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Class IncrementalHierarchicLayouter

  extended by y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
      extended by y.layout.hierarchic.IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
extends CanonicMultiStageLayouter

This layout algorithm arranges graphs in a hierarchic fashion.

Layout Style

The nodes are distributed into layers so that most of the edges point to the main layout direction. The order of the nodes within the layers ensures that the number of edge crossings is as small as possible. There are different edge routing styles available. Edges can be orthogonal, polyline, octilinear or curved (see RoutingStyle for details).

Hierarchical diagrams are commonly used for the visualization of hierarchical data, since they facilitate the identification of dependencies and relationships among the nodes of the graph. Possible application domains are the following: workflow visualization, call graph visualization, entity-relationship diagrams, biochemical pathways and network management.

Hierarchic Layout obtained with default settings


The layout algorithm runs in three main phases:

The nodes are distributed into layers by means of getFromScratchLayerer() or getFixedElementsLayerer(), respectively. If the layout orientation is top-to-bottom, the nodes in each layer are arranged horizontally while the layers are ordered vertically top-to-bottom.
The order of the nodes in each layer is determined such that the number of edge crossings is as small as possible. To specify the sequencing algorithm, use setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer) or setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer).
The layout algorithm assigns the final coordinates to all nodes and routes the edges.


This layout algorithm is able to create hierarchic layouts from scratch or add new elements to the existing sketch drawing incrementally. In order to add elements incrementally to the current sketch or let the algorithm optimize certain elements in the current sketch, set the layout mode to LAYOUT_MODE_INCREMENTAL. Then register a DataProvider (e.g. use Maps.createHashedDataMap()) with the graph using the INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY DataProvider key and associate the hints obtained from the IncrementalHintsFactory with the elements to be added incrementally.

NodeLayoutDescriptor and EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances can be used for specifying individual information (e.g. distances or routing styles) for each node and edge in the graph. The descriptors are bound to the graph using DataProviders registered with HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY or HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY. If there is no descriptor assigned to some nodes/edges, a default descriptor will be used. To set default descriptors use setNodeLayoutDescriptor(NodeLayoutDescriptor) and setEdgeLayoutDescriptor(EdgeLayoutDescriptor).

IncrementalHierarchicLayouter supports two approaches to connect edges on a specific side or even an exact location to a node. PortConstraints define a single constraint for the ports of an edge. To realize more complex port restrictions, several PortCandidates or PortCandidateSets can be assigned to edges or nodes. If an edge with registered PortCandidates connects to nodes with PortCandidateSets, the algorithm will try to match both collections to find an appropriate port. In case there is no matching port candidate, a PortCandidate specified for the edge is preferred. For the matching to work properly, the candidates in both collection need to be the same instances. Since their simultaneous existence at the same node may be ambiguous, it is not recommended to use a combination of PortConstraints and PortCandidates in the same layout. Furthermore, PortCandidates with multiple directions (e.g. EAST or WEST) are not supported. To model that an edge should connect at one of several sides, define multiple candidates instead, where each candidate has a single direction.

The edge grouping feature of this layout algorithm is restricted to normal, hierarchic edges. Edges with recursive edge style EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_DIRECTED or EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_UNDIRECTED will not be grouped. They are also not grouped when enabling automatic edge grouping.

The port grouping feature (see PortConstraintKeys.SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys.TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY) allows to specify edges that share the same port location at their source/target. However, unlike as for edge grouping, edges with port groups will be routed independently without sharing segments. Port grouping has similar restrictions as the edge grouping feature. In addition, port grouping is not considered for self-loops.

The IncrementalHierarchicLayouter also supports node types as a subordinate criterion during the sequencing of nodes within their layer. More precisely, the sequencing algorithm prefers to place nodes of the same type next to each other if this does not induce additional crossings or conflicts with other constraints (like node groups, swimlanes, or sequence constraints). The algorithm uses an additional local optimization heuristic to improve the placement with respect to node types and, thus, does not guarantee optimal results. Furthermore, this additional step may increase the required runtime. Note that node types do not affect the layer assignment.

IncrementalHierarchicLayouter allows restricting the maximum duration which may be a suitable option to reduce the runtime required for large graphs. Note that restricting the maximum duration may result in a lower layout quality. Furthermore, the actual runtime may exceed the maximum duration since the layout algorithm still has to find a valid solution.

