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Package y.view

Provides essential classes and interfaces for viewing, animating and editing graphs.


Interface Summary
BackgroundRenderer An interface for classes that provide background rendering for Graph2DView.
BendCursor A cursor interface for iterating over bends.
Drawable An interface for classes that can draw themselves.
DropSupport.EventHandler Handles data flavor dependent access to drag and drop events for DropSupport's default node and edge transfers.
GenericEdgeRealizer.ArrowPainter This interface is used as a callback by EdgeRealizer to paint the arrows.
GenericEdgeRealizer.BendHandler This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to handle the list of bends.
GenericEdgeRealizer.BendPainter This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to paint the bends.
GenericEdgeRealizer.BridgeCalculatorHandler This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to insert obstacles into a given BridgeCalculator instance for a two-pass rendering.
GenericEdgeRealizer.ContainsTest This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to evaluate hit tests.
GenericEdgeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer to delegate the work of the MouseInputEditorProvider interface to.
GenericEdgeRealizer.Initializer This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer for initialization purposes.
GenericEdgeRealizer.IntersectionTest This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to evaluate intersection tests.
GenericEdgeRealizer.LabelFactory This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericEdgeRealizer.createEdgeLabel() method to.
GenericEdgeRealizer.LabelPainter This interface is used as a callback by EdgeRealizer to paint the labels.
GenericEdgeRealizer.Painter This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to perform the painting.
GenericEdgeRealizer.PathCalculator This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to calculate the final path.
GenericEdgeRealizer.PortPainter This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to paint the ports.
GenericEdgeRealizer.SelectionChangeHandler This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer to notify interested parties of selection state changes.
GenericEdgeRealizer.UnionRectCalculator This interface is used as a callback by GenericEdgeRealizer to calculate the bounds.
GenericEdgeRealizer.UserDataHandler This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer to delegate the copying and serialization/deserialization of any user-defined data to.
GenericNodeRealizer.BoundsChangedHandler This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer as a callback to GenericNodeRealizer.boundsChanged().
GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.contains(double, double) method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the MouseInputEditorProvider interface GenericNodeRealizer implements to.
GenericNodeRealizer.GenericSizeConstraintProvider Additional interface for node realizers that have specified size constraints.
GenericNodeRealizer.HotSpotHitTest This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.hotSpotHit(double, double) method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.HotSpotPainter This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.paintHotSpots(Graphics2D) method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.Initializer This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer for initialization purposes.
GenericNodeRealizer.IntersectionTest This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.LabelBoundsChangedHandler This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer as a callback to GenericNodeRealizer.labelBoundsChanged(NodeLabel label).
GenericNodeRealizer.LabelFactory This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.createNodeLabel() method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.LayerHandler This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.getLayer() and the GenericNodeRealizer.setLayer(byte) methods to.
GenericNodeRealizer.Painter This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the painting methods to.
GenericNodeRealizer.PortCandidateListProvider This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer as a callback to GenericNodeRealizer.getPortCandidates(double).
GenericNodeRealizer.SelectionChangeHandler This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to notify interested parties of selection state changes.
GenericNodeRealizer.UnionRectCalculator This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericNodeRealizer.calcUnionRect(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) method to.
GenericNodeRealizer.UserDataHandler This interface is used by GenericNodeRealizer to delegate the copying and serialization/deserialization of any user-defined data to.
Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler Implementations of this interface are responsible for backing up the node and edge realizer of a Graph2D.
Graph2DLayoutExecutor.ExceptionListener Interface used to report Exceptions or Errors that happen during calls to Graph2DLayoutExecutor.doLayout(Graph2D, Layouter, Runnable, y.view.Graph2DLayoutExecutor.ExceptionListener).
Graph2DLayoutExecutor.LayoutThreadHandle The interface of the handle that is returned by Graph2DLayoutExecutor.doLayout(Graph2DView, y.layout.Layouter, Runnable, y.view.Graph2DLayoutExecutor.ExceptionListener) that can be used to query the state of the layout calculation.
Graph2DListener The listener interface for receiving Graph2DEvents.
Graph2DPrinter.FooterDrawable Interface for classes that want to add a footer to the printed page.
Graph2DPrinter.TitleDrawable Interface for classes that want to add a title to the printed page.
Graph2DRenderer Implementations of this interface render a Graph2D object.
Graph2DSelectionListener The listener interface for receiving Graph2DSelectionEvents.
