Interfacepublic interface NodeLabelModel
Implementors DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModel, EdgeOppositeNodeLabelLayoutModel, FreeNodeLabelLayoutModel

This interface defines the properties of the model associated with a node label layout.

A node label model provides a set of possible candidates for the placement of a node label.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  defaultParameter : Object
[read-only] Returns a model parameter that encodes the default position of this model's allowed node label positions.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
createModelParameter(labelBounds:YOrientedRectangle, nodeLayout:NodeLayout):Object
Creates a model parameter that represents the given node label context best within this model.
Returns a list of com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeLabelCandidate objects each of which describes a valid label position within this model.
getLabelPlacement(labelSize:YDimension, nodeLayout:NodeLayout, param:Object):YOrientedRectangle
Returns the oriented label position and bounds encoded by the given model parameter.
Property Detail
defaultParameter:Object  [read-only]

Returns a model parameter that encodes the default position of this model's allowed node label positions.

    public function get defaultParameter():Object

See also

Method Detail
public function createModelParameter(labelBounds:YOrientedRectangle, nodeLayout:NodeLayout):Object

Creates a model parameter that represents the given node label context best within this model. The created model parameter represents the closest parameter representation of the given oriented label bounds that can be achieved within this model.


labelBounds:YOrientedRectangle — The bounds of the label for which a parameter representation is sought.
nodeLayout:NodeLayout — The layout of the node to which the label belongs.

Object — A model parameter that can be passed to the getLabelPlacement() method.

See also

public function getLabelCandidates(nl:NodeLabelLayout, nodeLayout:NodeLayout):YList

Returns a list of com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeLabelCandidate objects each of which describes a valid label position within this model.


nl:NodeLabelLayout — The label layout for which candidates should be generated.
nodeLayout:NodeLayout — The layout of the node to which the label belongs.

YList — A list of com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeLabelCandidate objects.

See also

public function getLabelPlacement(labelSize:YDimension, nodeLayout:NodeLayout, param:Object):YOrientedRectangle

Returns the oriented label position and bounds encoded by the given model parameter.


labelSize:YDimension — The size of the label that should be placed.
nodeLayout:NodeLayout — The layout of the node to which the label belongs.
param:Object — The model parameter that describes the abstract position of the label within this model. The parameter must have been generated by this model.

YOrientedRectangle — the oriented label position and bounds.