For edges incident to group nodes, the IncrementalHierarchicLayouter only considers weak PortConstraints.
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Field Summary
static java.lang.Object ALTERNATIVE_EDGE_PATH_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for associating alternative paths for edges connecting to groups, group content or folder nodes.
          A DataProvider key for associating an alternative bounds with the collapsed/expanded group.
static java.lang.Object BUS_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying the bus to which an edge belongs to.
          A component arrangement policy that achieves a 1:1 aspect ratio for the graph.
          A component arrangement policy that aligns the components with their topmost layer.
static java.lang.Object CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for defining the priority of critical edges.
static java.lang.Object EDGE_CROSSING_COST_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying individual crossing costs of the edges.
static java.lang.Object EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying the directedness of edges.
static java.lang.Object EDGE_THICKNESS_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying the thickness of the edges.
static java.lang.Object FOLDER_NODES_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for marking folder nodes.
          A DataProvider key for specifying individual crossing costs for vertical borders of group nodes.
static java.lang.Object INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying incremental hints.
static java.lang.Object LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY
          A DataAcceptor key for publishing the layer IDs for all nodes in the graph.
          A layering strategy based on a breadth first search (BFS).
          A layering strategy which derives the layers from the initial coordinates of the nodes.
          A layering strategy which applies a fast heuristic that improves the layering done by LAYERING_STRATEGY_HIERARCHICAL_TOPMOST by shifting some nodes down.
          A layering strategy which places each node in the optimal layer to minimize the layer distances.
          A layering strategy which applies a heuristic to approximate the optimal layering.
          A layering strategy which places each node in the highest possible layer without passing its predecessor in the topological order of nodes.
          A dummy layering strategy which describes a strategy that is not part of the default strategies.
          A layering strategy which uses a layer assignment specified by the user.
          A layout mode that will recompute the complete layout from scratch.
          A layout mode that allows to keep some nodes fixed and insert the remaining nodes incrementally.
          A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the bottom with respect to their inner layers.
          A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the center with respect to their inner layers.
          A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the top with respect to their inner layers.
static java.lang.Object SEQUENCE_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY
          A DataAcceptor key for publishing the index inside their layer for all nodes in the graph.
static java.lang.Object SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying custom sub-components of the input graph.
          A DataProvider key for specifying a layout algorithm for each sub-component.
static java.lang.Object SWIMLANE_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for defining swimlanes for the nodes.
          A DataProvider key for specifying whether or not the ports of edges incident to a specific group node should be uniformly distributed.
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.Layouter
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new IncrementalHierarchicLayouter instance with the default settings.
Method Summary
 boolean canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
          Accepts general graphs without exceptions.
protected  void configureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph graph, HierarchicLayouter coreLayouter)
          Configures the core layout algorithm with the settings of this IncrementalHierarchicLayouter instance.
protected  EdgeLayoutDescriptor createEdgeLayoutDescriptor()
          Returns a new EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance that will be used during the various phases of the layout algorithm to determine the drawing details of the edges of the graph.
protected  HierarchicLayouter createHierarchicLayouter()
          Returns a new HierarchicLayouter instance.
 IncrementalHintsFactory createIncrementalHintsFactory()
          Returns a IncrementalHintsFactory instance that must be used to obtain hints to be associated with graph elements that should be laid out incrementally.
 LayerConstraintFactory createLayerConstraintFactory(Graph graph)
          Returns a LayerConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying layer constraints for the given graph.
protected  NodeLayoutDescriptor createNodeLayoutDescriptor()
          Returns a new NodeLayoutDescriptor instance that will be used during the various phases of the layout algorithm to determine the drawing details of the nodes of the graph.
 SequenceConstraintFactory createSequenceConstraintFactory(LayoutGraph graph)
          Returns a SequenceConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying sequence constraints for the given graph.
 void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Calculates a hierarchic layout of the given graph.
 void doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
          Delegates the calculation of the hierarchic layout to a configured HierarchicLayouter instance.
 byte getComponentArrangementPolicy()
          Returns the policy that specifies how to arrange connected components.
protected  DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator getDefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator()
          Returns the DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator that is registered with the layout algorithm by default.
 EdgeLayoutDescriptor getEdgeLayoutDescriptor()
          Returns the EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.
 double getEdgeToEdgeDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between two directly consecutive edges that pass through the same layer.
 Layerer getFixedElementsLayerer()
          Returns the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.
 Sequencer getFixedElementsSequencer()
          Returns the Sequencer instance that calculates the sequence of the fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.
 Layerer getFromScratchLayerer()
          Returns the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for the nodes if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.
 byte getFromScratchLayeringStrategy()
          Returns a predefined layering strategy for the from scratch layerer.
 Sequencer getFromScratchSequencer()
          Returns the Sequencer instance that calculates the node sequence if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.
 double getGridSpacing()
          Returns the equidistant spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.
 byte getGroupAlignmentPolicy()
          Returns the group layer alignment strategy used for recursive group layering.
 HierarchicLayouter getHierarchicLayouter()
          Returns the current layout algorithm instance.
 byte getLayoutMode()
          Returns the layout mode this layouter should use for upcoming layouts.
 long getMaximalDuration()
          Returns the time limit (in milliseconds) set for the layout algorithm.
 double getMinimumLayerDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.
protected  int getMirrorMask()
          Returns the mirror mask of the orientation layouter.
 NodeLayoutDescriptor getNodeLayoutDescriptor()
          Returns the NodeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those nodes that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.
 NodePlacer getNodePlacer()
          Returns the NodePlacer instance that will calculate the final node placement of the layout.
 double getNodeToEdgeDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between an edge and an adjacent node in one layer.
 double getNodeToNodeDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent nodes in one layer.
static Edge getOriginalEdge(Edge edge, LayoutDataProvider layoutDataProvider)
          Returns the corresponding original edge instance for a given edge.
 boolean isAutomaticEdgeGroupingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not edges are grouped automatically.
 boolean isBackloopRoutingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not reversed edges should be routed as back-loops.
 boolean isBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled()
          Returns whether or not self-loops should be routed in a similar manner as back-loops.
 boolean isConsiderNodeLabelsEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels when calculating node positions to avoid overlaps.
 boolean isGroupCompactionEnabled()
          Returns whether or not layer compaction for recursive group layering is active.
 boolean isIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for labels and places them.
 boolean isLayerSeparationEnabled()
          Returns whether or not to separate layers.
 boolean isOrthogonallyRouted()
          Returns whether or not edges should be routed orthogonally.
 boolean isRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled()
          Returns whether or not groups are respected during the layering stage.
 boolean isStopAfterLayeringEnabled()
          Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the layering step.
 boolean isStopAfterSequencingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the sequencing step.
 void setAutomaticEdgeGroupingEnabled(boolean automaticEdgeGroupingEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not edges are grouped automatically.
 void setBackloopRoutingEnabled(boolean backLoopRoutingEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not reversed edges should be routed as back-loops.
 void setBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled(boolean backLoopRoutingForSelfLoopsEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not self-loops should be routed in a similar manner as back-loops.
 void setComponentArrangementPolicy(byte policy)
          Specifies the policy that specifies how to arrange connected components.
 void setConsiderNodeLabelsEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels when calculating node positions to avoid overlaps.
 void setEdgeLayoutDescriptor(EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor)
          Specifies the EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.
 void setEdgeToEdgeDistance(double distance)
          Sets the minimum distance between two directly consecutive edges that pass through the same layer.
 void setFixedElementsLayerer(Layerer fixedElementsLayerer)
          Specifies the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.
 void setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer fixedElementsSequencer)
          Specifies the Sequencer instance that calculates the sequence of the fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.
 void setFromScratchLayerer(Layerer layerer)
          Specifies the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for the nodes if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.
 void setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte strategy)
          Specifies a predefined layering strategy for the from scratch layerer.
 void setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer sequencer)
          Specifies the Sequencer instance that calculates the node sequence if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.
 void setGridSpacing(double gridSpacing)
          Specifies the equidistant spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.
 void setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte groupAlignmentPolicy)
          Specifies the group layer alignment strategy used for recursive group layering.
 void setGroupCompactionEnabled(boolean groupCompactionEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not layer compaction for recursive group layering is active.
 void setIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for labels and places them.
 void setLayerSeparationEnabled(boolean layerSeparationEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not to separate layers.
 void setLayoutMode(byte layoutMode)
          Specifies the layout mode this layouter should use for upcoming layouts.
 void setMaximalDuration(long maximalDuration)
          Specifies the time limit (in milliseconds) set for the layout algorithm.
 void setMinimumLayerDistance(double distance)
          Sets the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.
 void setNodeLayoutDescriptor(NodeLayoutDescriptor nodeLayoutDescriptor)
          Specifies the NodeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those nodes that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.
 void setNodePlacer(NodePlacer nodePlacer)
          Specifies the NodePlacer instance that will calculate the final node placement of the layout.
 void setNodeToEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimum distance between an edge and an adjacent node in one layer.
 void setNodeToNodeDistance(double distance)
          Sets the minimum distance between two adjacent nodes in one layer.
 void setOrthogonallyRouted(boolean orthogonal)
          Specifies whether or not edges should be routed orthogonally.
 void setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean recursiveGroupLayeringEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not groups are respected during the layering stage.
 void setStopAfterLayeringEnabled(boolean stopAfterLayering)
          Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the layering step.
 void setStopAfterSequencingEnabled(boolean stopAfterSequencing)
          Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the sequencing step.
protected  void unconfigureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph graph, HierarchicLayouter coreLayouter)
          Disposes of the core layout algorithm.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
appendStage, calcLayout, calcLayout, canLayout, checkGroupNodeSize, checkNodeSize, doLayout, enableOnlyCore, getComponentLayouter, getGroupNodeHider, getLabelLayouter, getLayoutOrientation, getOrientationLayouter, getParallelEdgeLayouter, getSelfLoopLayouter, getSubgraphLayouter, isComponentLayouterEnabled, isGroupNodeHidingEnabled, isLabelLayouterEnabled, isOrientationLayouterEnabled, isParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled, isSelfLoopLayouterEnabled, isSubgraphLayouterEnabled, prependStage, removeStage, setComponentLayouter, setComponentLayouterEnabled, setGroupNodeHider, setGroupNodeHidingEnabled, setLabelLayouter, setLabelLayouterEnabled, setLayoutOrientation, setOrientationLayouter, setOrientationLayouterEnabled, setParallelEdgeLayouter, setParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled, setSelfLoopLayouter, setSelfLoopLayouterEnabled, setSubgraphLayouter, setSubgraphLayouterEnabled
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.Object EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying the directedness of edges.

Generally, the hierarchic layout algorithm assigns nodes to layers such that most of the edges point in the main layout direction. The directedness of an edge specifies whether it should comply with this strategy. More precisely, a value of 1 means that the edge should fully comply, a value of -1 that it should comply inversely (the edge should point against the main layout direction), and a value of 0 means that the direction doesn't matter at all and the endpoints of the edges may be placed at the same layer. If there are conflicting preferences, edges with higher absolute values are more likely to point in the desired direction.

If no DataProvider is registered with this key, the algorithm assumes that all edges have directedness 1.
Considering the edge directedness requires a special layering algorithm. Hence, IncrementalHierarchicLayouter ignores the specified layerer and automatically switches to the ConstraintIncrementalLayerer in such cases.
Sample Graphs:

Layout result when dashed edges are undirected, i.e., have directedness 0

Layout result when all edges are directed, i.e., have directedness 1


public static final java.lang.Object EDGE_CROSSING_COST_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying individual crossing costs of the edges.