Graph2DTraversal Specifies the contract of cross-element-type Graph2D traversals.
Graph2DUndoManager.UndoListener Implementations of this interface can register with the UndoManager to receive notification whenever a new command is added to the queue of undoable events.
HitInfoFactory A factory for creating hit information used by Graph2DView.
ModelViewManager.Filter Specifies the contract of graph element filters for views handled by ModelViewManager instances.
MouseInputEditor This interface is used by MouseInputMode.
MouseInputEditorProvider This interface can be implemented by classes that provide MouseInputEditor instances for use in MouseInputMode for example.
MoveLabelMode.MoveLabelHelper Handles mouse pressed, dragged, and released events to provide label specific interactive behavior for moving labels.
MoveLabelMode.MoveLabelHelperProvider This interface is implemented by label model's that need to provide specific interactive behavior (such as snapping) for moving labels.
MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor A class implementing this interface can be added to a MultiplexingNodeEditor and implements one behaviour of a node triggered by a mouse gesture.
MutableGeneralPath.Segment The interface used by all Segments / Operations in the MutableGeneralPath class
NodeCellEditor This interface is designed to behave like Swing's TableCellEditor and TreeCellEditor.
NodeCellRenderer Callback interface designed to feel like Swing's TableCellRenderer, TreeCellRenderer and ListCellRenderer.
NodePort.BoundsProvider This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the work of the NodePort.getBounds() method to.
NodePort.ContainsTest This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the work of the NodePort.contains(double, double) method to.
NodePort.IntersectionTest This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the work of the NodePort.findIntersection(double, double, double, double, java.awt.geom.Point2D) method to.
NodePort.Painter This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the work of the NodePort.paint(java.awt.Graphics2D) method to.
NodePort.SelectionChangeHandler This interface is used by NodePort to notify interested parties of selection state changes.
NodePort.UnionRectCalculator This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the work of the NodePort.calcUnionRect(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) method to.
NodePort.UserDataHandler This interface is used by NodePort to delegate the copying of any user-defined data to.
NodeStateChangeHandler Interface that allows to adjust a group/folder node state before/after group open/close operation.
OrderRenderer Graph2DRenderer extension that guarantees to render nodes and edges in a specific order.
PortLocationModel Determines the position of NodePort instances.
PortLocationModelParameter Specifies the general contract for a parameter of a PortLocationModel.
SizeConstraintProvider Additional interface for NodeRealizers that want to enforce minimum/maximum sizes.
View Interface for classes that implement a view for a Graph2D.
View2DConstants Constants useful in Graph2DView.
ViewChangeListener An interface for classes that are interested in the event that a ViewContainer changes it's current view.
ViewContainer A ViewContainer is the owner of a set of views.
YLabel.BoundsProvider The interface that is used by a specific label configuration that calculates the union bounds of a label and a given rectangle.
YLabel.Layout The interface that is used by a specific label configuration that calculates the layout size and determines whether a given point is contained in a label's geometry.
YLabel.Painter The interface that is used by a specific label configuration that performs the painting.
YLabel.SelectionChangeHandler This interface is used by YLabel to notify interested parties of selection state changes.
YLabel.UserDataHandler This interface is used during YGF serialization to delegate the copying and serialization/deserialization of any user-defined data to.
YRenderingHints.AntiAliasingHandler Specifies the contract for YRenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING_HANDLER hint values.

Class Summary
AbstractCustomHotSpotPainter Abstract base class that can be used with customizations of GenericNodeRealizer instances.
AbstractCustomLabelPainter Abstract base class for YLabel.Painter implementations.
AbstractCustomNodePainter Abstract base class that can be used with customizations of GenericNodeRealizer instances.
AbstractMouseInputEditor Abstract base class implementation for MouseInputEditor that provides convenient support for the necessary listener implementation.
AbstractSelectionBoxMode An abstract view mode that draws a temporary box in a view.
AbstractSnapContext The common base class of MoveSnapContext and HotSpotSnapContext that stores the context and manages the snapping related data for ViewMode implementations and the like.
ArcEdgeRealizer An edge realizer that displays an edge as an arc.
AreaZoomMode Implements a a ViewMode which allows setting the visible part of a view via a rectangle.
Arrow Defines a class for arrows, which are usually seen at the end of edges.
AutoDragViewMode ViewMode implementation that adds automatic scrolling capabilities to Graph2DView.
