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Interface HitInfoFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
HitInfoFactories.BackwardCompatibilityHitInfoFactory, HitInfoFactories.DefaultHitInfoFactory

public interface HitInfoFactory

A factory for creating hit information used by Graph2DView.


Method Summary
 HitInfo createHitInfo(double x, double y, int types, boolean firstHitOnly)
          Creates a hit information object for a given type of graph elements at the specified location.

Method Detail


HitInfo createHitInfo(double x,
                      double y,
                      int types,
                      boolean firstHitOnly)
Creates a hit information object for a given type of graph elements at the specified location. A hit info provides information on the graph elements at the given world coordinates.

x - x world coordinate
y - y world coordinate
types - a bitwise combination of the type masks provided by Graph2DTraversal or Graph2DTraversal.ALL.
firstHitOnly - if true only the hit info only considers the first graph element at the specified coordinates
a hit info

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