The crossing costs of the edges are considered during the crossing minimization phase. The total crossing costs are minimized using a heuristic where the cost of a crossing between two edges is defined as the product of the edges' crossing costs.

If no individual crossing costs are defined, each crossing has a cost of 1. A crossing with an edge that has a cost of zero is cost-free and such a crossing will therefore not be avoided.

Edges that are very important can get larger crossing costs than other edges in order to improve their readability. Consider assigning higher crossing costs to critical edges, as critical edges are not automatically favored during the crossing minimization phase.
The implemented crossing minimization is a heuristic. Therefore, there is no guarantee that crossing a certain edge is actually avoided, even though it has high crossing costs.


public static final java.lang.Object GROUP_BORDER_CROSSING_COST_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying individual crossing costs for vertical borders of group nodes.

Like edge crossing costs, these costs are considered during the crossing minimization phase. The total costs are minimized using a heuristic where the cost of a crossing between a group node border and an edge is defined as the product of the respective group border crossing cost and the edge crossing cost.

If no individual crossing costs are defined, the cost for crossing a group node border is 5. This means that by default, a crossing between an edge and a group node border is more expensive than a crossing between two edges. Also note that a crossing with a group node border that has a cost of zero is cost-free and such a crossing will therefore not be avoided.

In case of a vertical layout orientation (default), these costs only apply to vertical group borders. If the layout orientation is horizontal (e.g. left-to-right), the costs only apply to horizontal group borders.
Avoid using very large cost values. Due to the fact that costs need to be multiplied and summed up, this might lead to overflows and undesired results.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for defining the priority of critical edges.

Critical edges highlight different edge paths that are relevant for a user. The layouter tries to vertically align each node pair that is connected by a critical edge. Conflicts between different critical edges are always resolved in favor of the higher priority.

Critical edges do not automatically affect the result of the crossing minimization phase. If crossings between critical edges should be avoided, one can assign individual crossing costs by using EDGE_CROSSING_COST_DPKEY. Critical edges need to get a larger crossing cost than other, non-critical edges. This is recommended if critical edges should not only highlight a relevant path but also crossings with them should be avoided. Note, however, that the crossing minimization is only a heuristic and there is no guarantee for an optimal solution in all cases.

Critical edges are always connected to the center port. Hence, the edge distribution is no longer uniform.
Sample Graphs:


public static final java.lang.Object EDGE_THICKNESS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying the thickness of the edges.

The specified non-negative thickness is considered when calculating minimum distances so that there are no overlaps between edges and other graph elements. By default, each edge has thickness 0.

The port assignments on grid and on sub-grid ignore the thickness of edges.
Sample Graphs:

Edge thickness 0

Edges with different thickness values


public static final java.lang.Object BUS_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying the bus to which an edge belongs to.

All edges with the same BusDescriptor instance adjacent to a specific node (the root) and having the same direction are arranged in a compact, bus-like way. The edge directedness is also considered here. The direction defines the placement of the bus structure in the following way:

The bus substructures are arranged using a style that yields more compact layout results. Edges to the child nodes, the so-called bus nodes, are routed using a shared segment that connects to the common root node. The bus nodes are arranged using several layers above or below the root node such that the whole substructure has a compact area. By default, each bus layer contains equally many bus nodes, bus nodes of adjacent layers are center-aligned and the shared bus segment is routed in the middle of the nodes. This produces compact, symmetric arrangements of the bus structures.

The arrangement can also be customized for each bus individually, by using the settings offered by BusDescriptor. It allows to configure the number of bus nodes before and after the common bus segment.

There apply some restrictions for bus structures:

The bus-like arrangement is especially suitable for star structures (i.e. a node with a high in- or out-degree) which can otherwise consume a lot of area and make the layout less compact. Ideally, the bus nodes have no other edges aside from the bus edge.
When two parallel edges have the same BusDescriptor, only one edge will be treated as a bus edge.
If layering constraints are specified using LayerConstraintFactory, they are not considered for bus nodes because the bus structure is layered independently.
See Also:
BusDescriptor, BusDescriptor.PLACE_BEFORE_BUS_DPKEY, BusDescriptor.ROOT_OFFSET_DPKEY
Sample Graphs:

A graph with no buses

The same graph with a bus structure consisting of 15 edges (bus edges are highlighted)

The same graph with a bus structure and a different bus segment alignment (bus edges are highlighted)


public static final java.lang.Object INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying incremental hints.

Incremental hints are created using an incremental hints factory.

See Also:
HierarchicLayouter.INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY, IncrementalHintsFactory


public static final java.lang.Object LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY
A DataAcceptor key for publishing the layer IDs for all nodes in the graph.

For each non-group node, the index of the node's layer will be stored in this DataAcceptor after the layout run.

Instead of a DataAcceptor also a DataProvider storing values of type IntValueHolder can be registered. Then the IntValueHolder instance gets filled with the layer information of the corresponding nodes.
If no DataProvider is registered with this key, the layer information of the nodes is dropped.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object SEQUENCE_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY
A DataAcceptor key for publishing the index inside their layer for all nodes in the graph.

For each non-group node, the index (position) of the node within its layer will be stored in this DataAcceptor after the layout run.

Instead of a DataAcceptor also a DataProvider storing values of type IntValueHolder can be registered. Then the IntValueHolder instance gets filled with the sequence information of the corresponding nodes.
If no DataProvider is registered with this key, the sequence information of the nodes is dropped.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object SWIMLANE_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for defining swimlanes for the nodes.

The layout algorithm will arrange nodes in swimlanes according to the registered descriptors.

Layout information about the swimlanes is finally written back to the descriptor instances. Instances can be shared among multiple nodes in the same lane.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object ALTERNATIVE_GROUP_BOUNDS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for associating an alternative bounds with the collapsed/expanded group.

When running in incremental layout mode, the alternative bounds of the collapsed/expanded group will be used during the layering and sequencing phase of the algorithm.

The alternative bounds helps to achieve more stable layout results when collapsing/expanding groups in incremental layout mode. More precisely, the alternative bounds specifies the original size of the expanded/collapsed group (i.e., before expanding/collapsing).
To further improve the results you should also specify alternative edge paths for edges adjacent to such groups. In addition, recursive group layering should be enabled and recursive edge style should be set to EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_DIRECTED. Edges that end at a group itself or a folder node should not have port candidates or port constraints at this end (because this may destroy the recursive directed edge style required to obtain stable results).
The algorithm assumes that there is at most one node with associated alternative bounds.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object ALTERNATIVE_EDGE_PATH_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for associating alternative paths for edges connecting to groups, group content or folder nodes.

When running in incremental layout mode, the alternative edge paths are considered during the routing of fixed (i.e., non-incremental) edges.

The alternative paths should be used in conjunction with alternative group bounds to achieve more stable layout results when collapsing/expanding a group node as follows:

  1. Collapsing: edges adjacent to the group itself and edges where one of the endpoints (source/target) lies inside the group should get the path before collapsing the group as alternative path. If both endpoints are either inside or outside the group, no alternative path is required.
  2. Expanding: edges adjacent to the expanded folder node (which is now a group) should get the path before expanding as alternative path.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object FOLDER_NODES_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for marking folder nodes.

When using recursive edge styles in incremental mode, edges will also start at the bottom and end at the top of marked folder nodes. This will keep the edge routes more stable since the connection sides won't change.


public static final java.lang.Object SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying custom sub-components of the input graph.

A sub-component is arranged by another layout algorithm and its layout is finally embedded into the global hierarchical layout. This feature allows, for example, to highlight special sub-structures by arranging them in a different fashion. The sub-layout algorithm must be specified by a DataProvider registered with the graph with key SUB_COMPONENT_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM_DPKEY. The first found Layouter instance bound to any node of a sub-component is applied as algorithm for that sub-component.