AutoRotationSliderEdgeLabelModel Special EdgeLabelModel implementation used specifically for labels that are being rotated automatically according to the path of the edge.
AutoRotationSliderEdgeLabelModel.Handler Provides GraphML (de-)serialization support for AutoRotationSliderEdgeLabelModel and its parameters.
Bend This class represents a control point of a visual edge.
BendList An list for bends
BevelNodePainter This class is an implementation of GenericNodeRealizer.Painter that draws a rounded rectangle with a bevel border and an optional simple drop shadow in a shiny fashion.
BezierEdgeRealizer This realizer draws an edge as a bezier (cubic) spline curve.
BezierPathCalculator Calculates the visible path of an edge as a bezier curve.
BridgeCalculator Calculates and inserts "bridges" (also called "gaps" or "jumps") into PathIterators.
CellEditorMode This ViewMode is designed to use instances of NodeCellEditor to display a visual editor inline in the Graph2DView to edit a node's data.
CompositeDrawable A composite Drawable instance that merges multiple Drawables into one
CreateChildEdgeMode This view mode is responsible for creating children in a tree like fashion.
CreateEdgeMode This view mode is responsible for creating edges.
DefaultBackgroundRenderer Implements a background renderer that displays an image or a solid color as background of a Graph2DView.
DefaultGraph2DFactory This is the default implementation of a graph factory that produces graphs of type Graph2D and default graph objects corresponding to that graph type.
DefaultGraph2DRenderer Default Graph2DRenderer implementation.
DefaultGraph2DTraversal Default Graph2DTraversal that provides the (layer-unrelated) rendering order used in DefaultGraph2DRenderer.
DefaultLabelConfiguration Helper class for use in configuration implementations that can be used in YLabel.Factory.addConfiguration(String, java.util.Map) to serve as a basic implementation.
DefaultOrderRenderer Default OrderRenderer implementation.
DropSupport A support class for Graph2DView that facilitates the drop part of drag and drop operations.
DropSupport.EdgeSplitSupport Handles edge splitting on node drops if edge splitting is enabled.
EdgeLabel This class represents a label associated with an EdgeRealizer.
EdgeRealizer Abstract graphical representation of an edge.
EditMode This view mode is the default edit mode for a Graph2DView.
FramedEdgePainter A GenericEdgeRealizer.Painter implementation that draws (and optionally fills) the outline of an edge.
GeneralPathNodePainter A painter and contains test for GenericNodeRealizer that uses a pre-defined GeneralPath as the shape for nodes.
GenericEdgePainter This class serves as a base class for the GenericEdgeRealizer.Painter interface implementations.
GenericEdgeRealizer This class can be used to easily create customized edge appearances.
GenericEdgeRealizer.Factory This class is used for managing the different configurations for GenericEdgeRealizer instances.
GenericNodeRealizer This class can be used to easily create customized node appearances.
GenericNodeRealizer.Factory This class is used to manage the different configurations for GenericNodeRealizer instances.
Graph2D This class represents a graph with additional 2D support.
Graph2DClipboard Provides clipboard functionality for diagrams of type Graph2D.
Graph2DCopyFactory A graph factory that creates elements of a Graph2D as copies of other elements.
Graph2DCopyFactory.HierarchicGraph2DCopyFactory A copy factory implementation that copies hierarchy information to a newly created Graph2D.
Graph2DCopyFactory.RecursiveGraph2DCopyFactory A decorator for the a GraphCopier.CopyFactory that recursively copies the contents of folder nodes and correctly adjusts the inter-edge state.
Graph2DEvent An event which indicates that a property associated with a Graph2D or associated with one of its elements has changed.
Graph2DLayoutExecutor Convenience class for executing or launching layouts on a graph.
Graph2DNodeRealizer A node realizer that can display a graph as its contents.
Graph2DPrinter This class is responsible for printing the contents of a Graph2DView on one or more pages.
Graph2DPrinter.AbstractFooterDrawable Abstract footer drawable that defines the position of the footer on a page and manages the background color.
Graph2DPrinter.AbstractTextBarDrawable Abstract base drawable for titles and footers.
Graph2DPrinter.AbstractTitleDrawable Abstract title drawable that defines the position of the footer on a page and manages the background color.
Graph2DPrinter.DefaultFooterDrawable Default footer drawable implementation.
Graph2DPrinter.DefaultTitleDrawable Default title drawable implementation.
