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Class LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup

  extended by y.view.LocalViewCreator
      extended by y.view.LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator
          extended by y.view.LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup
Enclosing class:

public static class LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup
extends LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator

Local view creator that tries to identify groups of edges according to shared source and/or target nodes or using ids provided that are bound to the model graph.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class y.view.LocalViewCreator
LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator, LocalViewCreator.AncestorGroups, LocalViewCreator.CommonParentGroup, LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup, LocalViewCreator.FolderContents, LocalViewCreator.Neighborhood, LocalViewCreator.SourceAndTarget
Field Summary
static byte GROUP_BY_SOURCE
          Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if the corresponding source data matches.
          Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if both source data and target data match.
          Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if source data or target data matches.
static byte GROUP_BY_TARGET
          Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if the corresponding target data matches.
Fields inherited from class y.view.LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator
Constructor Summary
LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model)
          Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph.
LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model, GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
          Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph and copy factory.
LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model, GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory, Graph2D view)
          Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph, copy factory, and view graph.
Method Summary
protected  void buildViewGraph()
          Creates graph elements in the creator's view graph.
 byte getGroupByPolicy()
          Returns the policy used for identifying edge groups.
 Graph2D getModel()
          Returns the model graph for which the creator may create local views.
 Edge getModelEdge(Edge view)
          Returns a edge in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.
 Node getModelNode(Node view)
          Returns a node in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding node.
 java.lang.Object getSourceGroupidKey()
          Returns the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains source group IDs from the creator's model graph.
 java.lang.Object getTargetGroupidKey()
          Returns the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains target group IDs from the creator's model graph.
 Edge getViewEdge(Edge model)
          Returns a edge in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.
 Graph2D getViewGraph()
          Returns the view graph that is modified by the creator's updateViewGraph method.
 Node getViewNode(Node model)
          Returns a node in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding node.
 boolean isGroupByIdEnabled()
          Returns true if edge groups are identified using IDs that are stored in DataProviders bound to the creator's model graph using the keys returned by getSourceGroupidKey and getTargetGroupidKey and false if edge groups are defined by shared source and/or target nodes.
 void setGroupByIdEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether edge groups are identified using IDs that are stored in DataProviders bound to the creator's model graph using the keys returned by getSourceGroupidKey and getTargetGroupidKey or by shared source and/or target nodes.
 void setGroupByPolicy(byte policy)
          Specifies the policy used for identifying edge groups.
 void setSourceGroupidKey(java.lang.Object sourceGroupidKey)
          Specifies the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains source group IDs from the creator's model graph.
 void setTargetGroupidKey(java.lang.Object targetGroupidKey)
          Specifies the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains target group IDs from the creator's model graph.
Methods inherited from class y.view.LocalViewCreator.AbstractLocalViewCreator
addFocusEdge, addFocusNode, addSelectionTrigger, clearFocusEdges, clearFocusNodes, createHoverTrigger, createSelectionTrigger, focusEdges, focusNodes, getElementType, getTriggerDelay, isFocusEdge, isFocusNode, isSingleFocus, removeFocusEdge, removeFocusNode, removeSelectionTrigger, setSingleFocus, setTriggerDelay
Methods inherited from class y.view.LocalViewCreator
createDefaultLayouter, getLayouter, layoutViewGraph, publishViewGraph, setLayouter, updateViewGraph
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte GROUP_BY_SOURCE
Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if the corresponding source data matches. The data that is used to determine matches depends on the creator's groupByIdEnabled, sourceGroupidKey, and targetGroupidKey properties.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte GROUP_BY_TARGET
Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if the corresponding target data matches. The data that is used to determine matches depends on the creator's groupByIdEnabled, sourceGroupidKey, and targetGroupidKey properties.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte GROUP_BY_SOURCE_OR_TARGET
Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if source data or target data matches. The data that is used to determine matches depends on the creator's groupByIdEnabled, sourceGroupidKey, and targetGroupidKey properties.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte GROUP_BY_SOURCE_AND_TARGET
Grouping policy that specifies that an edge belongs to the same edge group as one of the focus edges if both source data and target data match. The data that is used to determine matches depends on the creator's groupByIdEnabled, sourceGroupidKey, and targetGroupidKey properties.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model)
Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph. Invoking this constructor is equivalent to:
new EdgeGroup(model, model.getGraphCopyFactory(), (Graph2D) model.getGraphCopyFactory().createGraph());

model - the graph for which local views are to be created.


public LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model,
                                  GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory)
Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph and copy factory. Invoking this constructor is equivalent to:
new EdgeGroup(model, factory, (Graph2D) factory.createGraph());

Note: The graph instances created by the specified factory have to be of type Graph2D or subclasses thereof. Moreover, the factory.

model - the graph for which local views are to be created.
factory - that CopyFactory that will be used to create graph elements in the creator's view graph.


public LocalViewCreator.EdgeGroup(Graph2D model,
                                  GraphCopier.CopyFactory factory,
                                  Graph2D view)
Creates a new EdgeGroup instance for the specified model graph, copy factory, and view graph.

