Interfacepublic interface NodeData

Multi-purpose node descriptor for each node in the graph during the hierarchic layout used internally by the algorithm implementations. Instances of this interface can be obtained during the layout from instances of the com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.LayoutDataProvider interface. NodeData typically carries a node's type and depending on the type an optional associated Edge (associatedEdge) and associated Node (associatedNode) . Optionally they may carry a geometric description of the Node's borders and descriptors for various aspects of the layout.

See also

associated Edge
associated Node

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  firstSameLayerEdgeCell : ListCell
[read-only] Returns the first same layer edge ListCell of all same layer edges.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates, stores, and returns a BorderLine for the given side or returns the currently set BorderLine if it already exists.
Returns a borderline for the given side which is treated as if the node's position was at (0,0).
Returns the number of same layer edges that are associated with this node
Property Detail
firstSameLayerEdgeCell:ListCell  [read-only]

Returns the first same layer edge ListCell of all same layer edges.

    public function get firstSameLayerEdgeCell():ListCell

See also

Method Detail
public function createBorderLine(side:int, nl:NodeLayout):BorderLine

Creates, stores, and returns a BorderLine for the given side or returns the currently set BorderLine if it already exists. Not every type of node supports this operation. com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.NodeDataConstants.TYPE_NORMAL supports borderlines.


side:int — the side as defined in getNormalizedBorderLine()
nl:NodeLayout — the NodeLayout of the current node, the initial Borderline will be initialize from this instance


flash.errors:IllegalOperationError — if this type of node does not support node borders

See also

public function getNormalizedBorderLine(side:int):BorderLine

Returns a borderline for the given side which is treated as if the node's position was at (0,0). Clients may modify this instance but should always reset it to the original position, since this is a shared instance. May return null to indicate that the borderline can be determined through the node's NodeLayout


side:int — the index of the side where 0 means top, 1 means right, 2 means bottom, and 3 means left.

BorderLine — a BorderLine instance if the node was at (0,0) or null

See also

public function sameLayerEdgeCount():int

Returns the number of same layer edges that are associated with this node

int — the number