Provides the fundamental classes and interfaces that model an efficient graph data type (class com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph), its nodes and edges (classes com.yworks.yfiles.base.Node and com.yworks.yfiles.base.Edge), and related container structures and iteration mechanisms (class com.yworks.yfiles.base.YList and interface com.yworks.yfiles.base.YCursor).

Furthermore, this package also defines the infrastructure for association of additional data with graph elements, namely "data accessors," i.e., interfaces com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataAcceptor, com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataProvider, and com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataMap .

Related Documentation

See the yFiles FLEX Developer's Guide (Analysis and Layout Part) chapter Working with the Algorithms Graph Structure for detailed discussions of using the graph data type and its functionality.
The section on Binding Data to Graph Elements explains the concept of data accessors.

 DataAcceptor A general interface for setting data.
 DataMap Interface that combines the com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataProvider and com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataAcceptor interfaces.
 DataProvider A general interface for data provision.
 EdgeCursor A cursor interface for iterating over edges.
 EdgeMap Provides access to data associated with an edge.
 GraphInterface An interface that describes the structural information of a graph and the data that is associated with its nodes and edges.
 GraphListener The listener interface for receiving graph events.
 NodeCursor A cursor interface for iterating over nodes.
 NodeMap Provides access to data associated with a node.
 YCursor A general interface for iterating over a collection of objects.
 Edge Represents an edge, i.e., a directed connection between two nodes (represented by instances of class com.yworks.yfiles.base.Node) in the directed graph data type com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph.
 EdgeList Specialized list implementation for instances of type com.yworks.yfiles.base.Edge.
 Graph This class implements a directed graph structure.
 GraphCopyFactory Very simple default implementation of a Copy Factory that creates com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph instances and simply delegates to the com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph.createNode() and com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph.createEdge() method.
 GraphEvent An event which indicates that a graph structure change occurred.
 InvalidGraphStructureException Exception thrown when a graph-structural precondition is violated.
 ListCell Represents a so-called "cell" or "link" of the doubly linked list implementation com.yworks.yfiles.base.YList.
 Node Represents a so-called node in the directed graph data type com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph.
 NodeList Specialized list implementation for instances of type com.yworks.yfiles.base.Node.
 YList An implementation of a doubly linked list that provides direct access to the cells that store the elements.
 YList_ListCursorImpl Cursor implementation for class YList.