Tree Layout

The yFiles tree layouter family specializes in the layout of tree-structured graphs. The need to visualize directed or undirected trees arises in many application areas, e.g.,

Tree layout is provided in a number of different styles:

In addition, the generic tree layout algorithm provides the basis for a multitude of tree layout schemes.

Advanced Layout Concepts

Sorting Child Nodes

The tree layout algorithms support sorting the child nodes in a subtree using a NodeOrderComparator in conjunction with a data provider that is registered with the graph using the look-up key NODE_ORDER_DPKEY. The following setter method registers custom comparators with a tree layouter. Except GenericTreeLayouter, this method is available in all tree layouters.

void setComparator(Comparator sortingComparator)
Description Comparator registration.

Class NodeOrderComparator, when given the outgoing edges of a (sub)tree's root node, uses the target nodes of the edges for querying the data provider. The java.lang.Comparable objects, which the comparator expects in return, are then used to determine the order of the child nodes.

Enhancing the Layout Process

Table 5.45, “Layout Stages” lists the layout stages that can be used with all tree layout algorithms to enhance the layout process. Layout module presents the setup of the tree layout algorithms in an application context. It also demonstrates how to set up and use the tree reduction layout stage.

Table 5.45. Layout Stages

Classname Description
TreeReductionStage Adds support for tree-like graphs.

Class TreeReductionStage is a layout stage that transforms graphs into proper trees. It automatically removes all non-tree edges prior to an algorithm's run and re-inserts them thereafter. When the edges are re-inserted, different routing styles can be applied.

Figure 5.64. Sample layouts produced with the tree layouters defined in package y.layout.tree


Class TreeLayouter is a layouter mainly used for directed trees that have a unique root element. Starting with the root node the nodes are arranged either from top to bottom, left to right, right to left, or bottom to top. The edges of a graph can either be routed as straight lines or in an orthogonal bus-like fashion.

Supplemental Layout Data

TreeLayouter knows a number of data provider keys which are used to retrieve supplemental layout data for a graph's elements. The data is bound to the graph by means of a data provider, which is registered using a given look-up key. Table 5.46, “Data provider look-up keys” lists all look-up keys for TreeLayouter.

Binding supplemental layout data to a graph is described in the section called “Providing Supplemental Layout Data”.

Table 5.46. Data provider look-up keys

Key Element Type Value Type Description
EDGE_LABEL_LAYOUT_KEY Edge LabelLayoutData[] For each edge an array of LabelLayoutData objects that encode size and preferred placement for all labels of the edge.
NODE_LABEL_LAYOUT_KEY Node LabelLayoutData[] For each node an array of LabelLayoutData objects that encode size and preferred placement for all labels of the node.

Layout Options

These options configure class TreeLayouter in detail.

Minimal Layer Distance
void setMinimalLayerDistance(double minimalDistance)
Description Determines the minimal distance between parent and child nodes.
Minimal Node Distance
void setMinimalNodeDistance(double minimalDistance)
Description Determines the minimal distance between the siblings of a node.
Layout Orientation
void setLayoutOrientation(byte orientation)

Determines the main layout orientation, i.e., the overall orientation for the edges in a layout. This method is inherited from CanonicMultiStageLayouter, the direct superclass of TreeLayouter. The layout algorithm tries to arrange nodes in such a way that all edges point in the main layout direction.

By default, the overall orientation for the edges will be from top to bottom. The other three layout directions can be set using the constants defined in interface LayoutOrientation. Example 5.36, “Setting the layout orientation” shows how to set the layout direction.


The documentation for the other layout options assumes that this default orientation is being used.

Example 5.36. Setting the layout orientation

TreeLayouter tl = new TreeLayouter();
// Use left-to-right main layout direction.
Port Style
void setPortStyle(int portStyle)

Determines the port assignment policy to be used. Ports can be placed

  • at the center of the corresponding nodes,
  • in the middle of the border, or
  • distributed along the border of the corresponding nodes.

Edge Routing Style
void setLayoutStyle(int style)
Description If set, all edges will be routed orthogonally in a bus-like fashion. If not set, the edges will be routed as straight-line segments.
Bus Alignment
void setBusAlignment(double busAlignment)
Description Determines vertical bus alignment within the space between two layers for edges from a given (root) node to its children that are routed in an orthogonal bus-like fashion.
Vertical Alignment
void setVerticalAlignment(double verticalAlignment)

Specifies vertical alignment of nodes that are in the same layer. The value for the vertical alignment is interpreted relative to a layer's height, which is determined by the maximum of the node heights.

