Package com.yworks.yfiles.server.svg

Interface Summary
SVGGraphVisitor Classes implementing this interface can be registered on a SVGGraph2DRewriteRenderer and the SVGGraphVisitor.visitNode(org.w3c.dom.Node) and SVGGraphVisitor.visitAttribute(org.w3c.dom.Attr) will be executed on all nodes and their attributes.

Class Summary
SVGGraph2DRewriteRenderer This class visits all nodes in the generated SVG document after it has been created and delegates to registered visitors so that they can make modifications on the nodes and their attributes.
SVGIdRewriteGraphVisitor This implementation of SVGGraphVisitor rewrites all IDs in the SVG document to include a prefix.
SVGRenderContext Instances of this class contain information required to generate the SVG image.
SVGServlet This Servlet serves a graph as SVG.

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