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Class LineSegment

  extended by y.geom.LineSegment
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public class LineSegment
extends Object
implements PlaneObject

This class represents a line segment in the plane. A line segment is defined by its two end points.

Constructor Summary
LineSegment(YPoint p1, YPoint p2)
          Returns a new LineSegment.
Method Summary
static boolean boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle box, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
          Checks whether a line segment intersects a box.
static boolean boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle box, YPoint s, YPoint t)
          Checks whether a line segment intersects a box.
 boolean contains(YPoint point)
          Checks whether a given point lies on this line segment.
 YRectangle getBoundingBox()
          Returns the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.
 double getDeltaX()
          Returns the distance from start to end point in x-coordinates.
 double getDeltaY()
          Returns the distance from start to end point in y-coordinates.
 YPoint getFirstEndPoint()
          Returns the first end point of the line segment.
static YPoint getIntersection(LineSegment s1, LineSegment s2)
          Returns intersection point between the two line segments, if there is one or null if the two line segments do not intersect.
 double getScope()
          Returns the scope of the line segment.
 YPoint getSecondEndPoint()
          Returns the second end point of the line segment.
 double getXOffset()
          Returns the y value of the line on x coordinate 0.
 boolean intersects(YPoint p)
          Checks whether the line segment intersects a point.
 boolean intersects(YRectangle box)
          Checks whether the line segment intersects a box.
 boolean isHorizontal()
          Determines if the interval is horizontal.
 boolean isInXIntervall(double x)
          Returns if the projection on the X axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the X Axis.
 boolean isInYIntervall(double y)
          Returns if the projection on the Y axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the Y Axis.
 boolean isVertical()
          Returns if this segment is considered vertical, i.e. the x values of the end point differ less then 0.00000001
 double length()
          Returns the length of the line segment, this is the value of the Euclidean norm.
 AffineLine toAffineLine()
          Returns the affine line defined by the end points of the line segment.
 String toString()
          String representation of the line.
 YVector toYVector()
          Returns the vector pointing from the first end point to the second end point of the line segment.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LineSegment(YPoint p1,
                   YPoint p2)
Returns a new LineSegment.

p1 - the first end point of the line segment.
p2 - the second end point of the line segment.
Method Detail


public boolean isVertical()
Returns if this segment is considered vertical, i.e. the x values of the end point differ less then 0.00000001

true if this segment is considered vertical, false otherwise.


public boolean isHorizontal()
Determines if the interval is horizontal.

true if the interval is horizontal, false otherwise.


public YPoint getFirstEndPoint()
Returns the first end point of the line segment.


public YPoint getSecondEndPoint()
Returns the second end point of the line segment.


public boolean isInYIntervall(double y)
Returns if the projection on the Y axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the Y Axis.


public boolean isInXIntervall(double x)
Returns if the projection on the X axis of the line segment covers a certain point on the X Axis.


public double getXOffset()
Returns the y value of the line on x coordinate 0.


public double getScope()
Returns the scope of the line segment.

the scope of the line segment.


public double length()
Returns the length of the line segment, this is the value of the Euclidean norm.

an value > 0.


public YRectangle getBoundingBox()
Returns the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.

Specified by:
getBoundingBox in interface PlaneObject


public boolean intersects(YRectangle box)
Checks whether the line segment intersects a box.

box - A rectangle.
true if the line segments intersects the box, false otherwise.


public boolean contains(YPoint point)
Checks whether a given point lies on this line segment.

point - an arbitrary point.
true if the line segments intersects the box, false otherwise.


public boolean intersects(YPoint p)
Checks whether the line segment intersects a point.

p - a point
true if the line segments intersects the box, false otherwise.


public static final boolean boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle box,
                                                 YPoint s,
                                                 YPoint t)
Checks whether a line segment intersects a box.

box - A rectangle.
s - first end point of the line segment.
t - second end point of the line segment.
true if the line segments intersects the box, false otherwise.


public static final boolean boxIntersectsSegment(YRectangle box,
                                                 double x1,
                                                 double y1,
                                                 double x2,
                                                 double y2)
Checks whether a line segment intersects a box. Implemented using the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm.

box - A rectangle
x1 - X-coordinate of start point of vector
y1 - Y-coordinate of start point of vector
x2 - X-coordinate of target point of vector
y2 - Y-coordinate of target point of vector
true if the line segments intersects the box, false otherwise.


public static YPoint getIntersection(LineSegment s1,
                                     LineSegment s2)
Returns intersection point between the two line segments, if there is one or null if the two line segments do not intersect.

s1 - first line segment
s2 - second line segment


public YVector toYVector()
Returns the vector pointing from the first end point to the second end point of the line segment.


public AffineLine toAffineLine()
Returns the affine line defined by the end points of the line segment.


public double getDeltaX()
Returns the distance from start to end point in x-coordinates.

the distance from start to end point in x-coordinates.


public double getDeltaY()
Returns the distance from start to end point in y-coordinates.

the distance from start to end point in y-coordinates.


public String toString()
String representation of the line.

toString in class Object

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