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Interface Graph2DRenderer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultGraph2DRenderer, DefaultOrderRenderer

public interface Graph2DRenderer

Implementations of this interface render a Graph2D object.


Method Summary
 void paint(java.awt.Graphics2D gfx, Graph2D graph)
          Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.
 void paintSloppy(java.awt.Graphics2D gfx, Graph2D graph)
          Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.

Method Detail


void paint(java.awt.Graphics2D gfx,
           Graph2D graph)
Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context.


void paintSloppy(java.awt.Graphics2D gfx,
                 Graph2D graph)
Renders the given graph2D on the given Graphics2D context. the rendering process should be quick and can be sloppy.

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