnectedComponents(Graph), biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap)


public static EdgeList[] toEdgeListArray(Graph graph,
                                         EdgeMap compNum,
                                         int maxCompNum)
Transforms the return values of biconnectedComponents(Graph, EdgeMap) to an array of EdgeLists, like it is returned by biconnectedComponents(Graph).

graph - the input graph
compNum - the EdgeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the connected component to which each edge belongs
maxCompNum - the maximum number of biconnected components
an array of EdgeLists each containing all edges that belong to the same biconnected component


public static EdgeList makeBiconnected(Graph graph)
Makes the given graph biconnected by inserting a minimum number of edges in the graph.

The given graph is considered to be undirected.

The graph must be connected.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
an EdgeList containing the edges added to the graph


public static boolean isBiconnected(Graph graph)
Checks whether or not the given undirected graph is biconnected.

A graph is called biconnected if it has no cut vertex or articulation point, i.e., no node whose removal disconnects the graph.

graph - the given undirected graph
true if the graph is biconnected, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:

Biconnected graph

Non-biconnected graph


public static void reachable(Graph graph,
                             Node start,
                             boolean directed,
                             boolean[] reached)
Determines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node.

The result is based on a depth first search.

reached.length = graph.N()
graph - the given graph
start - the node from which the search starts
directed - true if the edges should be traversed from source to target, false if edges can be traversed in both directions
reached - an array that will be filled during the execution and returns for each Node a Boolean value based on whether the node can be reached during the DFS; if a node v is reachable, then reached[v.index()] = true


public static void reachable(Graph graph,
                             Node start,
                             boolean directed,
                             boolean[] forbidden,
                             boolean[] reached)
Determines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node when a set of edges that cannot be traversed is specified.

The result is based on a depth first search.

forbiddenEdges.length = graph.E()
graph - the given graph
start - the node from which the search starts
directed - true if the edges should be traversed from source to target, false if edges can be traversed in both directions
forbidden - an array that holds for each Edge a Boolean value indicating whether or not an edge can be traversed; an edge e is marked as forbidden if forbidden[e.index()] == true
reached - an array that will be filled during the execution and returns for each Node a Boolean value based on whether the node can be reached during the DFS; if a node v is reachable, then reached[v.index()] = true


public static NodeList getSuccessors(Graph graph,
                                     NodeList startNodes,
                                     int maxDistance)
Determines the direct or indirect successors of a given list of nodes.

The order of the returned nodes is determined by a breadth first search. No start node will be part of the resulting set.

To obtain the result, an integer value should be given as input that limits the distance between a start node and a returned node. For all returned nodes there must be a path to a start node that has a length equal to or smaller than this distance.

Setting the maximum distance to 1 will only yield the direct successors of all start nodes. On the other hand, setting the maximum distance to graph.N() or larger will yield all successors of all start nodes.

graph - the given graph
startNodes - a NodeList containing the nodes from which the search starts
maxDistance - an integer value that limits the distance between a start node and a returned node
a NodeList that contains all direct and indirect successors of a node


public static NodeList getPredecessors(Graph graph,
                                       NodeList startNodes,
                                       int maxDistance)
Determines the direct or indirect predecessors of a given list of nodes.

The order of the returned nodes is determined by a breadth first search. No start node will be part of the resulting set.

To obtain the result, an integer value should be given as input that limits the distance between a start node and a returned node. For all returned nodes there must be a path to a start node that has a length equal to or smaller than this distance.

Setting the maximum distance to 1 will only yield the direct predecessors of all start nodes. On the other hand, setting the maximum distance to graph.N() or larger will yield all predecessors of all start nodes.

graph - the given graph
startNodes - a NodeList containing the nodes from which the search starts
maxDistance - an integer value that limits the distance between a start node and a returned node
a NodeList that contains all direct and indirect predecessors of a node


public static NodeList getNeighbors(Graph graph,
                                    NodeList startNodes,
                                    int maxDistance)
Determines the direct or indirect neighbors of a given set of nodes.

The order of the returned nodes is determined by a breadth first search. No start node will be part of the resulting set.

To obtain the result, an integer value should be given as input that limits the distance between a start node and a returned node. For all returned nodes there must be a path to a start node that has a length equal to or smaller than this distance.

Setting the maximum distance to 1 will only yield the direct neighbors of all start nodes. On the other hand, setting the maximum distance to graph.N() or larger will yield all neighbors of all start nodes.

a NodeList that contains all direct and indirect neighbors of a node


public static NodeList[] stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph graph)
Calculates the strongly connected components of a given graph.

A graph is called strongly connected if there exists a directed path between each pair of nodes.

The strongly connected components of a graph are the strongly connected subgraphs of which it consists.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
an array of NodeLists each of which contains the nodes that belong to the same strongly connected component
See Also:
stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph, NodeMap)


public static int stronglyConnectedComponents(Graph graph,
                                              NodeMap compNum)
Calculates the strongly connected components of a given graph and returns their number.

A graph is called strongly connected if there exists a directed path between each pair of nodes.

The strongly connected components of a graph are the strongly connected subgraphs of which it consists.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
compNum - the NodeMap that will be filled during the execution and returns the zero-based index of the connected component to which each node belongs
the number of strongly connected components of the given graph
See Also:


public static boolean isStronglyConnected(Graph graph)
Checks whether or not the given directed graph is strongly connected.

A graph is called strongly connected if there exists a directed path between each pair of nodes.

graph - the given directed graph
true if the graph is strongly connected, false, otherwise
Sample Graphs:

Strongly connected graph

Non-strongly connected graph


public static int kCore(Graph graph,
                        NodeMap kValue)
Calculates the k-cores of an undirected input graph.

The k-core of an undirected input graph consists of the subgraph components where each node has at least degree k. The algorithm has runtime complexity O((n+m)log(n)) and requires linear space.

For a given k, the k-core of a graph can consists of all nodes with kValue value greater or equal to k.
graph - the undirected input graph
kValue - stores the largest k for which a node is contained in the k-core
the largest k for which the k-core of the graph is not empty


public static NodeList kCore(Graph graph,
                             int k)
Calculates the k-core for a given undirected input graph and k value.

The k-core of an undirected input graph consists of the subgraph components where each node has at least degree k. The algorithm has runtime complexity O((n+m)log(n)) and requires linear space.

This algorithm doesn't modify the input graph but returns the nodes of the k-core (list may be empty).
graph - the undirected input graph
k - the minimum degree (k-core) of a node in the resulting subgraph components
a list that contains the nodes of the k-core (list may be empty)

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