 NodeSequencer Generic Interface for classes that provide an ordering for the nodes of a graph.
 AbortHandler This class provides a means for early termination of graph algorithms.
 AlgorithmAbortedException Exception that gets thrown by an algorithm if a immediate termination request is detected.
 Bfs This class provides services that center around breadth first search (BFS)
 Bipartitions Responsible for graph bipartition problems.
 Centrality This class provides methods to determine various centrality indices of nodes or edges of a graph.
 Cycles Responsible for finding cycles within a graph that have certain properties.
 Dfs Framework class for depth first search (DFS) based algorithms.
 GraphChecker Provides methods that check structural properties of a given graph.
 GraphConnectivity Provides algorithms for determining certain connectivity components within a graph.
 Groups This class provides methods for automatically partitioning nodes of a graph into groups.
 IndependentSets This class provides methods for calculating independent sets.
 NetworkFlows Provides sophisticated algorithms for solving classical network flow problems like MinCostFlow or MaxFlow.
 NodeOrders Provides graph algorithms that order the nodes of a graph by a specific criterion.
 Paths Responsible for finding paths within a graph that have certain properties.
 RankAssignments Provides algorithms for solving the rank assignment problem.
 ShortestPaths Provides diverse algorithms and helper methods for solving the shortest path problem on weighted graphs.
 Sorting This class provides methods for efficiently sorting graph elements in graph structures.
 SpanningTrees Provides (minimum) spanning tree algorithms for graphs.
 Transitivity Provides algorithms to compute reachability information for directed, acyclic graphs.
 Trees Provides diverse algorithms and services for tree-structured graphs or subgraphs.