A value of 0.0 means top alignment, 1.0 means bottom alignment. The default value is 0.5, which means center alignment of all nodes in the same layer.

Child Placement Policy
void setChildPlacementPolicy(byte childPlacementPolicy)

Determines the placement of child nodes in a given tree. Depending on the actual child placement policy, an optimal area utilization can be achieved. The following policies are supported:

In the above context, "stacked" means that leaf nodes at the same parent node are placed non-overlapping below their parent node in a row that extends downwards. This allows to make a graph horizontally more compact. "Left" and "right" indicate where, relative to the center of the parent node, the row is placed.

Note that the "stacked" policies only have an effect on subtrees where all children are leaf nodes.

Global Layering
setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean enabled)
Description If set, the algorithm ensures that large nodes never span more than their layer. Otherwise, a more compact layout can be achieved when large nodes span two or more layers. This setting is useful, if the hierarchical structure of the tree should be more emphasized. Note that when disabled, the value set for the Vertical Alignment of nodes within their layer is ignored.

Advanced Layout Concepts

Integrated Labeling

Besides the generic labeling support as described in the section called “Generic Labeling”, which is available with all yFiles layout algorithms, TreeLayouter additionally features integrated labeling.

Integrated labeling is available for both node labels and edge labels. They are taken into consideration when determining the positions for the nodes of the tree. With this strategy it is guaranteed that no label will overlap other objects in the diagram. Integrated labeling can be enabled or disabled using the following setter methods:

See also the section called “Integrated Labeling”.


Optimal label placement with integrated labeling can be achieved using FreeEdgeLabelModel as the label model for the edges. As explained in the section called “Label Models”, this edge label model is ideally suited in combination with integrated labeling and yields the best match for a label location that is computed by TreeLayouter.

Incremental Layout

Class TreeLayouter supports incremental layout by means of a java.util.Comparator implementation that provides dynamic rearrangement of all child nodes in a given subtree according to their relative coordinates. Based on this scheme, the default comparator is able to incrementally insert new child nodes at optimal positions with respect to already arranged child nodes.

The following setter method registers custom comparator implementations that act globally on the entire tree:

void setComparator(Comparator childComparator)
Description Comparator registration.

Alternatively, class NodeOrderComparator can be used to sort the child nodes of a subtree, too. See also the section called “Sorting Child Nodes”.


Class BalloonLayouter is a tree layouter that positions the subtrees rooted at a node in a radial fashion around that node. It is ideally suited for huge trees (say, 10,000 nodes) since it computes fast layouts that are quite compact.

Figure 5.65. Sample layout of a tree that contains 10,000 nodes

Sample layout of a tree that contains 10,000 nodes

Layout Options

These options configure class BalloonLayouter in detail.

Root Node Policy
void setRootNodePolicy(byte policy)

Determines which node should be used as root of the tree. Available options are:

  • DIRECTED_ROOT Chooses a node with indegree zero, if present. A good choice for directed rooted trees.
  • CENTER_ROOT Chooses the root such that the depth of the resulting tree gets minimized.
  • WEIGHTED_CENTER_ROOT Chooses the root such that the number of paths between any two nodes that traverse the root is maximal. This seems to be a natural root for undirected trees.

Preferred Root Wedge
void setPreferredRootWedge(int wedgeAngle)
Description This setting determines the angular range of the sector that will be reserved around the root node of the graph to accommodate the attached subtrees.
Preferred Child Wedge
void setPreferredChildWedge(int wedgeAngle)

This setting determines the angular range of the sector that will be reserved for the children of a root node. The possible angular range lies between 1 and 359. The remaining angular range (360 minus x) will be automatically used to accommodate the edge that connects to the root node.

The smaller the chosen value, the more the impression that the nodes drive away from their root nodes and the center of the graph.

Generally speaking, the compactness of the layout will decrease with smaller values. Very small values will lead to layouts that consume a lot of space.