Note: The specified factory has to be able to create graph elements in the specified view graph.

model - the graph for which local views are to be created.
factory - that CopyFactory that will be used to create graph elements in the creator's view graph.
view - the graph that will be modified by the creator.
Method Detail


public boolean isGroupByIdEnabled()
Returns true if edge groups are identified using IDs that are stored in DataProviders bound to the creator's model graph using the keys returned by getSourceGroupidKey and getTargetGroupidKey and false if edge groups are defined by shared source and/or target nodes.

By default, this property is set to false.

true if edge groups are identified using IDs and false if edge groups are defined by shared source and/or target nodes.
See Also:


public void setGroupByIdEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether edge groups are identified using IDs that are stored in DataProviders bound to the creator's model graph using the keys returned by getSourceGroupidKey and getTargetGroupidKey or by shared source and/or target nodes.

By default, this property is set to false.

enabled - if true edge groups are identified using IDs and false if edge groups are defined by shared source and/or target nodes.
See Also:


public byte getGroupByPolicy()
Returns the policy used for identifying edge groups. One of

the policy used for identifying edge groups.
See Also:


public void setGroupByPolicy(byte policy)
Specifies the policy used for identifying edge groups.

policy - the policy used for identifying edge groups. One of
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified policy is not one of the listed constants.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getSourceGroupidKey()
Returns the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains source group IDs from the creator's model graph. Said DataProvider is only used if groupByIdEnabled is set to true.

Defaults to PortConstraintKeys.SOURCE_GROUPID_KEY.

the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains source group IDs.
See Also:


public void setSourceGroupidKey(java.lang.Object sourceGroupidKey)
Specifies the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains source group IDs from the creator's model graph. Said DataProvider is only used if groupByIdEnabled is set to true.

Defaults to PortConstraintKeys.SOURCE_GROUPID_KEY.

sourceGroupidKey - the data provider key used to retrieve source group IDs from the creator's model graph.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getTargetGroupidKey()
Returns the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains target group IDs from the creator's model graph. Said DataProvider is only used if groupByIdEnabled is set to true.

Defaults to PortConstraintKeys.TARGET_GROUPID_KEY.

the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains target group IDs.
See Also:


public void setTargetGroupidKey(java.lang.Object targetGroupidKey)
Specifies the data provider key used to retrieve a DataProvider that contains target group IDs from the creator's model graph. Said DataProvider is only used if groupByIdEnabled is set to true.

Defaults to PortConstraintKeys.TARGET_GROUPID_KEY.

targetGroupidKey - the data provider key used to retrieve target group IDs from the creator's model graph.
See Also:


protected void buildViewGraph()
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Creates graph elements in the creator's view graph. This method is also responsible for creating mappings between graph elements in the creator's model graph and the creator's view graph.

Specified by:
buildViewGraph in class LocalViewCreator
See Also:


public Graph2D getModel()
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns the model graph for which the creator may create local views.

Specified by:
getModel in class LocalViewCreator
the model graph for which the creator may create local views.


public Graph2D getViewGraph()
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns the view graph that is modified by the creator's updateViewGraph method.

Specified by:
getViewGraph in class LocalViewCreator
the view graph that is modified by the creator's updateViewGraph method.
See Also:


public Node getModelNode(Node view)
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns a node in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding node.

Specified by:
getModelNode in class LocalViewCreator
view - a node in the creator's view graph.
a node in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding node.


public Node getViewNode(Node model)
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns a node in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding node.

Specified by:
getViewNode in class LocalViewCreator
model - a node in the creator's model graph.
a node in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified node in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding node.


public Edge getModelEdge(Edge view)
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns a edge in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.

Specified by:
getModelEdge in class LocalViewCreator
view - a edge in the creator's view graph.
a edge in the creator's model graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's view graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.


public Edge getViewEdge(Edge model)
Description copied from class: LocalViewCreator
Returns a edge in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.

Specified by:
getViewEdge in class LocalViewCreator
model - a edge in the creator's model graph.
a edge in the creator's view graph that corresponds to the specified edge in the creator's model graph or null if there is no corresponding edge.

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