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Interface EnterIntervalCalculator

public interface EnterIntervalCalculator

Interface providing additional intervals to traverse from one PartitionCell into an adjacent one.

To find a Path for an edge, the PathSearch algorithm traverses from the current partition cell to an adjacent partition cell. By default, the orthogonal interval shared by these two cells is used. Implementations of this interface may be added to the PathSearch to calculate additional enter intervals that might accumulate lower costs for entering the adjacent cell.

See Also:
PartitionCell, PathSearch.addAdditionalEnterIntervalCalculator(EnterIntervalCalculator)

Method Summary
 void appendEnterIntervals(CellEntrance currentEntrance, PartitionCell enteredCell, OrthogonalInterval commonInterval, List allEnterIntervals, PathSearchContext context)
          Appends additional enter intervals for traversing from partition cell of currentEntrance to enteredCell to the given list enteredCell.

Method Detail


void appendEnterIntervals(CellEntrance currentEntrance,
                          PartitionCell enteredCell,
                          OrthogonalInterval commonInterval,
                          List allEnterIntervals,
                          PathSearchContext context)
Appends additional enter intervals for traversing from partition cell of currentEntrance to enteredCell to the given list enteredCell.

currentEntrance - The current CellEntrance that is left.
enteredCell - The neighbor cell that shall be entered.
commonInterval - The common interval of the left and entered partition cells.
allEnterIntervals - The list to which additional enter intervals have to be appended.
context - The context of the path search.

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