Minimal Edge Length
void setMinimalEdgeLength(int minimalLength)
Description Determines the minimal length of an edge. The smaller the chosen value the more compact the resulting layout.
Compactness Factor
void setCompactnessFactor(double factor)
Description This parameter influences the length of the tree edges as it is computed by the layout algorithm. The smaller the compactness factor, the shorter the tree-edges and the more compact the overall layout. The bigger the compactness factor, the more difficult, and hence slower, the layout computation.
Allow Overlaps
void setAllowOverlaps(boolean allowOverlaps)
Description If activated, this option further increases compactness of the resulting layout, but potentially introduces slight node overlaps.
Consider Node Labels
void setConsiderNodeLabelsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description Enables node label-aware layout calculation.

Advanced Layout Concepts

Incremental Layout

BalloonLayouter can be set to "layout from sketch" mode to provide support for incremental layout. In this mode, a diagram's current drawing is taken into account when calculating a new layout. The following setter method enables "layout from sketch" mode:

void setFromSketchModeEnabled(boolean fromSketchModeEnabled)
Description Enables "layout from sketch" mode.


Class HVTreeLayouter allows to layout a tree such that each subtree rooted at a node can either have a horizontal or vertical layout. For each node the layout orientation of its child nodes can be specified using the data provider look-up key SUBTREE_ORIENTATION.

Supplemental Layout Data

Class HVTreeLayouter knows a number of data provider keys which are used to retrieve supplemental layout data for a graph's elements. The data is bound to the graph by means of a data provider, which is registered using a given look-up key. Table 5.47, “Data provider look-up keys” lists all look-up keys for HVTreeLayouter.

Binding supplemental layout data to a graph is described in the section called “Providing Supplemental Layout Data”.

Table 5.47. Data provider look-up keys

Key Element Type Value Type Description
SUBTREE_ORIENTATION Node Object For each root node either HORIZONTAL_SUBTREE or VERTICAL_SUBTREE to indicate horizontal or vertical subtree placement.

Layout Options

These options configure class HVTreeLayouter in detail.

Horizontal Space
void setHorizontalSpace(double space)
Description The minimal horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
Vertical Space
void setVerticalSpace(double space)
Description The minimal vertical distance between adjacent nodes.

Class HVTreeLayouter allows to arrange subtrees either horizontally or vertically. To specify the desired placement, a data provider holding such supplemental layout data can be bound to the graph. The data provider is expected to be registered with the graph using key SUBTREE_ORIENTATION. Note that in the absence of the data provider horizontal placement is chosen.


Class ARTreeLayouter generates compact orthogonal tree drawings. As a layout constraint a preferred aspect ratio (relation of width to height) can be given. This is especially useful when the graph should fit perfectly on a page of given size.

Figure 5.66. Sample layouts of the same tree using different preferred aspect ratio settings

Sample layouts of the same tree using different preferred aspect ratio settings
Sample layouts of the same tree using different preferred aspect ratio settings
Sample layouts of the same tree using different preferred aspect ratio settings
Using aspect ratio 2.0 Using aspect ratio 1.0 Using aspect ratio 0.5

Supplemental Layout Data

Class ARTreeLayouter knows a number of data provider keys which are used to retrieve supplemental layout data for a graph's elements. The data is bound to the graph by means of a data provider, which is registered using a given look-up key. Table 5.48, “Data provider look-up keys” lists all look-up keys for ARTreeLayouter.

Binding supplemental layout data to a graph is described in the section called “Providing Supplemental Layout Data”.

Table 5.48. Data provider look-up keys

Key Element Type Value Type Description
RATIO Node Number For each root node a Number object encapsulating a double value that indicates the subtree's aspect ratio.
ROOT_PLACEMENT Node Object For each root node one of PLACEMENT_TOP, PLACEMENT_CORNER, PLACEMENT_CORNER_SIDE, or PLACEMENT_CORNER_TOP to indicate the root node's placement.
ROUTING_POLICY Node Object For each root node either ROUTING_HORIZONTAL or ROUTING_VERTICAL to indicate horizontal or vertical edge routing.

Layout Options

These options configure class ARTreeLayouter in detail.

Horizontal Space
void setHorizontalSpace(double space)
Description The minimal horizontal distance between adjacent nodes.
Vertical Space
void setVerticalSpace(double space)
Description The minimal vertical distance between adjacent nodes.
Bend Distance
void setBendDistance(double distance)
Description Determines the preferred minimal distance between each two bends of an edge and between the first and last edges and the corresponding ports.
Preferred Aspect Ratio
void setAspectRatio(double aspectRatio)
Description Determines the preferred aspect ratio (width by height) of the resulting layout. This option allows for creating layouts which, e.g., fit perfectly onto the page of a book.