
Contains support classes used by the yFiles FLEX Servlets.


Interface Summary
IEnum Tagging interface for enum classes that should be serialized automatically using the ReflectionBasedSerializer In order to support automatic deserialization, a static method IEnum valueOf(String s) has to be provided by the enum implementation.
IRoundtripMapper This interface adds information to the DataMap interface that are used for serializing the map's content.
ISharedInstanceProvider Classes implementing this interface can be used to define objects which shall be shared in a roundtrip using the GraphRoundtripSupport
RoundtripSupport Interface for roundtrip support classes.
ServletRoundtripSupport Interface for roundtrip support classes.

Class Summary
AbstractGraphRoundtripSupport Common base class for the server-side roundtrip support classes.
Base64InputStream Input stream for reading base64-encoded data.
DefaultSharedInstanceProvider A default implementation of the ISharedInstanceProvider
DotnetHierarchyGraphElementFactory Dotnet-compatible graph element factory that can handle grouping.
EmptyLookup An empty lookup always returning null.
FlexGraphicsSerializationToolkit Utility class for static methods that had previously been provided by GraphicsSerializationToolkit
Graph2DRoundtripSupport A RoundtripSupport for use with the y.view package.
Graph2DRoundtripSupportBase A RoundtripSupport for use with the y.view package.
GraphDecoder Utility class that extracts an input stream from a HTTP request, performing some decoding if necessary.
GraphMLLayoutGraphIOHandler IOHandler for (de)serializing graphs from/to GraphML format.
GraphMLVersion Attribute values for the GraphML version attribute that specifies the version of the yWorks GraphML extension.
GraphRoundtripSupport Utility class that helps during Graph roundtrips to the client.
GraphRoundtripSupportBase Utility class that helps during Graph roundtrips to the client.
GraphRoundtripSupportBase.RoundtripGraphMLLayoutGraphIOHandler A special GraphML I/O handler implementation that adds support for roundtrips with a yFiles FLEX client.
LabelCompatInputHandler Input Handler that tries to create the corresponding yFiles Java label models for all labels in a <Labels> element.
LabelCompatOutputHandler An output handler that tries to commit the label model parameters for all labels in the graph that is being written to the xml fragments that were parsed when the graph was read.
NodeHierarchy Provides static utility functions to query and modify the the node hierarchy of a grouped LayoutGraph.
NodeInsetsInputHandler Input handler that parses node insets for group nodes and stores the insets in the GroupingKeys.GROUP_NODE_INSETS_DPKEY data provider.
WrappingRoundtripMapper Default implementation of IRoundtripMapper that wraps an existing DataMap.
XmlSupport Support classes for handling xml elements.

Package Description

Contains support classes used by the yFiles FLEX Servlets.

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