Graph2DPrinter.PrintContext Class that encapsulates contextual information when printing a page.
Graph2DPrinter.RepeatingFooterDrawable A footer drawable that paints a footer on every page.
Graph2DPrinter.RepeatingTitleDrawable A title drawable that paints a footer on every page.
Graph2DSelectionEvent An event which indicates that the selection state of an edge, an edge label, a bend, a node, a node label, or a node port in a Graph2D has changed.
Graph2DUndoManager This class provides undoability and redoability support for Graph2D changes.
Graph2DView This is a powerful component to view graphs in 2-dimensional space.
Graph2DViewActions This class provides actions for Graph2DView.
Graph2DViewActions.AbstractGroupingAction Abstract base class for grouping related actions.
Graph2DViewActions.AddPredecessorsAction Action that adds a predecessor node to selected nodes.
Graph2DViewActions.AddSuccessorsAction Action that adds a successor node to selected nodes.
Graph2DViewActions.CloseGroupsAction Action that closes multiple group nodes.
Graph2DViewActions.DeleteSelectionAction Action that deletes selected elements of predefined types.
Graph2DViewActions.DuplicateAction Action that allows to duplicate nodes or edges.
Graph2DViewActions.EditLabelAction Action that opens the label editor for interactive text editing.
Graph2DViewActions.FoldSelectionAction Action that moves multiple nodes in a new folder node.
Graph2DViewActions.GroupSelectionAction Action that puts multiple nodes in a new group node.
Graph2DViewActions.OpenFoldersAction Action that closes multiple group nodes.
Graph2DViewActions.SelectAllAction Action that selects elements of predefined types.
Graph2DViewActions.UnfoldSelectionAction Action that removes the selected nodes from their folder.
Graph2DViewActions.UngroupSelectionAction Action that ungroups the selected nodes from their group.
Graph2DViewMouseWheelScrollListener Scrolls a Graph2DView's view port in vertical or horizontal direction in response to mouse wheel events.
Graph2DViewMouseWheelZoomListener Zooms a Graph2DView's view port in response to mouse wheel events.
Graph2DViewRepaintManager This class triggers repaints in a Graph2DView, that affect only the unified bounds of registered graph objects.
GraphicsContext Provides additional context information to implementations during painting and rendering.
GraphTreeModel This class represents a flat tree model for a graph.
HitInfo A class that collects hit information for elements of a Graph2D.
HitInfoFactories This class provides predefined hit info factories.
HitInfoFactories.BackwardCompatibilityHitInfoFactory This hit info factory implements the pre-yFiles for Java 2.8 hit info behavior.
HitInfoFactories.DefaultHitInfoFactory This hit info factory creates hit information which use the reversed paint order of the view.
HotSpotMode Handles hotspot drags.
HotSpotSnapContext The context that is used by HotSpotMode and the like that manages snap lines and the snapping of node bounds during a node resize operation.
HtmlLabelConfiguration Label configuration for displaying HTML formatted label text.
HtmlLabelConfiguration.LabelHyperlinkEvent Used to notify interested parties of label hyper link events.
ImageNodePainter This class is an implementation of GenericNodeRealizer.Painter.
ImageNodeRealizer A node realizer that displays a node as an image.
InteractiveViewMode A ViewMode for interactive input scenarios.
InterfacePort Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
LabelSnapContext The context that is used by MoveLabelMode to manage snapping for labels during a label move operation.
LayoutMorpher This class applies layout information provided by a suitable GraphLayout instance to a given Graph2DView's internal graph in an animated fashion.
LineType The line type of a graphical edge representation.
LocalViewCreator Abstract base class for all local view creator implementations that both defines the contract for such classes as well as provides convenience implementation for laying out and publishing newly created local views.
LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator Abstract base class for local view creator implementations that create local views based upon a subset of either nodes or edges of the model graph.
LocalViewCreator.AncestorGroups Local view creator that creates local views that display all ancestor group nodes of the creator's focus nodes.
LocalViewCreator.CommonParentGroup Local view creator that creates local views that display all nodes that share the same parent group node as at least one of the creator's focus nodes and all edges that connect any two of the displayed nodes.
LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup Local view creator that tries to identify groups of edges according to shared source and/or target nodes or using ids provided that are bound to the model graph.
LocalViewCreator.FolderContents Local view creator that creates local views that display the content of all folder nodes in the creator's collection of focus nodes.
