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Interface NodeCellEditor

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public interface NodeCellEditor
extends javax.swing.CellEditor

This interface is designed to behave like Swing's TableCellEditor and TreeCellEditor. It serves as a callback for CellEditorMode, e.g., which will query this interface for a suitable JComponent that can be used to edit the node's value.


Method Summary
 javax.swing.JComponent getNodeCellEditorComponent(Graph2DView view, NodeRealizer context, java.lang.Object value, boolean isSelected)
          Callback method that prepares and returns a JComponent that can be used to visually edit the node's data inside the Graph2DView.
Methods inherited from interface javax.swing.CellEditor
addCellEditorListener, cancelCellEditing, getCellEditorValue, isCellEditable, removeCellEditorListener, shouldSelectCell, stopCellEditing

Method Detail


javax.swing.JComponent getNodeCellEditorComponent(Graph2DView view,
                                                  NodeRealizer context,
                                                  java.lang.Object value,
                                                  boolean isSelected)
Callback method that prepares and returns a JComponent that can be used to visually edit the node's data inside the Graph2DView.

view - the view that contains the node
context - the node's realizer
value - the value that should be edited by this editor
isSelected - whether the component should be rendered as selected
a JComponent to use for editing the node's value

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