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Interface EllipticalGroupBoundsCalculator.ShapePointProvider

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public static interface EllipticalGroupBoundsCalculator.ShapePointProvider

Interface that can be used to query the points that lie on the convex hull of the visual shape of the nodes in the graph.

See Also:

Method Summary
 List getShapePoints(LayoutGraph graph, Node node)
          Retrieves the list of points that make up the (convex) hull of the visual representation of the given node.

Method Detail


List getShapePoints(LayoutGraph graph,
                    Node node)
Retrieves the list of points that make up the (convex) hull of the visual representation of the given node.

graph - The graph that the node resides in.
node - The node to determine the points of the convex hull.
A list containing the coordinates of the points that make up a convex hull of the visual representation of the node or null, if the default (rectangular) shape should be used.

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