Carefully note that nodes of a sub-component can be connected to nodes of another sub-component as well as to nodes that are not part of any sub-component. Edges that model these connections are so-called inter-edges. For inter-edges there apply some restrictions with respect to the supported features:

Sub-components can be defined on grouped graphs with the following restrictions:

When running in incremental mode, it is still up to the sub-layout algorithm to decide whether to treat a sub-component element as incremental or fixed. If the given layout of the sub-component should be considered, then the from-sketch mode of the used layout algorithm needs to be enabled (if such a mode is supported).

Layering and sequencing constraints are supported for sub-components in the following way: all constraints from the sub-component nodes are transferred to the component itself. Constraints between nodes of the same component are ignored. In the same way, a given layering provided by GivenLayersLayerer is supported for sub-components.

It is possible to define another IncrementalHierarchicLayouter instance as layout algorithm responsible for a sub-component. This way, different hierarchical layout styles can be conveniently combined into one layout (e.g. layouts with different orientations). The best layout results are achieved if a sub-component is connected to other parts only by very few inter-edges.
For the layout of a sub-component, the specified sub-component layout algorithm is fully responsible. Thus, the supported features and layout style are defined solely by that algorithm.
Sub-components may not be nested, that is, a sub-component is not allowed to contain nodes that belong to yet another sub-component. Nesting of sub-components results in an exception.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object SUB_COMPONENT_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying a layout algorithm for each sub-component.

A sub-component is arranged by the layout algorithm defined by this mapping and its layout is finally embedded into the global hierarchical layout. The first non-null instance mapped to any sub-component node is used for the whole sub-component. For more details about this feature and how to define sub-components, please see SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object UNIFORM_PORT_ASSIGNMENT_GROUPS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying whether or not the ports of edges incident to a specific group node should be uniformly distributed.

This setting only affects the two sides of a group node that are in flow and against the flow of the layout orientation. For example, for orientation LayoutOrientation.TOP_TO_BOTTOM only the edges incident to the top and bottom group node side are considered but not the edges at the left and right side.

If no DataProvider is registered with this key, then the ports at group nodes are not explicitly distributed in a uniform way.

The uniform group port assignment considers the edge-to-edge distance such that two ports keep the specified distance to each other. Group nodes may in consequence be enlarged to satisfy that constraints, potentially generating less compact layouts. The distance from the group node border to the first/last port on each group side may be influenced by using group node insets.

Importantly, it is not guaranteed that the group node ports of a specific side can be uniformly distributed. In the following cases ports of a specific side are not uniformly distributed:

  1. There are edges that cross the group node border because they connect to a child node of the group.
  2. There is a self-loop at the group node which has its source and target port at the same group node side.

Forcing group nodes to have uniform ports can have several side-effects and also affect other parts of the layout. In general, results can become less compact and there might be more bends, because bends may be introduced where they would not be necessary when ports are not uniformly distributed.
Enabling uniform group ports for at least one group node may significantly increase the runtime of the algorithm. Also, the uniform distribution may be skipped in case that the maximum duration is restricted and there is no time left.
Sample Graphs:

false for all group nodes

true for all group nodes


public static final byte COMPONENT_ARRANGEMENT_COMPACT
A component arrangement policy that achieves a 1:1 aspect ratio for the graph.

After layering the single components with the core layerer, the components will be merged such that an 1:1 aspect ratio is fulfilled best.

See Also:
setComponentArrangementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Compact component arrangement


public static final byte COMPONENT_ARRANGEMENT_TOPMOST
A component arrangement policy that aligns the components with their topmost layer.

After layering the single components with the core layerer, the components are aligned with their topmost layer.

See Also:
setComponentArrangementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Topmost component arrangement


public static final byte LAYOUT_MODE_INCREMENTAL
A layout mode that allows to keep some nodes fixed and insert the remaining nodes incrementally.

Fixed elements will be handled by the fixed elements sequencer and fixed elements layerer. Incremental elements will be added during the layering or the sequencing phase. They are handled by from scratch layerer and fixed elements layerer respectively.

See Also:
IncrementalHintsFactory.createLayerIncrementallyHint(Object), setLayoutMode(byte), setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer), setFixedElementsLayerer(Layerer), Constant Field Values


public static final byte LAYOUT_MODE_FROM_SCRATCH
A layout mode that will recompute the complete layout from scratch.

All elements will be handled by the same layerer and sequencer.

See Also:
setLayoutMode(byte), setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer), setFromScratchLayerer(Layerer), Constant Field Values


A layering strategy which places each node in the highest possible layer without passing its predecessor in the topological order of nodes.

All nodes with indegree zero will be assigned to the topmost layer of the layout. The number of separate layers will be as small as possible.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Topmost hierarchic layering


A layering strategy which places each node in the optimal layer to minimize the layer distances.

The layer distance of an edge is the absolute difference between the layer numbers of its source and target node. The layer assignment will minimize the overall sum of the layer distances of all edges in the layout.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Optimal hierarchic layering


A layering strategy which applies a heuristic to approximate the optimal layering.

The quality of the result may not be as good as with optimal layering but it is usually achieved faster.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Tight tree layering


A layering strategy which applies a fast heuristic that improves the layering done by LAYERING_STRATEGY_HIERARCHICAL_TOPMOST by shifting some nodes down.

The quality of the result is usually worse than the one produced by LAYERING_STRATEGY_HIERARCHICAL_TIGHT_TREE.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Downshift hierarchic layering


public static final byte LAYERING_STRATEGY_BFS
A layering strategy based on a breadth first search (BFS).

All edges will span at most one layer in the resulting drawing. Edges between nodes that belong to the same layer are possible.

The nodes that will be placed in the first layer can be provided by a data provider bound to the input graph using the key BFSLayerer.CORE_NODES. If this data provider is not given, then nodes that have no incoming edges are placed in the first layer.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

BFS layering


public static final byte LAYERING_STRATEGY_FROM_SKETCH
A layering strategy which derives the layers from the initial coordinates of the nodes.

It tries to find a layering that is similar to the one in the input graph. The layout algorithm may place nodes in the same layer, even though they are connected by an edge.

In a vertically oriented layout, nodes that overlap vertically are placed in the same layer. The same holds for a horizontally oriented layout in the case where the nodes overlap horizontally.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte LAYERING_STRATEGY_USER_DEFINED
A layering strategy which uses a layer assignment specified by the user.

The nodes' layer assignment must be provided by a data provider bound to the input graph using the key GivenLayersLayerer.LAYER_ID_KEY.

This layering strategy allows edges whose source and target share a layer.

See Also:
setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte LAYERING_STRATEGY_UNKNOWN
A dummy layering strategy which describes a strategy that is not part of the default strategies.

See Also:
getFromScratchLayeringStrategy(), Constant Field Values


public static final byte POLICY_ALIGN_GROUPS_TOP
A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the top with respect to their inner layers.

This only applies when recursive group layering is enabled.
See Also:
setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Group alignment top


public static final byte POLICY_ALIGN_GROUPS_CENTER
A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the center with respect to their inner layers.

This only applies when recursive group layering is enabled.
See Also:
setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Group alignment center


public static final byte POLICY_ALIGN_GROUPS_BOTTOM
A group layering alignment strategy which aligns groups and normal nodes that occupy the same layer to the bottom with respect to their inner layers.

This only applies when recursive group layering is enabled.
See Also:
setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Group alignment bottom
Constructor Detail


public IncrementalHierarchicLayouter()
Creates a new IncrementalHierarchicLayouter instance with the default settings.

Method Detail


public byte getGroupAlignmentPolicy()
Returns the group layer alignment strategy used for recursive group layering.

one of the default group alignment policies
See Also:
setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean)


public void setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte groupAlignmentPolicy)
Specifies the group layer alignment strategy used for recursive group layering.

