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Class MultiplexingNodeEditor

  extended by y.view.AbstractMouseInputEditor
      extended by y.view.MultiplexingNodeEditor
All Implemented Interfaces:
GenericNodeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider, MouseInputEditor

public class MultiplexingNodeEditor
extends AbstractMouseInputEditor
implements GenericNodeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider

MouseInputEditor that multiplexes between one or more subordinate editors. Each subordinate editor may take responsibility for handling an editing gesture according to event position and type.


Nested Class Summary
static class MultiplexingNodeEditor.EventReporter
          Editor that plays recorded MouseEvents back to a parent EditMode instance for further processing.
static interface MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor
          A class implementing this interface can be added to a MultiplexingNodeEditor and implements one behaviour of a node triggered by a mouse gesture.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new MultiplexingNodeEditor without any subordinate editors.
Method Summary
 void addNodeEditor(MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor editor)
          Adds the specified editor as a subordinate editor to the MultiplexingNodeEditor instance.
 MouseInputEditor findMouseInputEditor(NodeRealizer context, Graph2DView view, double x, double y, HitInfo hitInfo)
          Used as a callback for the GenericNodeRealizer.findMouseInputEditor(Graph2DView, double, double, HitInfo) method.
 java.util.Collection getNodeEditors()
          Returns a read-only view of the MultiplexingNodeEditor's subordinate editors.
 void mouse2DEventHappened(Mouse2DEvent event)
          Listener-like interface that will be notified of Mouse2DEvents.
 void removeNodeEditor(MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor editor)
          Removes the specified editor from the MultiplexingNodeEditor's collection of subordinate editors.
 boolean startsEditing(Mouse2DEvent event)
          This method is used by clients to query whether the given event is deemed as a starting gesture.
 void stopEditing()
          Called by clients to stop the editing process cleanly.
Methods inherited from class y.view.AbstractMouseInputEditor
addChangeListener, fireStateChanged, isEditing, isEnabled, isInterestedInEvents, removeChangeListener, setEnabled, startEditing
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MultiplexingNodeEditor()
Creates a new MultiplexingNodeEditor without any subordinate editors.

Method Detail


public void addNodeEditor(MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor editor)
Adds the specified editor as a subordinate editor to the MultiplexingNodeEditor instance.

editor - the subordinate editor to add.


public void removeNodeEditor(MultiplexingNodeEditor.NodeEditor editor)
Removes the specified editor from the MultiplexingNodeEditor's collection of subordinate editors.

editor - the subordinate editor to remove.


public java.util.Collection getNodeEditors()
Returns a read-only view of the MultiplexingNodeEditor's subordinate editors.

a read-only view of the MultiplexingNodeEditor's subordinate editors.


public MouseInputEditor findMouseInputEditor(NodeRealizer context,
                                             Graph2DView view,
                                             double x,
                                             double y,
                                             HitInfo hitInfo)
Description copied from interface: GenericNodeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider
Used as a callback for the GenericNodeRealizer.findMouseInputEditor(Graph2DView, double, double, HitInfo) method.

Specified by:
findMouseInputEditor in interface GenericNodeRealizer.GenericMouseInputEditorProvider
See Also:
MouseInputEditor, MouseInputEditorProvider


public boolean startsEditing(Mouse2DEvent event)
Description copied from interface: MouseInputEditor
This method is used by clients to query whether the given event is deemed as a starting gesture.

Specified by:
startsEditing in interface MouseInputEditor
event - the event that happened
whether the given gesture can be used to start the editing
See Also:


public void stopEditing()
Description copied from interface: MouseInputEditor
Called by clients to stop the editing process cleanly.

Specified by:
stopEditing in interface MouseInputEditor
stopEditing in class AbstractMouseInputEditor


public void mouse2DEventHappened(Mouse2DEvent event)
Description copied from interface: MouseInputEditor
Listener-like interface that will be notified of Mouse2DEvents.

Specified by:
mouse2DEventHappened in interface MouseInputEditor
event - the event that happened
See Also:

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