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Interface GenericEdgeRealizer.LabelFactory

Enclosing class:

public static interface GenericEdgeRealizer.LabelFactory

This interface is used by GenericEdgeRealizer to delegate the work of the GenericEdgeRealizer.createEdgeLabel() method to. Classes implementing this interface should query the given context EdgeRealizer for the necessary information each time the method is called since the implementation instances will be shared among multiple GenericEdgeRealizer instances.


Method Summary
 EdgeLabel createEdgeLabel(EdgeRealizer context)
          Used as a callback for the GenericEdgeRealizer.createEdgeLabel() method to create new edge labels for the specified realizer.

Method Detail


EdgeLabel createEdgeLabel(EdgeRealizer context)
Used as a callback for the GenericEdgeRealizer.createEdgeLabel() method to create new edge labels for the specified realizer.

Note: This method should return labels that are not yet bound to any realizer.

context - the EdgeRealizer for which a new edge label has to be created.
a new EdgeLabel instance.

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