Default Value:
The default value is POLICY_ALIGN_GROUPS_CENTER. Groups and normal nodes are center aligned.
groupAlignmentPolicy - one of the default group alignment policies
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an unknown group alignment policy is given
See Also:
getGroupAlignmentPolicy(), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean)


public boolean isGroupCompactionEnabled()
Returns whether or not layer compaction for recursive group layering is active.

The number of node layers is decreased if possible without reversing edge directions. The resulting layering tries to keep the layer span of a group node low (i.e., the height of a group for layout orientation top-to-bottom). Note that a lower number of layers usually leads to an increased overall width (for layout orientation top-to-bottom).

This feature works best when an instance of TopologicalLayerer is used for layer assignment. If this feature is enabled, an alignment policy that is set with setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte) is ignored.
This property only influences the layer compactness (i.e., vertical compactness for layout orientation top-to-bottom). In order to obtain more compact group nodes with respect to the required width (i.e., horizontal compactness) use property SimplexNodePlacer.setGroupCompactionStrategy(int).
Group compaction only applies when recursive group layering is enabled. During non-recursive layering, groups are ignored completely.
true if group compaction is active, false otherwise
See Also:
setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), setGroupCompactionEnabled(boolean), SimplexNodePlacer.setGroupCompactionStrategy(int)


public void setGroupCompactionEnabled(boolean groupCompactionEnabled)
Specifies whether or not layer compaction for recursive group layering is active.

The number of node layers is decreased if possible without reversing edge directions. The resulting layering tries to keep the layer span of a group node low (i.e., the height of a group for layout orientation top-to-bottom). Note that a lower number of layers usually leads to an increased overall width (for layout orientation top-to-bottom).

This feature works best when an instance of TopologicalLayerer is used for layer assignment. If this feature is enabled, an alignment policy that is set with setGroupAlignmentPolicy(byte) is ignored.
This property only influences the layer compactness (i.e., vertical compactness for layout orientation top-to-bottom). In order to obtain more compact group nodes with respect to the required width (i.e., horizontal compactness) use property SimplexNodePlacer.setGroupCompactionStrategy(int).
Group compaction only applies when recursive group layering is enabled. During non-recursive layering, groups are ignored completely.
Default Value:
The default value is false. The layer compaction is disabled.
groupCompactionEnabled - true if group compaction is active, false otherwise
See Also:
isGroupCompactionEnabled(), setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), SimplexNodePlacer.setGroupCompactionStrategy(int)
Sample Graphs:




public byte getComponentArrangementPolicy()
Returns the policy that specifies how to arrange connected components.

one of the default component arrangement policies
See Also:


public void setComponentArrangementPolicy(byte policy)
Specifies the policy that specifies how to arrange connected components.

Default Value:
The default value is COMPONENT_ARRANGEMENT_TOPMOST. Connected components are aligned with their first layer.
policy - one of the default component arrangement policies
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified policy does not match a default component arrangement policy
See Also:


public long getMaximalDuration()
Returns the time limit (in milliseconds) set for the layout algorithm.

Values have to be greater or equal to 0.

Restricting the maximum duration may result in a lower layout quality. Furthermore, the real runtime may exceed the maximum duration since the layout algorithm still has to find a valid solution.
a non-negative value that specifies the time limit
See Also:


public void setMaximalDuration(long maximalDuration)
Specifies the time limit (in milliseconds) set for the layout algorithm.

Values have to be greater or equal to 0.

Restricting the maximum duration may result in a lower layout quality. Furthermore, the real runtime may exceed the maximum duration since the layout algorithm still has to find a valid solution.
Default Value:
The default value is Long.MAX_VALUE. The layout algorithm runs unrestricted.
maximalDuration - a non-negative value that specifies the time limit
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the maximum duration is negative
See Also:


public boolean isRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled()
Returns whether or not groups are respected during the layering stage.

If this option is enabled, groups are layered recursively, i.e.

If it is disabled, group information is ignored for the layering step.

If the graph is flat, this setting is ignored.

In case group compaction is enabled, groups are layered non-recursively.
true if group information is used, false otherwise
See Also:
setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean), setGroupCompactionEnabled(boolean)


public void setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean recursiveGroupLayeringEnabled)
Specifies whether or not groups are respected during the layering stage.

If this option is enabled, groups are layered recursively, i.e.

If it is disabled, group information is ignored for the layering step.

If the graph is flat, this setting is ignored.

In case group compaction is enabled, groups are layered non-recursively.
Default Value:
The default value is true. Groups are layered recursively.
recursiveGroupLayeringEnabled - true if group information is used, false otherwise
See Also:
isRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(), setGroupCompactionEnabled(boolean)
Sample Graphs:




public double getGridSpacing()
Returns the equidistant spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.

When the spacing is negative or zero, no grid is defined, otherwise nodes and edges are placed on multiples of the grid spacing.

The grid feature doesn't work together with exact (layer/sequence) coordinate hints.
the grid spacing
See Also:
setGridSpacing(double), IncrementalHintsFactory


public void setGridSpacing(double gridSpacing)
Specifies the equidistant spacing between the horizontal and vertical grid lines.

When the spacing is negative or zero, no grid is defined, otherwise nodes and edges are placed on multiples of the grid spacing.

The grid feature doesn't work together with exact (layer/sequence) coordinate hints.
Default Value:
The default value is 0. There is no grid specified.
gridSpacing - the grid spacing
See Also:
getGridSpacing(), IncrementalHintsFactory
Sample Graphs:

No grid

Grid spacing 20


public boolean isBackloopRoutingEnabled()
Returns whether or not reversed edges should be routed as back-loops.

When this option is enabled, back-loops attach to the same node sides as the other edges, i.e., for layout orientation top-to-bottom, they leave their source at the bottom and enter their target at the top.

Port constraints and port candidates are still considered.
This setting is ignored for edges with recursive edge styles EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_DIRECTED and EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_UNDIRECTED, including edges where source or target are not inside a group node.
true if back-loop routing is applied, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setBackloopRoutingEnabled(boolean backLoopRoutingEnabled)
Specifies whether or not reversed edges should be routed as back-loops.

When this option is enabled, back-loops attach to the same node sides as the other edges, i.e., for layout orientation top-to-bottom, they leave their source at the bottom and enter their target at the top.

Port constraints and port candidates are still considered.
This setting is ignored for edges with recursive edge styles EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_DIRECTED and EdgeLayoutDescriptor.RECURSIVE_EDGE_STYLE_UNDIRECTED, including edges where source or target are not inside a group node.
Default Value:
The default value is false. There is no back-loop routing applied to reversed edges.
backLoopRoutingEnabled - true if back-loop routing should be applied, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled()
Returns whether or not self-loops should be routed in a similar manner as back-loops.

Self-loops will start at the bottom of their attached nodes and end at the top of them.

Port constraints and port candidates are still considered.
Back-loop routing for self-loops only applies if back-loop routing is enabled.
true if self-loops should be routed like back-loops, false otherwise
See Also:
setBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled(boolean), isBackloopRoutingEnabled()


public void setBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled(boolean backLoopRoutingForSelfLoopsEnabled)
Specifies whether or not self-loops should be routed in a similar manner as back-loops.

Self-loops will start at the bottom of their attached nodes and end at the top of them.

Port constraints and port candidates are still considered.
Back-loop routing for self-loops only applies if back-loop routing is enabled.
Default Value:
The default value is false. There is no back-loop routing applied to self-loops.
backLoopRoutingForSelfLoopsEnabled - true if self-loops should be routed like back-loops, false otherwise
See Also:
isBackloopRoutingForSelfloopsEnabled(), isBackloopRoutingEnabled()
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isAutomaticEdgeGroupingEnabled()
Returns whether or not edges are grouped automatically.

The automatic edge grouping tries to group a high number of edges without changing the semantic of the graph, i.e., it groups edges either at a common source node or a common target node. Edge groupings often allow more compact layouts since grouped edges are routed in a bus-style manner.

