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This package contains classes that support additional features from the y.view namespace.


Interface Summary
EdgeLabelDeserializer.ConfigurationFactory Interface for dynamic creation and registration of configurations for EdgeLabel.
EdgeRealizerSerializer Interface for serializing instances of EdgeRealizer.
GenericEdgeRealizerSerializer.ConfigurationFactory Interface for dynamic creation and registration of configurations for GenericEdgeRealizer.
GenericNodeRealizerSerializer.ConfigurationFactory Interface for dynamic creation and registration of configurations for GenericNodeRealizer.
NodeLabelDeserializer.ConfigurationFactory Interface for dynamic creation and registration of configurations for NodeLabel.
NodePortGraphicsReader.ConfigurationFactory Interface for dynamic creation and registration of configurations for NodePort.
NodeRealizerSerializer Interface for serializing instances of NodeRealizer.
ResourceDescriptor Handle interface for shared resources.
ResourceDeserializationHandler Interface for classes that provide methods to manage shared object resources for the input process
ResourceSerializationHandler Interface for classes that provide methods to manage shared object resources for the output process

Class Summary
AbstractEdgeRealizerSerializer Abstract base class for instances of EdgeRealizerSerializer.
AbstractNodeRealizerSerializer Abstract base class for instances of NodeRealizerSerializer.
AbstractReadNodePortHandler Abstract input handler for NodePort data attributes in GraphML.
AbstractWriteNodePortHandler Abstract output handler for NodePort data attributes in GraphML.
ArcEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of ArcEdgeRealizer.
BezierEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of BezierEdgeRealizer.
EdgeLabelDeserializer Implementation of DeserializationHandler that can read EdgeLabel elements.
EdgeLabelDeserializer.PreferredPlacementDescriptorDeserializer Handles deserialization of PreferredPlacementDescriptor instances.
EdgeLabelDeserializer.RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModelDeserializer Handles deserialization of RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
EdgeLabelDeserializer.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModelDeserializer Handles deserialization of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
EdgeLabelDeserializer.SmartEdgeLabelModelDeserializer Handles deserialization of SmartEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
EdgeLabelSerializer Implementation of SerializationHandler that can write EdgeLabel elements.
EdgeLabelSerializer.PreferredPlacementDescriptorSerializer Handles serialization of PreferredPlacementDescriptor instances.
EdgeLabelSerializer.RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModelSerializer Handles serialization of RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
EdgeLabelSerializer.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModelSerializer Handles serialization of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
EdgeLabelSerializer.SmartEdgeLabelModelSerializer Handles serialization of SmartEdgeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
FallbackEdgeRealizerSerializer Fallback implementation of AbstractEdgeRealizerSerializer that deserializes common EdgeRealizer properties from arbitrary EdgeRealizer XML content.
FallbackNodeRealizerSerializer Fallback implementation of AbstractNodeRealizerSerializer that deserializes common NodeRealizer properties from arbitrary NodeRealizer XML content.
GenericEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of GenericEdgeRealizer.
GenericGroupNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of GenericGroupNodeRealizer.
GenericNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of GenericNodeRealizer.
Graph2DElementFactory The basic implementation of the GraphElementFactory interface for use with the default Graphs.
Graph2DGraphMLHandler This class adds configuration to GraphMLHandler for handling Graph2D instances.
GraphicsSerializationToolkit Collection of utilities for handling GraphML.
GroupNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of GroupNodeRealizer.
HierarchyManagerBasedGraphElementFactory Implementation of the GraphElementFactory interface that can create HierarchyManager based hierarchy information.
HierarchyManagerBasedHierarchySupport Implementation of HierarchySupport that uses a HierarchyManager instance to retrieve the hierarchy information.
ImageNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of ImageNodeRealizer.
NodeLabelDeserializer Implementation of DeserializationHandler that can read NodeLabel elements.
NodeLabelDeserializer.SmartNodeLabelModelDeserializer Handles deserialization of SmartNodeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
NodeLabelSerializer Implementation of SerializationHandler that can write NodeLabel elements.
NodeLabelSerializer.SmartNodeLabelModelSerializer Handles serialization of SmartNodeLabelModel instances and their model parameters.
NodePortGeometryReader Input handler that reads NodePort geometry data.
NodePortGeometryWriter Output handler that writes NodePort geometry data.
NodePortGraphicsReader Input handler that reads data related to the visual representation of a NodePort.
NodePortGraphicsWriter Output handler that writes data related to the visual representation of a NodePort.
NodePortProvider Default PortProvider implementation for NodePorts.
NodePortUserDataReader Input handler that reads NodePort user or business data.
NodePortUserDataWriter Output handler that writes NodePort user or business data.
PolyLineEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of PolyLineEdgeRealizer.
PortConstraintInputHandler Input handler responsible for parsing PortConstraint data.
PortConstraintOutputHandler Output handler responsible for writing PortConstraint data.
PostprocessorInputHandler This input handler parses end executes postprocessor instructions specified in GraphML files at graph scope.
PostprocessorOutputHandler This output handler writes out a list of YModules and adds postprocessor instructions for them.
ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of ProxyShapeNodeRealizer.
QuadCurveEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of QuadCurveEdgeRealizer.
ReadEdgeRealizerHandler Input handler for EdgeRealizer data attributes in GraphML.
ReadNodeRealizerHandler Input handler for NodeRealizer data attributes in GraphML.
ShapeNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of ShapeNodeRealizer.
SplineEdgeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of SplineEdgeRealizer.
TableGroupNodeRealizerSerializer Serializer for instances of TableGroupNodeRealizer.
WriteEdgeRealizerHandler Output handler for EdgeRealizer data attributes in GraphML.
WriteNodeRealizerHandler Output handler for NodeRealizer data attributes in GraphML.

Package Description

This package contains classes that support additional features from the y.view namespace.
This includes serialization of NodeRealizer and EdgeRealizer implementations and support for folder nodes.
The main entry point is class Graph2DGraphMLHandler which provides extended support for reading and writing Graph2D instances.

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