LocalViewCreator.Neighborhood Local view creator that creates local views based upon the neighborhood of its focused nodes.
LocalViewCreator.SourceAndTarget Local view creator that creates local views by simply displaying its collection of focused edges (and their target and source nodes).
MagnifierViewMode View mode that lets you zoom into a view region locally, while preserving the original viewport of the view.
ModelViewManager Utility class that performs automatic synchronization of graph element insertion and removal between a distinguished graph (the model) and one or more satellite graphs (the views).
Mouse2DEvent Event object that closely resembles MouseEvent, but offers double precision coordinates.
MouseInputMode This class is a ViewMode implementation that delegates Mouse2DEvents to MouseInputEditor instances.
MoveLabelMode This view mode allows interactive reassignment of label positions.
MoveLabelMode.MoveLabelEvent An event that indicates that a label has been moved to a new location.
MoveNodePortMode This view mode allows interactive reassignment of node port positions.
MovePortMode A view mode that allows interactive reassignment of edge ports.
MoveSelectionMode This view mode is responsible for moving selected parts of the displayed graph.
MoveSnapContext A class that provides the context for mouse snapping during move operations.
MoveSnapContext.MovingBendInfo Concrete subclass of MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo that describes the movement of a Bend.
MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo The abstract base class of the classes that describe items that will be moved in the context of the move operation that is described by the MoveSnapContext.
MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo Concrete subclass of MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo that describes the movement of a Port.
MoveSnapContext.MovingSegment A helper class that describes a moving segment.
MoveViewPortMode A view mode that allows moving the viewport of the view.
MultiplexingNodeEditor MouseInputEditor that multiplexes between one or more subordinate editors.
MultiplexingNodeEditor.EventReporter Editor that plays recorded MouseEvents back to a parent EditMode instance for further processing.
MutableGeneralPath A flexible mutable version of GeneralPath using doubles.
NavigationComponent This component provides several controls to navigate inside a graph.
NavigationMode A view mode that allows to navigate in a view
NodeCellRendererPainter A GenericNodeRealizer.Painter implementation that uses NodeCellRenderer instances to render the contents of a node.
NodeLabel This class represents a label associated with a NodeRealizer.
NodePort Graphical representation of a port object (a possible connection point for an edge) associated to a node.
NodePort.Factory This class is used to manage the different configurations for NodePort instances.
NodePortLayoutConfigurator Convenience class that adjusts NodePort positions for ports that are connected to edges according to the calculated edge connection points.
NodeRealizer Abstract graphical representation of a node.
NodeRealizerIntersectionCalculator DataProvider implementation that provides for each edge a IntersectionCalculator instance that calculates an intersection point using the corresponding NodeRealizer's NodeRealizer.contains(double, double) and NodeRealizer.findIntersection(double, double, double, double, Point2D) implementations.
NodeScaledPortLocationModel A PortLocationModel for node ports that determine their location dynamically using the node's visual bounds (as represented by the associated NodeRealizer).
NodeScaledPortLocationModel.Handler Provides GraphML (de-)serialization support for NodeScaledPortLocationModel and its parameters.
NodeStateChangeEdgeRouter Implementation of NodeStateChangeHandler that adjusts the relative port offsets of edges to the state before the open/close action.
OrthogonalMoveBendsMode A specialized ViewMode that moves or creates bends in such a way that an edge's path is always orthogonal.
Overview This is a specialized View which acts as Overview.
PolyLineContainsTest This implementation of the GenericEdgeRealizer.ContainsTest interface uses the polyline defined by the control points of an edge for answering queries.
PolyLineEdgeRealizer An edge realizer that displays an edge as a polyline.
PolyLinePathCalculator Calculates the visible path of an edge as a polyline.
PopupMode A view mode that is responsible for showing context sensitive popup menus when a right click occurs on a view element.
Port Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
PortAssignmentMoveSelectionMode ViewMode that can be used to interactively assign PortConstraints to the edges of a graph.
PortConfigurationAdapter An adapter class that allows existing implementations of GenericNodeRealizer.Painter, GenericNodeRealizer.IntersectionTest, and GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest to be reused in NodePort configurations.
PortLabelModel A NodeLabelModel for labels that are associated to node ports.
PortLabelModel.Handler Provides GraphML (de-)serialization support for PortLabelModel and its parameters.
