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Class DefaultLayoutGraph

  extended by y.base.Graph
      extended by y.layout.LayoutGraph
          extended by y.layout.DefaultLayoutGraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphInterface, GraphLayout

public class DefaultLayoutGraph
extends LayoutGraph

This class is a default implementation of the abstract class LayoutGraph.

Field Summary
protected  Map edgeLabelFeatureMap
          Map used to associate the owner of an edge label with the edge label itself.
protected  EdgeMap edgeLabelMap
          EdgeMap used to associate edge label layouts with the edges of this graph.
protected  Map nodeLabelFeatureMap
          Map used to associate the owner of a node label with the node label itself.
protected  NodeMap nodeLabelMap
          NodeMap used to associate node label layouts with the nodes of this graph.
Fields inherited from class y.base.Graph
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new Layout Graph
DefaultLayoutGraph(DefaultLayoutGraph graph, YCursor nodeSubset)
          Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
DefaultLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph argGraph)
          Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
DefaultLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph graph, YCursor nodeSubset)
          Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
Method Summary
protected  EdgeLayout createEdgeLayout()
          Override this to create your own EdgeLayouts.
protected  GraphCopier.CopyFactory createGraphCopyFactory()
          Creates a new LayoutGraphCopyFactory.HierarchicGraphCopyFactory.
protected  NodeLayout createNodeLayout()
          Override this to create your own NodeLayouts.
 Edge getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout)
          Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.
 Node getFeature(NodeLabelLayout labelLayout)
          Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
 EdgeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Edge edge)
          Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
 NodeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Node node)
          Returns NodeLabelLayout objects that describe the layouts of the labels belonging to the given node.
 EdgeLayout getLayout(Edge e)
          Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
 NodeLayout getLayout(Node v)
          Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
 void setLabelLayout(Edge edge, EdgeLabelLayout[] layout)
          Sets the EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
 void setLabelLayout(Node node, NodeLabelLayout layout)
          Sets the NodeLabelLayout object which describes the layout of the label that belongs to the given node.
 void setLabelLayout(Node node, NodeLabelLayout[] llayout)
          Sets the NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
 void setLayout(Edge e, EdgeLayout layout)
          Sets the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
 void setLayout(Node v, NodeLayout layout)
          Sets the layout information for a node in the drawing.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.LayoutGraph
getBoundingBox, getCenter, getCenterX, getCenterY, getEdgeLabelLayout, getEdgeLayout, getEdgeList, getHeight, getLocation, getNodeLabelLayout, getNodeLayout, getPath, getPathList, getPointList, getPoints, getRectangle, getSize, getSourcePointAbs, getSourcePointRel, getTargetPointAbs, getTargetPointRel, getWidth, getX, getY, moveBy, setCenter, setCenter, setEndPointsAbs, setLocation, setLocation, setPath, setPath, setPoints, setPoints, setSize, setSize, setSourcePointAbs, setSourcePointRel, setTargetPointAbs, setTargetPointRel
Methods inherited from class y.base.Graph
addDataProvider, addGraphListener, changeEdge, changeEdge, changeEdge, clear, contains, contains, containsEdge, createCopy, createEdge, createEdge, createEdgeMap, createGraph, createNode, createNodeMap, disposeEdgeMap, disposeNodeMap, E, edgeCount, edgeObjects, edges, fireGraphEvent, firePostEvent, firePostEvent, firePreEvent, firePreEvent, firstEdge, firstNode, firstOutEdge, getDataProvider, getDataProviderKeys, getEdgeArray, getGraphCopyFactory, getGraphListeners, getNodeArray, getRegisteredEdgeMaps, getRegisteredNodeMaps, getSource, getTarget, hasListeners, hide, hide, isEmpty, lastEdge, lastNode, moveSubGraph, moveToFirst, moveToFirst, moveToLast, moveToLast, N, nodeCount, nodeObjects, nodes, printNodeSlotSize, reInsertEdge, reInsertNode, removeDataProvider, removeEdge, removeGraphListener, removeNode, reverseEdge, setGraphCopyFactory, sortEdges, sortEdges, sortNodes, toString, unhide, unhide
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected NodeMap nodeLabelMap
NodeMap used to associate node label layouts with the nodes of this graph.

See Also:


protected EdgeMap edgeLabelMap
EdgeMap used to associate edge label layouts with the edges of this graph.

See Also:
setLabelLayout(y.base.Edge, EdgeLabelLayout[])


protected Map nodeLabelFeatureMap
Map used to associate the owner of a node label with the node label itself.


protected Map edgeLabelFeatureMap
Map used to associate the owner of an edge label with the edge label itself.

Constructor Detail


public DefaultLayoutGraph()
Creates a new Layout Graph


public DefaultLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph argGraph)
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.


public DefaultLayoutGraph(LayoutGraph graph,
                          YCursor nodeSubset)
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.


public DefaultLayoutGraph(DefaultLayoutGraph graph,
                          YCursor nodeSubset)
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.

Method Detail


protected GraphCopier.CopyFactory createGraphCopyFactory()
Creates a new LayoutGraphCopyFactory.HierarchicGraphCopyFactory.

Specified by:
createGraphCopyFactory in class LayoutGraph
the (possibly shared) instance.


public NodeLayout getLayout(Node v)
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.

Specified by:
getLayout in class LayoutGraph
v - a node in the drawing.
the layout information for node.


public void setLayout(Node v,
                      NodeLayout layout)
Sets the layout information for a node in the drawing.


public void setLayout(Edge e,
                      EdgeLayout layout)
Sets the layout information for an edge in the drawing.


public EdgeLayout getLayout(Edge e)
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.

Specified by:
getLayout in class LayoutGraph
e - a edge in the drawing.
the layout information for the given edge.


public NodeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Node node)
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects that describe the layouts of the labels belonging to the given node.

Specified by:
getLabelLayout in class LayoutGraph
node - a node in the drawing.
the node label layout information for the given node.


public void setLabelLayout(Node node,
                           NodeLabelLayout layout)
Sets the NodeLabelLayout object which describes the layout of the label that belongs to the given node.

node - a node in the drawing.
layout - a layout object for the node label


public void setLabelLayout(Node node,
                           NodeLabelLayout[] llayout)
Sets the NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.

node - a node in the drawing.
llayout - an array of node label layout objects


public void setLabelLayout(Edge edge,
                           EdgeLabelLayout[] layout)
Sets the EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.

edge - an edge in the drawing.
layout - an array of edge label layout objects


public EdgeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Edge edge)
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.

Specified by:
getLabelLayout in class LayoutGraph
edge - an edge in the drawing.
the edge label layout information for the given edge.


public Node getFeature(NodeLabelLayout labelLayout)
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.

Specified by:
getFeature in class LayoutGraph


public Edge getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout)
Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.

Specified by:
getFeature in class LayoutGraph


protected EdgeLayout createEdgeLayout()
Override this to create your own EdgeLayouts.


protected NodeLayout createNodeLayout()
Override this to create your own NodeLayouts.

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