Chapter 8. yFiles FLEX .NET Server API

Table of Contents

yFiles FLEX .NET Server API Namespaces
Class GraphRoundtripSupport
Reading a Graph with GraphRoundtripSupport
Sending a Graph with GraphRoundtripSupport
Folding support
Handling IDs with GraphRoundtripSupport
Adding Custom Attributes
Customizing (De)Serialization
Sending Error Messages
XML Styles
Reflection Based Serialization
HTTP Handlers
Class LoadGraphHandler
Class SaveGraphHandler
Class DownloadHandler
Class UploadHandler
Class ExportHandler

The yFiles FLEX distribution contains a small .NET server library that facilitates communication with the yFiles FLEX client and provides classes for easily deserializing, modifying, and serializing graph instances displayed in a yFiles FLEX application.

Note that this documentation only covers the API of the yFiles FLEX .NET server library. The server library in return heavily uses the API of the yFiles.NET Complete distribution. The API documentation and a Developer's Guide for the yFiles.NET library can be found in the installation directory of the yFiles.NET distribution.

yFiles FLEX .NET Server API Namespaces

All classes contained in the yFiles FLEX .NET Server API belong to the com.yworks.yfiles.graph.web namespace. Additional .NET server classes can be found in the source code examples from the .NET Web Site contained in the yFiles FLEX distribution.