PrintPreviewPanel A generic print preview panel that can be used to preview printing results.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer A ShapeNodeRealizer that can act as a proxy to another internally used realizer.
QuadCurveEdgeRealizer This realizer represents the path of an edge as a sequence of quadratic curves.
RadialBackgroundRenderer Background renderer that paints radial shapes around a specific node.
Scroller This is a class which scrolls a view in direction with a certain speed.
SelectionBoxMode This ViewMode is responsible for letting the user open up a selection box.
SelectionPortPainter A decorator for NodePort.Painter implementation that draws a special "is selected" marker.
Selections This utility class provides static methods, that perform several different actions and create objects that can be used in conjunction with selections on a Graph2D.
Selections.SelectionStateObserver Base class that can be subclassed to receive notification about changes in the selection state of a Graph2D.
ShadowNodePainter A decorating Painter that adds a drop shadow decoration to a delegate Painter instance.
ShapeDrawable A convenience class that makes it easy to specify a Drawable using any Shape instance.
ShapeNodePainter This class represents a painter implementation for GenericNodeRealizer.
ShapeNodeRealizer A node realizer that displays a node as a geometric shape.
ShapePortConfiguration Fallback implementations for NodePort implementation interfaces related to visual representation for the simplest case of a rectangular port shape.
ShinyPlateNodePainter Draws a simple floating shiny plate with a slight gradient, a thin border and an optional simple drop shadow.
SimpleBendHandler A simple default implementation of GenericEdgeRealizer.BendHandler that poses no restrictions on the number of bends in a GenericEdgeRealizer instance.
SimpleUserDataHandler Simple implementation of the GenericNodeRealizer.UserDataHandler, GenericEdgeRealizer.UserDataHandler, and YLabel.UserDataHandler interfaces.
SizeConstraintProvider.Default Default implementation of interface SizeConstraintProvider that can be used by NodeRealizers to provide minimum and maximum sizes to layout algorithms.
SmartEdgeLabelModel An edge label model that allows the placement of labels at arbitrary positions.
SmartNodeLabelModel A node label model that allows free placement of labels and provides smart dynamic behavior.
SmoothBendsPathCalculator A custom PathCalculator implementation that will smooth the bends of the path that is being calculated by the given inner path calculator.
SnapLine Models a snap line that is an line segment in the world coordinate system that is parallel to the x or y axis and to which other items (lines or points) snap to during interactive movements.
SnapResult This is the abstract base class used by AbstractSnapContext and the subclasses to model the result of the mouse being snapped to a certain coordinate.
SplineEdgeRealizer This realizer draws an edge as a natural cubic spline curve.
TooltipMode A ViewMode which shows tooltips for every kind of graph element when moving the mouse over it.
Util This class provides some static convenience methods and temporary scratch variables.
ViewAnimationFactory Provides factory methods for miscellaneous animations.
ViewAnimationFactory.AnimationQuality Enumeration type that governs the quality/performance trade-off of certain animation effects.
ViewAnimationFactory.NodeOrder Enumeration type that governs the chronological order of animation effects for nodes in fade-in and fade-out animations for whole graph structures.
ViewAnimationFactory.StructuralEffect Enumeration type that governs the structural consequences of certain animation effects.
ViewControl This class manages the ViewModes on a collection of views.
ViewCoordDrawableAdapter A Drawable that serves as an adapter for another Drawable that uses the view coordinate space to render itself.
ViewMode This class handles events coming from a Graph2DView.
VisibilityFilter A Filter for graph elements that accepts/reject elements based on their visibility.
YLabel This class encapsulates a multi-line text label.
YLabel.Factory This class is used for managing the different configurations for YLabel instances.
YRenderingHints Provides rendering hint keys whose associated values may be interpreted by NodeRealizer, EdgeRealizer and other objects that are drawn within a Graph2DView.

Package y.view Description

Provides essential classes and interfaces for viewing, animating and editing graphs.

The most prominent class in this package is Graph2DView, a Swing component for viewing graphs in two-dimensional space. It displays a Graph2D object, specifically its nodes and edges, but also graphical elements not part of a graph, so-called "drawables" (cf. interface Drawable).

Class DefaultGraph2DRenderer is the default implementation of interface Graph2DRenderer which is used to render the elements inside the view component.
Further classes in this package provide functionality for

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide chapter on Displaying and Editing Graphs for an extensive discussion of view-related aspects.

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