 Collection Collection is the root of the collection hierarchy.
 Iterator An Iterator is used to sequence over a collection of objects.
 List List is a collection which maintains an ordering for its elements.
 ListIterator An ListIterator is used to sequence over a List of objects.
 Map Map has a set of keys, each key is mapped to a single value.
 MapEntry Map.Entry is a key/value mapping which is contained in a Map.
 RandomAccess RandomAccess is implemented by List implementations that support fast (usually constant time) random access.
 Runnable The runnable interface must be implemented by all classes which want to be run as threads.
 Set Set is a collection which does not allow duplicate elements.
 SortedMap SortedMap is a Map where the iterators sequence in order of the sorted keys.
 SortedSet SortedSet is a Set which iterates its elements in sorted order.
 AbstractCollection AbstractCollection is an abstract implementation of the Collection interface.
 AbstractList AbstractList is an abstract implementation of the List interface, optimized for a backing store which supports random access.
 AbstractMap AbstractMap is an abstract implementation of the Map interface.
 AbstractSequentialList AbstractSequentialList is an abstract implementation of the List interface.
 AbstractSet AbstractSet is an abstract implementation of the Set interface.
 ArrayList ArrayList is an implementation of List, backed by an array.
 Arrays Arrays contains static methods which operate on arrays.
 BitSet The BitSet class implements a bit field.
 CloneNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when a program attempts to clone an object which does not support the Cloneable interface.
 Collections Collections contains static methods which operate on Collection classes.
 ConcurrentModificationException This runtime exception is thrown when a Collection is modified and an existing iterator on the Collection is used to modify the Collection as well.
 EventObject EventObjects represent events.
 HashMap HashMap is an implementation of Map.
 HashSet HashSet is an implementation of Set.
 LinkedList LinkedList is an implementation of List, backed by a linked list.
 LongImpl 64-bit integral number data type implementation based on two 32-bit words.
 Random A pseudo random number generator.
 TreeMap TreeMap is an implementation of SortedMap.
 TreeSet TreeSet is an implementation of SortedSet.