 ConstantMapper This mapper provides a single value for any key.
 CopiedLayoutIGraph A CopiedLayoutGraph variant that can be initialized using an IGraph.
 DataMapAdapter An adapter implementation that wraps an IMapper to a DataMap.
 DataProviderAdapter An adapter implementation that wraps an IMapper to a DataProvider.
 ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate A subclass of EdgeLabelCandidate that provides a ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
 ExtendedLabelCandidateProfitModel An implementation of ProfitModel that returns tha profit of a label candidate for instances of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate and ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
 ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate A subclass of NodeLabelCandidate that provides a ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
 LayoutCompat This class provides layout-related compatibility methods.
 LayoutExecutor A helper class that can be used to execute a Layouter, and possibly animate the result.
 LayoutGraphAdapter Adapter class that can be used to obtain a GraphLayout and GraphInterface from an IGraph. This adapter needs to be used in order to apply layout algorithms to IGraph instances.
 NodeHierarchy Provides static utility functions to query and modify the the node hierarchy of a grouped LayoutGraph.
 TableLayoutConfigurator Support class that correctly configures a PartitionGrid information from a given table configuration.
 YGraphAdapter Utility class that conveniently converts an IGraph instance to a Graph instance. This class creates a structural copy of a given IGraph and provides convenience methods to convert entities from one instance to their corresponding representatives in the other instance.