Provides classes for defining and performing operations related to two-dimensional geometry.

 IntersectionAlgorithm_IntersectionHandler An instance of this interface handles intersections found by the IntersectionAlgorithm,
 PlaneObject This interface describes a 2-dimensional object which has a finite bounding box.
 YLineSegmentCursor This is an interface for a sequence of instances of LineSegment.
 YPointCursor This is an interface for a sequence of instances of YPoint.
 AffineLine This class represents a line in the 2D-dimensional affine space.
 Angle This class is an helper for angle calculation.
 BorderLine This class can be used to easily model an orthogonal border line or sky-line.
 BorderLine_Segment The handle of a segment of a borderline.
 Geom This class provides useful geometric primitives and advanced geometric algorithms.
 IntersectionAlgorithm This class calculates the intersection of rectangles in the plane with the help of a sweep-line algorithm.
 LineSegment This class represents a line segment in the plane.
 Triangulator This class provides algorithms for the triangulation of point sets in the plane.
 YCircle This class represents a circle in the plane.
 YDimension This class represents the size of an object.
 YInsets Double-precision immutable insets representation.
 YOrientedRectangle An oriented rectangle in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
 YPoint This class represents a point in the plane with double coordinates.
 YPointPath This class represents an ordered list of points in the plane.
 YRectangle This class defines a rectangle and provides utility methods for it.
 YVector This class represents a vector in the 2-dimensional real vector space.