Edges are only grouped at their source (target) node if they do not have port constraints, port candidates or port group ids (see PortConstraintKeys.SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys.TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY) at this node. Furthermore, edges cannot be grouped at a node with specified port candidate set.
User specified edge groups are not considered.
true if the edge grouping should be applied, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setAutomaticEdgeGroupingEnabled(boolean automaticEdgeGroupingEnabled)
Specifies whether or not edges are grouped automatically.

The automatic edge grouping tries to group a high number of edges without changing the semantic of the graph, i.e., it groups edges either at a common source node or a common target node. Edge groupings often allow more compact layouts since grouped edges are routed in a bus-style manner.

Edges are only grouped at their source (target) node if they do not have port constraints, port candidates or port group ids (see PortConstraintKeys.SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys.TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY) at this node. Furthermore, edges cannot be grouped at a node with specified port candidate set.
User specified edge groups are not considered.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Edges are not grouped automatically.
automaticEdgeGroupingEnabled - true if the edge grouping should be applied, false otherwise
See Also:
Sample Graphs:




public void setOrthogonallyRouted(boolean orthogonal)
Specifies whether or not edges should be routed orthogonally.

When orthogonal routing is enabled, all resulting edge paths will be composed of vertical and horizontal segments, only.

This is a convenience method that sets the routing style for the default edge layout descriptor to orthogonal.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Edges are not orthogonally routed.
orthogonal - true if edges are routed orthogonally, false otherwise
See Also:
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isOrthogonallyRouted()
Returns whether or not edges should be routed orthogonally.

When orthogonal routing is enabled, all resulting edge paths will be composed of vertical and horizontal segments, only.

This is a convenience method that sets the routing style for the default edge layout descriptor to orthogonal.
true if edges are routed orthogonally, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for labels and places them.

To define the desired placement for each label add a PreferredPlacementDescriptor on EdgeLabelLayout.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the labeling algorithm is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateEdgeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Integrated edge labeling is disabled.
enabled - true if integrated edge labeling should be enabled, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if integrated labeling should be enabled but the current labeling algorithm is not of type LabelLayoutTranslator
See Also:
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for labels and places them.

To define the desired placement for each label add a PreferredPlacementDescriptor on EdgeLabelLayout.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the labeling algorithm is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateEdgeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
true if integrated edge labeling is enabled, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no properly configured LabelLayoutTranslator is registered even though integrated labeling was enabled earlier (can happen when manually specifying the labeling algorithm).
See Also:


public void setConsiderNodeLabelsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels when calculating node positions to avoid overlaps.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the labeling algorithm is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateNodeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

Enabling this option may overwrite the current labeling algorithm. Hence, to combine this option with a generic edge labeling algorithm, the generic labeling has to be applied in an additional step after calculating the layout.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Node labels are not considered.
enabled - true if the layout algorithm should take the node labels into account, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this property should be enabled but the current labeling algorithm is not of type LabelLayoutTranslator
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isConsiderNodeLabelsEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels when calculating node positions to avoid overlaps.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the labeling algorithm is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateNodeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

Enabling this option may overwrite the current labeling algorithm. Hence, to combine this option with a generic edge labeling algorithm, the generic labeling has to be applied in an additional step after calculating the layout.
true if the layout algorithm takes the node labels into account, false otherwise
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no properly configured LabelLayoutTranslator is registered even though this property was enabled earlier (can happen when manually specifying the labeling algorithm).
See Also:


public void setMinimumLayerDistance(double distance)
Sets the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.

The specified distance should have a non-negative value.

Default Value:
The default value is 20.
distance - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the distance is negative
See Also:
Sample Graphs:

Layer distance 10

Layer distance 100


public double getMinimumLayerDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.

The distance should have a non-negative value.

the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public boolean isStopAfterLayeringEnabled()
Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the layering step.

By then, each node will be assigned to a layer. Since the sequencing and drawing phases are skipped, the order of the nodes within a layer matches the initial order of the nodes, edges won't be routed and the nodes won't get coordinates assigned.

The calculated layering information can be retrieved from the DataProvider registered with the key LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY.

The layout algorithm may be stopped here if only the layer assignment is important and the sequencing or the actual drawing is not needed. For example, an initial layout run may be needed to determine the layering for a second layout run that will work with this information. Then stopping after layering will save runtime.
The bounds of group nodes depend on the locations of their content and the routes of connecting edges. Therefore, they are not yet calculated after the layering phase and will have width and height 1. Similarly, rows and columns of a partition grid do not get proper computed positions and computed height/width values.
true if the layout algorithm should stop after the layering phase, false if the complete layout should be calculated
See Also:
setStopAfterLayeringEnabled(boolean), LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY


public void setStopAfterLayeringEnabled(boolean stopAfterLayering)
Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the layering step.

By then, each node will be assigned to a layer. Since the sequencing and drawing phases are skipped, the order of the nodes within a layer matches the initial order of the nodes, edges won't be routed and the nodes won't get coordinates assigned.

The calculated layering information can be retrieved from the DataProvider registered with the key LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY.

The layout algorithm may be stopped here if only the layer assignment is important and the sequencing or the actual drawing is not needed. For example, an initial layout run may be needed to determine the layering for a second layout run that will work with this information. Then stopping after layering will save runtime.
The bounds of group nodes depend on the locations of their content and the routes of connecting edges. Therefore, they are not yet calculated after the layering phase and will have width and height 1. Similarly, rows and columns of a partition grid do not get proper computed positions and computed height/width values.
Default Value:
The default value is false. The algorithm calculates the complete layout.
stopAfterLayering - true if the layout algorithm should stop after the layering phase, false if the complete layout should be calculated
See Also:


public boolean isStopAfterSequencingEnabled()
Returns whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the sequencing step.

By then, each node will be assigned to a layer and will have a place in the sequence of nodes in this layer. Since the drawing phase is skipped, edges won't be routed and the nodes won't get coordinates assigned.

The calculated layering and sequencing information can be retrieved from the DataProviders registered with the keys LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY and SEQUENCE_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY.

The layout algorithm may be stopped here if only the location within the layers is important and the actual drawing is not needed. For example, an initial layout run may be needed to determine the layering and the sequencing for a second layout run that will work with this information. Then stopping after sequencing will save runtime.
The bounds of group nodes depend on the locations of their content and the routes of connecting edges. Therefore, they are not yet calculated after the layering phase and will have width and height 1. Similarly, rows and columns of a partition grid do not get proper computed positions and computed height/width values.
true if the layout algorithm should stop after the sequencing phase, false if the complete layout should be calculated
See Also:


public void setStopAfterSequencingEnabled(boolean stopAfterSequencing)
Specifies whether or not to stop the layout algorithm after the sequencing step.

By then, each node will be assigned to a layer and will have a place in the sequence of nodes in this layer. Since the drawing phase is skipped, edges won't be routed and the nodes won't get coordinates assigned.

The calculated layering and sequencing information can be retrieved from the DataProviders registered with the keys LAYER_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY and SEQUENCE_VALUE_HOLDER_DPKEY.

The layout algorithm may be stopped here if only the location within the layers is important and the actual drawing is not needed. For example, an initial layout run may be needed to determine the layering and the sequencing for a second layout run that will work with this information. Then stopping after sequencing will save runtime.
The bounds of group nodes depend on the locations of their content and the routes of connecting edges. Therefore, they are not yet calculated after the layering phase and will have width and height 1. Similarly, rows and columns of a partition grid do not get proper computed positions and computed height/width values.
Default Value:
The default value is false. The algorithm calculates the complete layout.
stopAfterSequencing - true if the layout algorithm should stop after the sequencing phase, false if the complete layout should be calculated
See Also:


public void setNodeToNodeDistance(double distance)
Sets the minimum distance between two adjacent nodes in one layer.

