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Package y.option

Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way.


Interface Summary
BackupValueOwner This interface should be implemented by all OptionItem subclasses that want to support Editor.resetValue().
ChildChangeReporter This interface should be implemented by classes that want to support PropertyChange and VetoableChange notifications of child elements.
CompoundEditor Specifies the general contract of a compound/composite editor.
ConstraintManager.ConditionCheck Implementations of this interface are queried by the ConstraintManager as soon as properties of an editor change.
ConstraintManager.EditorAction An action-callback that is invoked in response to either ConstraintManager.performActionOnPropertyChange(y.option.ConstraintManager.EditorAction, OptionItem) or ConstraintManager.performActionOnCondition(y.option.ConstraintManager.EditorAction, y.option.ConstraintManager.Condition).
Editor Specifies the general contract of an option editor.
Editor.Listener Interface to support notification when an editor is added or removed.
EditorFactory Specifies the general contract of an editor factory.
ExpansionStateTracker An ExpansionStateTracker keeps track of the expanded state of an TableSectionEditor.
GuiFactory This interface must be implemented by GUIFactories which are used by OptionHandler and OptionSection.
ImageOptionItem.ImageProvider Utility interface that serves as "universe" of available image descriptions.
ItemEditor Specifies the general contract of an option item editor.
ItemEditorFactory Specifies the general contract of an item editor factory.
OptionsIOHandler Implementations of this class are responsible for reading and writing a hierarchically structured set of options or parameters.
PropertyChangeReporter This interface should be implemented by classes that want to support PropertyChange notification.
TableEditorFactory.ItemEditorOwner This interface should be implemented by TableCellEditor and TableCellRenderer classes used with the TableEditorFactory that need to know additional information to display the editor value.
VetoableChangeReporter This interface should be implemented by classes that want to support VetoableChange notification.

Class Summary
AbstractGuiFactory Simple abstract implementation of GuiFactory.
AbstractItemEditor A base class from which other ItemEditor classes can be derived.
ArrowCellRenderer ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer implementation that renders objects of type Arrow nicely.
BoolOptionItem An option item for boolean values.
BridgeCalculatorCellRenderer ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer implementation that renders objects of type BridgeCalculator nicely.
ColorListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer for displaying colors.
ColorOptionItem An option item for Color values.
ColorRenderer A renderer for both List and table cells, displaying colors and RGBA values.
CommentOptionItem A dummy option item that displays a commentary text.
ComponentOptionItem An option item that displays a given JComponent as its editor.
ConstraintManager Provides convenience methods for creating editor constraints.
ConstraintManager.Condition A Condition that can be used to trigger or control different behavior.
DefaultCompoundEditor Default base class for compound editors.
DefaultEditorFactory Editor factory that creates editors which represent the parameters managed by a given OptionHandler in a tabbed pane fashion.
DoubleOptionItem An option item for double values.
Editor.Event An event reported when an editor is added or removed.
EnumOptionItem An option item for a value that is chosen from a fixed range of possible values.
FileOptionItem An option item for file name values.
IconFilter Custom file filter prepared to deal with a range of image icon formats.
ImageCellRenderer Renderer for Images.
ImageOptionItem OptionItem implementation for Image values which allows for specification of an image universe.
IntOptionItem An option item for integer values.
MappedListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer that translates a given value before it gets rendered by the Default renderer implementation.
ObjectOptionItem General purpose option item that can be used as a base class for custom option item classes.
OptionGroup This class bundles a set of OptionItem objects.
OptionHandler A class that manages a set of parameters.
OptionItem Abstract class that serves as base class for all items that can be added to an OptionHandler.
OptionSection This class represents a section within an OptionHandler.
PasswordOptionItem An option item for password Strings.
PropertiesGuiFactory Simple default implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a Map or Properties object.
PropertiesIOHandler A OptionsIOHandler implementation that reads the options from and writes the options to a Java Properties object.
RealizerCellRenderer ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer implementation that renders objects of type NodeRealizer and EdgeRealizer nicely.
RealizerCellRenderer.EdgeRealizerIcon A special icon that renders an edge realizer
RealizerCellRenderer.NodeRealizerIcon This is a special icon that renders a realizer into an icon
ResourceBundleGuiFactory Simple default implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a list of ResourceBundles.
StringBasedOptionItem Base class for option items that store String values.
StringOptionItem An option item for Strings.
StrokeCellRenderer ListCellRenderer and TableCellRenderer implementation that renders objects of type Stroke nicely.
TableEditorFactory Editor factory that creates editors which represent the parameters managed by a given OptionHandler in a tabular fashion.
TableEditorFactory.EditorLocation Enumeration to specify where external item editors should appear.
TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition Enumeration to specify the position of the editor's info component.
TableEditorFactory.Theme This class can be used to customize the look of editors created by a TableEditorFactory.
URLImageWrapper Utility class that wraps together an image object and the resource location where the image has been loaded from.

Package y.option Description

Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way.

The y.option package has been designed loosely according to the Model-View-Controller pattern. The classes

provide the model. Controllers are described by the interfaces which are also responsible for providing a view through their getComponent method.
Controllers can be created through factories; currently two factories exist: DefaultEditorFactory and TableEditorFactory.

Both, the model and the view/controller part of the y.option package support PropertyChange and VetoableChange events.

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