
Contains classes and interfaces that serve as data objects for the client class the define the visual properties of graph items.


Interface Summary
IArrow Interface for yFiles client arrow data objects.
IEdgeStyle Interface for the yFiles FLEX client edge style data objects.
IIcon Interface for yFiles FLEX client icon data objects
IIconLabelStyleDecorator A yFiles FLEX label style data object that decorates an existing arbitrary label style with an icon.
ILabelCandidateDescriptor Interface that describes the properties of a candidate ILabelModelParameter.
ILabelCandidateDescriptorProvider An interface that can be used to retrieve ILabelCandidateDescriptor instances for a given combination of Labels and ILabelModelParameter candidates.
ILabelModel Tagging interface for yFiles client label model data objects.
ILabelModelParameter Common interface for parameters of ILabelModel data objects.
ILabelStyle Tagging interface for yFiles FLEX client label style data objects.
INodeHierarchy Provides utility functions to query and modify the the node hierarchy of a grouped LayoutGraph.
INodeStyle Tagging interface for yFiles FLEX client node style data object.
IPortLocationModel Interface for data objects that model yFiles FLEX port location models.
IPortLocationModelParameter Common interface for parameters that are created by IPortModel instances.
IPortStyle Tagging interface for data objects that model yFiles FLEX port styles.
ITableProvider Interface for INodeStyles which support Tables.
IUserTagProvider Tagging interface for the user tag provider used by a TemplateStyle.

Class Summary
AbstractEdgeStyle Abstract base class for yFiles FLEX IEdgeStyle data objects.
Arrow A yFiles FLEX arrow data object.
BevelNodeStyle yFiles FLEX client BevelNodeStyle data object.
BitmapNodeStyle yFiles Flex client bitmap node style data object.
Column Represents a column of a Table.
ComponentNodeStyle yFiles Flex client component node style data object.
CompositeEdgeLabelModel An EdgeLabelModel that is composed of other edge label models.
CompositeLabelModel A yFiles FLEX client composite edge label model data object
CompositeLabelModel.CompositeModelParameter class CompositeModelParameter
CompositeNodeLabelModel An NodeLabelModel that is composed of other node label models.
ConstantLabelCandidateDescriptorProvider An implementation of the ILabelCandidateDescriptorProvider interface that always yields a constant ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
DefaultNodeHierarchy A default implementation of INodeHierarchy using the utility functions offered by NodeHierarchy.
DelegatingStyle Abstract base class for containers which model styles which inherit from DelegatingStyle at the client.
DescriptorWrapperEdgeLabelModel An EdgeLabelModel that wraps an existing edge label model and decorates it with an ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
DescriptorWrapperLabelModel A label model that wraps an existing label model and decorates it with an ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
DescriptorWrapperLabelModel.DescriptorWrapperLabelModelParameter The label model parameter used by DescriptorWrapperLabelModel.
DescriptorWrapperNodeLabelModel A NodeLabelModel that wraps an existing node label model and decorates it with an ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
ExteriorLabelModel yFiles FLEX client label model data object that places the label outside of the node's bounds.
ExteriorLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the exterior label model.
FreeEdgeLabelModel yFiles FLEX client free edge label model data object.
FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the free edge label model.
FreeNodeLabelModel yFiles FLEX client free node label model data object
FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeCenterAnchoredParameter Model parameter for the free node label model that allow to specify the label position relative to the node's layout.
FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeLayoutAnchoredParameter Model parameter for the free node label model that allow to specify the label position relative to the node's layout.
FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeRatioAnchoredParameter Model parameter for the free node label model that anchors the label to the node at a given position.
GeneralPathNodeStyle yFiles FLEX client general path node style data object.
GenericLabelModel Data object for an ILabelModel that can be used to create custom label models out of existing ILabelModelParameter instances.
GenericLabelModel.GenericLabelModelParameterPair This class is used to serialize a GenericLabelModel's parameter together with an ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
IconLabelStyle Data object for the yFiles FLEX client IconLabelStyle.
ImageIcon An IIcon implementation for images specified as a class name of the client application or as an URL.
ImageNodeStyle yFiles FLEX client image node style data object.
InteriorLabelModel yFiles FLEX client label model data object that places the label at discrete locations inside the node's bounds.
InteriorLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the interior label model
InteriorStretchLabelModel A label model data object for node labels that lie inside of the node's bounds and have been stretched to fit the node's size.
InteriorStretchLabelModel.ModelParameter Parameter for the interior stretch label model that defines the position of the label using one of the position constants defined in class InteriorStretchLabelModel.
Label A yFiles FLEX client label data object.
LabelCandidateDescriptor A simple mutable default implementation of the ILabelCandidateDescriptor interface.
NodeScaledPortLocationModel Data object that models a yFiles FLEX IPortLocationModel that dynamically determines the port location based on the node's layout.
NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter A yFiles FLEX client label style data object that uses a node style instance to render the background and a label style instance to render the foreground of a label.
PanelNodeStyle A yFiles FLEX client panel node style data object.
PolylineEdgeStyle An edge style data object that draws edges consisting of multiple lines using a chosen IStroke.
RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel A yFiles FLEX client rotated side slider edge label model data object
RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the rotated side slider edge label model.
RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel A yFiles FLEX client rotated slider edge label model data object
RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the rotated slider edge label model.
RotatingEdgeLabelModel Data object for the yFiles FLEX client's rotating edge label model
Row Represents a row of a Table.
ShapeNodeStyle A yFiles FLEX client shape node style data object
SimpleLabelStyle The default label style data object, which allows to specify the visual properties of a label.
SimplePortStyle The default port style data object, which allows to specify the visual properties of a port.
SliderEdgeLabelModel A yFiles FLEX client slider edge label model data object
SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter Model parameter for the slider edge label model.
SliderParameterLocation Flaggable enumeration that is used for the serialization of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel to indicate the position;
StretchStripeLabelModelParameter A label model parameter for Columns and Rows.
Stripe Abstract base class for a Table's Column or Row.
StripeLabelModelParameter A label model parameter for Columns and Rows.
StyledLayoutGraph This class extends the DefaultLayoutGraph by adding convenient methods to configure styles and labels for nodes, edges and ports and to access and set their user tags.
Table Defines a table structure.
Table.StripeDefaults The default settings for a newly created Column or Row.
TagOwnerUserTagProvider Empty user tag provider implementation that allows to share a user tag provider between multiple TemplateStyles.
TemplateLabelStyle Label Style which uses a template class to define the visual appearance of the label.
TemplateNodeStyle Node Style which uses a template class to define the visual appearance of the node.
TemplateStyle Base class for all yFiles FLEX styles that use a template class to define the visual appearance of the items.
TextLayoutFormat A data object for the client side flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat.

Package Description

Contains classes and interfaces that serve as data objects for the client class the define the visual properties of graph items.

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