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If nodes should use different distances, you can map them to different NodeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
Default Value:
The default value is 30.
distance - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the distance is negative
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current DrawingDistanceCalculator is not an instance of DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator
See Also:
Sample Graphs:

Node distance 10

Node distance 100


public double getNodeToNodeDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent nodes in one layer.

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If nodes should use different distances, you can map them to different NodeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public void setNodeToEdgeDistance(double d)
Sets the minimum distance between an edge and an adjacent node in one layer.

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If nodes/edges should use different distances, you can map them to different NodeLayoutDescriptor /EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY and HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
Default Value:
The default value is 15.
d - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the distance is negative
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current DrawingDistanceCalculator is not an instance of DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator
See Also:
Sample Graphs:

Node-edge distance 10

Node-edge distance 100


public double getNodeToEdgeDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between an edge and an adjacent node in one layer.

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If nodes/edges should use different distances, you can map them to different NodeLayoutDescriptor /EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY and HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public void setEdgeToEdgeDistance(double distance)
Sets the minimum distance between two directly consecutive edges that pass through the same layer. More precisely, the specified value is the minimum distance between the two vertical segments of these edges that traverse the layer. The algorithm does not consider this value if the layer contains other elements lying between the two edges (e.g., nodes or group node borders).

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If edges should use different distances, you can map them to different EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
Default Value:
The default value is 20.
distance - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the distance is negative
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current DrawingDistanceCalculator is not an instance of DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator
See Also:
Sample Graphs:

Edge distance 10

Edge distance 100


public double getEdgeToEdgeDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between two directly consecutive edges that pass through the same layer. More precisely, the specified value is the minimum distance between the two vertical segments of these edges that traverse the layer. The algorithm does not consider this value if the layer contains other elements lying between the two edges (e.g., nodes or group node borders).

All values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

If edges should use different distances, you can map them to different EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances (see HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY) with custom minimum distance values.
the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public void setLayerSeparationEnabled(boolean layerSeparationEnabled)
Specifies whether or not to separate layers.

In case layers are not separated, nodes of a layer may extend into adjacent layers. Otherwise, nodes of different layers are strictly separated, i.e., layers are placed below each other.

The alignment of nodes within their layer is not affected by this property.
Default Value:
The default value is true. Layers are separated.
layerSeparationEnabled - true if layers should be separated, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isLayerSeparationEnabled()
Returns whether or not to separate layers.

In case layers are not separated, nodes of a layer may extend into adjacent layers. Otherwise, nodes of different layers are strictly separated, i.e., layers are placed below each other.

The alignment of nodes within their layer is not affected by this property.
true if layers are separated, false otherwise
See Also:


protected DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator getDefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator()
Returns the DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator that is registered with the layout algorithm by default.

the current DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator instance
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the current instance returned by HierarchicLayouter.getDrawingDistanceCalculator() is not an instance of DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculator


protected HierarchicLayouter createHierarchicLayouter()
Returns a new HierarchicLayouter instance.

This method may be overridden to create a new HierarchicLayouter object with different configuration settings.

This factory method provides the initial HierarchicLayouter instance.

a new HierarchicLayouter instance


public HierarchicLayouter getHierarchicLayouter()
Returns the current layout algorithm instance.

By default, this method will return a HierarchicLayouter instance created with createHierarchicLayouter().

the HierarchicLayouter instance
See Also:


public void setFromScratchLayeringStrategy(byte strategy)
Specifies a predefined layering strategy for the from scratch layerer.

The layouter assigns the nodes to separate layers. The nodes within each layer will be placed on the same horizontal layer. The layers will be arranged vertically starting with the small-numbered layers.

An important layering strategy for the hierarchic layout style is called Hierarchical Layering. A hierarchical layering tries to assign nodes to layers in a way such that as much edges of the graph as possible will point to the main layout direction, i.e., the start nodes of the edges will be in a layer with a smaller number than the corresponding end nodes. Also, a hierarchical layering will never put two connected nodes in the same layer.

This method wraps the internal implementations into a MultiComponentLayerer instance so that it is possible to specify the behavior of the algorithm if the component layouter is disabled.

Default Value:
strategy - one of the predefined layering strategies
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an unknown strategy is given
See Also:


public byte getFromScratchLayeringStrategy()
Returns a predefined layering strategy for the from scratch layerer.

The layouter assigns the nodes to separate layers. The nodes within each layer will be placed on the same horizontal layer. The layers will be arranged vertically starting with the small-numbered layers.

An important layering strategy for the hierarchic layout style is called Hierarchical Layering. A hierarchical layering tries to assign nodes to layers in a way such that as much edges of the graph as possible will point to the main layout direction, i.e., the start nodes of the edges will be in a layer with a smaller number than the corresponding end nodes. Also, a hierarchical layering will never put two connected nodes in the same layer.

This method wraps the internal implementations into a MultiComponentLayerer instance so that it is possible to specify the behavior of the algorithm if the component layouter is disabled.

one of the predefined layering strategies
See Also:


public static Edge getOriginalEdge(Edge edge,
                                   LayoutDataProvider layoutDataProvider)
Returns the corresponding original edge instance for a given edge.

This convenience method allows to retrieve the original edge - which is part of the input graph - when customizing the hierarchic layout algorithm and dealing with potentially artificial dummy edges which are inserted during the hierarchical layout procedure.

If the given edge is already an original edge, it will immediately be returned.
edge - the edge for which the original input edge is retrieved
layoutDataProvider - the layout data provider holding layout information of the hierarchical layout
the original input edge corresponding to the given edge


public boolean canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
Accepts general graphs without exceptions.

Specified by:
canLayoutCore in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
graph - the input graph
true for all input graphs


public void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Calculates a hierarchic layout of the given graph.

Specified by:
doLayout in interface Layouter
doLayout in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
The given graph will not be copied during the layout process and the layout will be immediately applied to the given graph.
graph - the input graph
See Also:
CanonicMultiStageLayouter.appendStage(LayoutStage), CanonicMultiStageLayouter.prependStage(LayoutStage), CanonicMultiStageLayouter.doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph)


public void doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
Delegates the calculation of the hierarchic layout to a configured HierarchicLayouter instance.

IncrementalHierarchicLayouter applies its own configuration to HierarchicLayouter and also prepares the graph for layout.

Specified by:
doLayoutCore in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
The given graph will not be copied during the layout process and the layout will be immediately applied to the given graph.
graph - the input graph


protected int getMirrorMask()
Returns the mirror mask of the orientation layouter.

It may be overridden in order to configure a different mirror mask.

the mirror mask


protected void configureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                   HierarchicLayouter coreLayouter)
Configures the core layout algorithm with the settings of this IncrementalHierarchicLayouter instance.

This method is called by doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) before the actual layout is calculated. It may be overridden in order to manually reconfigure the core layout algorithm.

This implementation will temporarily set a PCListOptimizer if a DataProvider is registered with PortCandidateSet.NODE_DP_KEY and no HierarchicLayouter.getPortConstraintOptimizer() is assigned.

Everything that is added to the graph or the core layout algorithm needs to be removed in unconfigureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph, HierarchicLayouter).
graph - the input graph
coreLayouter - the given core layout algorithm instance


protected void unconfigureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                     HierarchicLayouter coreLayouter)
Disposes of the core layout algorithm.

This method is called by doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph) after the actual layout is calculated. It may be overridden in order to revert a custom configuration made in configureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph, HierarchicLayouter).

This implementation will remove the PCListOptimizer that was created in case a DataProvider is registered with PortCandidateSet.NODE_DP_KEY and no HierarchicLayouter.getPortConstraintOptimizer() was initially assigned.

Everything that was added to the graph or the core layout algorithm in configureCoreLayout(LayoutGraph, HierarchicLayouter) needs to be removed here.
graph - the input graph
coreLayouter - the given core layout algorithm instance


public IncrementalHintsFactory createIncrementalHintsFactory()
Returns a IncrementalHintsFactory instance that must be used to obtain hints to be associated with graph elements that should be laid out incrementally.

