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h — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
Holds the height of the node layout bounds.
h — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
heights based on node-indices
handleNeighbor(currentEntrance:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:CellEntrance, neighborCell:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:PartitionCell, context:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:PathSearchContext) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.PathSearch
Adds com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.CellEntrance s for every interval through which the neighbor cell can be entered from the current entrance to the queue.
hasCheckFailed() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.algo.AbortHandler
Returns true if method check() or check2() were called after a stop or cancel event.
hasChildren(v:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Node) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grouping.GraphGrouping
Determines if the given node is a group node with children.
hasHalos(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeHalo
Checks whether a com.yworks.yfiles.base.DataProvider has been registered at the given graph, that holds NodeHalo instances.
hasHandler(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Graph) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.algo.AbortHandler
Determines whether or not an instance of this class is attached to the given graph.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.AffineTransform
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Dimension
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Insets
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Point2D
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle2D
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.AbstractList
Answers an integer hash code for the receiver.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.AbstractMap
Answers an integer hash code for the receiver.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.AbstractSet
Answers an integer hash code for the receiver.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.BigInteger
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.BitSet
Computes the hash code for this BitSet.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.Double
hashCode(o:Object) — Static Method , class com.yworks.bridge.util.FlexUtils
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.Integer
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.LongImpl
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.YObject
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.base.YList
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YCircle
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YDimension
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YInsets
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YOrientedRectangle
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YPoint
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YRectangle
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeHalo
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PortCandidate
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PortConstraint
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PreferredPlacementDescriptor
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionCellId
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.PartitionCellId_Pair0
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.BusDescriptor
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.Interval
Returns the hash code for this interval.
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.SegmentGroup
hashCode() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.Tuple
Generates a hashCode using the two tuple elements.
HashMap — class, package com.yworks.bridge.util
HashMap is an implementation of Map.
HashMap(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.bridge.util.HashMap
Constructs a new empty instance of HashMap.
HashSet — class, package com.yworks.bridge.util
HashSet is an implementation of Set.
HashSet(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.bridge.util.HashSet
Constructs a new empty instance of HashSet.
hasListeners() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph
Determines whether there are listeners registered with this instance.
hasNext() — method, interface com.yworks.bridge.util.Iterator
Answers if there are more elements to iterate.
hasPC(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph, e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there are non-trivial source or target port constraints associated with the given edge.
hasPrevious() — method, interface com.yworks.bridge.util.ListIterator
Answers if there are previous elements to iterate.
hasSameRange(other:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:Interval) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.Interval
Checks if this interval and the given interval cover about the same range.
hasSameRange(other:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:OrthogonalInterval) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.OrthogonalInterval
Checks if this orthogonal interval and the given orthogonal interval cover the same range.
hasSameRange2(other:com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline:Interval, eps:Number) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.Interval
Checks if this interval and the given interval cover the same range.
hasSPC(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph, e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there is a non-trivial source port constraint associated with the given edge.
hasTPC(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph, e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.PortConstraint
Returns whether or not there is a non-trivial target port constraint associated with the given edge.
HEAD — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
Symbolic position specifier.
HEAD — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
Symbolic position specifier.
headMap(endKey:Object) — method, interface com.yworks.bridge.util.SortedMap
Answers a SortedMap of the specified portion of this SortedMap which contains keys less than the end key.
headMap(endKey:Object) — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.TreeMap
Answers a SortedMap of the specified portion of this spec.TreeMap which contains keys less than the end key.
HEAD_RATIO — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel
Symbolic ratio specifier.
headSet(end:Object) — method, interface com.yworks.bridge.util.SortedSet
Answers a SortedSet of the specified portion of this SortedSet which contains elements less than the end element.
headSet(end:Object) — method, class com.yworks.bridge.util.TreeSet
Answers a SortedSet of the specified portion of this TreeSet which contains elements less than the end element.
_height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Dimension
height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Dimension
_height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle
height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle
Returns the height of the bounding Rectangle in double precision.
height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle2D
Returns the heigth of this rectangle in double precision.
_height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle2DDouble
height — Property, class com.yworks.bridge.geom.Rectangle2DDouble
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YDimension
Get the height of the dimension object.
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.YOrientedRectangle
Returns the height of this rectangle.
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.DefaultNodeLayout
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.LabelCandidate
Returns the height of the label candidate bounds.
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.LabelLayoutData
Returns the height of the label.
height — Property, interface com.yworks.yfiles.layout.NodeLayout
Returns the height of the node.
height — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.PartitionCell
Returns the height of this partition cell.
heuristicCosts — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.CellEntrance
hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.ParallelEdgeLayouter
Holds the list of parallel edges that are hidden from the core layouter.
hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.BCCSubgraph
Returns a list of edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph.
_hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.GT
hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.GT
Returns a list of the edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph.
hiddenEdges — Property, interface com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.InitialPlanarSubgraph
Returns a list of removed edges, if planarization was done by removing edges.
hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS
hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.PlanarityTestWrapper
Returns a list of edges that were not added to the planar subgraph returned by the function createPlanarization().
hiddenEdges() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
The edges that are currently hidden
_hiddenEdges — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
holds the list of the hidden edges in stack order
hiddenNodes() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
The nodes that are currently hidden
_hiddenNodes — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
holds the list of the hidden nodes in stack order
hideAll() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides all nodes and edges from this graph.
hideAll() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all nodes and edges from this graph.
hideAllEdges() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides all edges from this graph.
hideEdge(e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph
Hides the given edge from this graph.
hideEdge(e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given edge from the graph.
hideEdge(e:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Edge) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given edge from the graph.
hideEdges(el:com.yworks.yfiles.base:EdgeList) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given list of edges from the graph.
hideEdges() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all edges from this graph.
hideEdges2(ec:com.yworks.yfiles.base:EdgeCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given edges from the graph.
hideEdgesFromCursor(ec:com.yworks.yfiles.base:EdgeCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given edges from the graph.
hideEdgesFromList(el:com.yworks.yfiles.base:EdgeList) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given list of edges from the graph.
hideGraphItems(cursor:com.yworks.yfiles.base:YCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given elements from the graph.
hideGraphItems(cursor:com.yworks.yfiles.base:YCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given elements from the graph.
hideGroupNodes — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
Specifies whether or not to hide away group nodes before the layout begins.
hideGroupNodes(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
Hides the group nodes and adjacent edges from the graph.
hideGroupNodes() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.GroupingSupport
Hides the group nodes and adjacent edges from the graph.
hideMultipleEdges() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides multiple edges from the graph.
hideMultipleEdges() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides multiple edges from the graph.
hideNode(v:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Node) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.base.Graph
Hides the given node from this graph.
hideNode(v:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Node) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
hideNode(v:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Node) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
hideNodes(nl:com.yworks.yfiles.base:NodeList) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given list of nodes from the graph.
hideNodes(nl:com.yworks.yfiles.base:NodeList) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given list of nodes from the graph.
hideNodes2(nc:com.yworks.yfiles.base:NodeCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the given nodes from the graph.
hideNodes2(nc:com.yworks.yfiles.base:NodeCursor) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides the given nodes from the graph.
hidePartition(partitionId:Object) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides nodes and adjacent edges that have the given partitionId associated.
hideSelfLoops() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.planar.SelfLoopTool
Hides all self-loops in a graph.
hideSelfLoops() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides all self-loop edges from this graph.
hideSelfLoops() — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphPartitionManager
Hides all self-loop edges from this graph.
hideSubgraph(graph:com.yworks.yfiles.base:Graph, ec:com.yworks.yfiles.base:EdgeCursor) — Static Method , class com.yworks.yfiles.util.GraphHider
Hides the subgraph induced by the given edges from the given graph.
hidingEmptyGroupNodes — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grouping.GroupNodeHider
Specifies whether or not group nodes without children will be hidden.
HierarchicGroupLayouter — class, package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic
This class is an extended variant of the HierarchicLayouter class.
HierarchicGroupLayouter(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter
Creates a new instance of HierarchicGroupLayouter
hierarchicLayouter — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
Returns the internally used com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.HierarchicLayouterImpl instance.
HierarchicLayouter — class, package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic
This class implements a layout algorithm for drawing directed graphs in a hierarchic way.
HierarchicLayouter(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter
Instantiates a new HierarchicLayouter.
HierarchicLayouterImpl — class, package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental
This class can be used to create hierarchical layouts of graphs.
HierarchicLayouterImpl(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.HierarchicLayouterImpl
Creates a new instance of HierarchicLayouter with default settings.
HierarchicLayouterImpl_IncrementalHint — class, package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental
Hint objects used internally by this (com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.HierarchicLayouterImpl) layout algorithm implementation.
HierarchicLayouterImpl_IncrementalHint(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.HierarchicLayouterImpl_IncrementalHint
hInternal — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage
HOC_INTERSECTION_BOX — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Horizontal overlap criteria enumeration constant.
HOC_LESS_MOVEMENT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Horizontal overlap criteria enumeration constant.
HOC_NODE_CENTER — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Horizontal overlap criteria enumeration constant.
horizontal — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.geom.LineSegment
Determines if the interval is horizontal.
horizontal — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.Direction
Returns true if this direction is horizontal (right or left).
horizontal — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.ARNodePlacer
Specifies whether this instance is configured to create horizontal rows of child nodes.
HORIZONTAL — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.DelegatingNodePlacer
Orientation specifier.
horizontalCompaction(g:com.yworks.yfiles.layout:LayoutGraph, x:Vector$Number, layerLists:Vector$Object) — method, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
Calculate coordinates.
horizontalCompaction — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental.SimplexNodePlacer
Determines whether this instance tries to create a maximally compact horizontal layout at the cost of more bends.
horizontalDistance — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.ARNodePlacer
Specifies the horizontal distance this NodePlacer should use for the arrangement of the elements.
horizontalDistance — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.DefaultNodePlacer
Specifies the horizontal distance this NodePlacer should use for the arrangement of the elements.
horizontalDistance — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.LeftRightPlacer
Specifies the horizontal distance/spacing between subtree shapes.
horizontalLayout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.TableLayoutConfigurator
Whether the configurator will prepare its associated graph for a vertical (that is top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top) layout calculation or a horizontal (that is left-to-right or right-to-left) one.
horizontalOrientation — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.OrientationLayouter
Returns whether or not the set orientation is a horizontal orientation, i.e.
horizontalOverlapCriterium — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.ShuffleLayouter
Specifies the horizontal overlap criterion.
horizontalSpace — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.ARTreeLayouter
Specifies the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
horizontalSpace — Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Specifies the horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
HORIZONTAL_SUBTREE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
Subtree orientation specifier.
HVTreeLayouter — class, package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree
This tree layouter allows to layout a tree such that each subgraph rooted at a node can either have a horizontal or vertical layout.
HVTreeLayouter(init:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.HVTreeLayouter
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