Use this factory and a DataProvider that is registered to the graph using the INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY key to associate appropriate hints with the graph elements that should be laid out incrementally by the algorithm.

a new IncrementalHintsFactory instance
See Also:
HierarchicLayouter.createIncrementalHintsFactory(), INCREMENTAL_HINTS_DPKEY, Graph.addDataProvider(Object,DataProvider), setLayoutMode(byte), LAYOUT_MODE_INCREMENTAL


public SequenceConstraintFactory createSequenceConstraintFactory(LayoutGraph graph)
Returns a SequenceConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying sequence constraints for the given graph.

For these sequence constraints to have any effect, the Sequencer that determines the in-layer node order (sequence) has to support constraints. Both, DefaultLayerSequencer and the incremental sequencer used internally support sequence constraints.

You can create a SequenceConstraintFactory without binding it to a graph instance initially by passing a null parameter. In that case, you must bind the returned instance to the graph instance before calculating a layout:

   IncrementalHierarchicLayouter ihl = ...;
   SequenceConstraintFactory cf = ihl.createSequenceConstraintFactory(null);
   Graph g = ...;
   //Calculate layout

SequenceConstraintFactory instances have to be disposed of after use. Disposing of the factory will also remove all constraints previously specified for the factory's associated graph. Creating sequence constraints with a disposed of factory will throw an IllegalStateException.
graph - the input graph
a SequenceConstraintFactory instance
See Also:
setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer), setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer)
Sample Graphs:

A graph laid out with IncrementalHierarchicLayouter with default settings. The labels indicate the desired placement of certain nodes relative to a reference node.

After defining appropriate sequence constraints and running the layout again, the labeled nodes now have their intended placement.


public LayerConstraintFactory createLayerConstraintFactory(Graph graph)
Returns a LayerConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying layer constraints for the given graph.

The instance is usually bound to Graph instance graph, i.e., if the input graph for the layerer changes, a new instance must be retrieved. This instance can be used for creating constraints for this graph instance.

You can create an instance without binding it to a graph instance initially by passing a null parameter. In that case, you must bind the returned instance to the graph, see LayerConstraintFactory.LAYER_CONSTRAINTS_MEMENTO_DPKEY and LayerConstraintFactory.getMemento().

LayerConstraintFactory instances have to be disposed after use. Disposing the factory will also remove all constraints previously specified for the factory's associated graph. Creating layering constraints with a disposed factory will throw an IllegalStateException.
graph - the input graph
a new LayerConstraintFactory instance
Sample Graphs:

A graph laid out with IncrementalHierarchicLayouter with default settings. The labels indicate the desired placement of certain nodes relative to a reference node.

After defining appropriate layer constraints and running the layout again, the labeled nodes now have their intended placement.


public Layerer getFromScratchLayerer()
Returns the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for the nodes if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.

If the graph consists of multiple components, then the Layerer instance should be wrapped in MultiComponentLayerer.

the Layerer instance
See Also:
setFromScratchLayerer(Layerer), setLayoutMode(byte)


public void setFromScratchLayerer(Layerer layerer)
Specifies the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for the nodes if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.

If the graph consists of multiple components, then the Layerer instance should be wrapped in MultiComponentLayerer.

Default Value:
The default value is WeightedLayerer
layerer - the Layerer instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the Layerer is null
See Also:


public Sequencer getFromScratchSequencer()
Returns the Sequencer instance that calculates the node sequence if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.

the Sequencer instance
See Also:
getFromScratchLayerer(), setLayoutMode(byte), setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer)


public void setFromScratchSequencer(Sequencer sequencer)
Specifies the Sequencer instance that calculates the node sequence if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.

Default Value:
The default value is DefaultLayerSequencer
sequencer - the Sequencer instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the Sequencer is null
See Also:
setFromScratchLayerer(Layerer), setLayoutMode(byte)


public NodePlacer getNodePlacer()
Returns the NodePlacer instance that will calculate the final node placement of the layout.

the NodePlacer instance
See Also:


public void setNodePlacer(NodePlacer nodePlacer)
Specifies the NodePlacer instance that will calculate the final node placement of the layout.

Default Value:
The default value is SimplexNodePlacer
nodePlacer - the NodePlacer instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the NodePlacer is null
See Also:


public Layerer getFixedElementsLayerer()
Returns the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.

the Layerer instance used for fixed nodes
See Also:
setFixedElementsLayerer(Layerer), setLayoutMode(byte)


public void setFixedElementsLayerer(Layerer fixedElementsLayerer)
Specifies the Layerer instance that obtains the layering for fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.

Default Value:
The default value is AsIsLayerer
fixedElementsLayerer - the Layerer instance used for fixed nodes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the Layerer is null
See Also:


public Sequencer getFixedElementsSequencer()
Returns the Sequencer instance that calculates the sequence of the fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.

the Sequencer instance used for fixed elements
See Also:
setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer), setLayoutMode(byte)


public void setFixedElementsSequencer(Sequencer fixedElementsSequencer)
Specifies the Sequencer instance that calculates the sequence of the fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.

Default Value:
The default value is AsIsSequencer
fixedElementsSequencer - the Sequencer instance used for fixed elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given Sequencer is null
See Also:


public byte getLayoutMode()
Returns the layout mode this layouter should use for upcoming layouts.

Depending on the mode the layout algorithm will use different Layerer and Sequencer implementations.

the new layout mode
See Also:
setLayoutMode(byte), getFromScratchLayerer(), getFromScratchSequencer(), getFixedElementsLayerer(), getFixedElementsSequencer()


public void setLayoutMode(byte layoutMode)
Specifies the layout mode this layouter should use for upcoming layouts.

Depending on the mode the layout algorithm will use different Layerer and Sequencer implementations.

Default Value:
The default value is LAYOUT_MODE_FROM_SCRATCH
layoutMode - the new layout mode
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given layout mode is unknown
See Also:
getLayoutMode(), getFromScratchLayerer(), getFromScratchSequencer(), getFixedElementsLayerer(), getFixedElementsSequencer()


protected EdgeLayoutDescriptor createEdgeLayoutDescriptor()
Returns a new EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance that will be used during the various phases of the layout algorithm to determine the drawing details of the edges of the graph.

This method may be overridden to create a new EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance with different configuration settings.

a new EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance


public EdgeLayoutDescriptor getEdgeLayoutDescriptor()
Returns the EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.

By default, this method will return a EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance created with createEdgeLayoutDescriptor().

the current EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance
See Also:
setEdgeLayoutDescriptor(EdgeLayoutDescriptor), HierarchicLayouter.EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY


public void setEdgeLayoutDescriptor(EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor)
Specifies the EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.

Default Value:
The default value is EdgeLayoutDescriptor
edgeLayoutDescriptor - the current EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the EdgeLayoutDescriptor is null
See Also:


protected NodeLayoutDescriptor createNodeLayoutDescriptor()
Returns a new NodeLayoutDescriptor instance that will be used during the various phases of the layout algorithm to determine the drawing details of the nodes of the graph.

This method may be overridden to create a new NodeLayoutDescriptor instance with different configuration settings.

a new NodeLayoutDescriptor instance


public NodeLayoutDescriptor getNodeLayoutDescriptor()
Returns the NodeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those nodes that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.

By default, this method will return a NodeLayoutDescriptor instance created with createNodeLayoutDescriptor().

the current NodeLayoutDescriptor instance
See Also:
setNodeLayoutDescriptor(NodeLayoutDescriptor), HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY, createNodeLayoutDescriptor()


public void setNodeLayoutDescriptor(NodeLayoutDescriptor nodeLayoutDescriptor)
Specifies the NodeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those nodes that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.

Default Value:
The default value is NodeLayoutDescriptor
nodeLayoutDescriptor - the current NodeLayoutDescriptor instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given NodeLayoutDescriptor is null
See Also:
HierarchicLayouter.NODE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY, createNodeLayoutDescriptor()

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