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Class GeneralPathNodePainter

  extended by y.view.AbstractCustomNodePainter
      extended by y.view.GeneralPathNodePainter
All Implemented Interfaces:
GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest, GenericNodeRealizer.Painter

public class GeneralPathNodePainter
extends AbstractCustomNodePainter
implements GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest

A painter and contains test for GenericNodeRealizer that uses a pre-defined GeneralPath as the shape for nodes. GeneralPath instances that are used with this painter/contains test have to reside in the unit square, i.e. the bounds of these paths must lie in [0,1]x[0,1].


Constructor Summary
GeneralPathNodePainter(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path)
          Initializes a new GeneralPathNodePainter instance.
Method Summary
 boolean contains(NodeRealizer context, double x, double y)
          Used as a callback for the GenericNodeRealizer.contains(double, double) method.
protected  java.awt.Color getFillColor(NodeRealizer context, boolean selected)
          Returns the fill color for the specified realizer.
protected  void paintNode(NodeRealizer context, java.awt.Graphics2D graphics, boolean sloppy)
          Callback method to be overwritten by subclasses called by AbstractCustomNodePainter.paint(NodeRealizer, Graphics2D).
Methods inherited from class y.view.AbstractCustomNodePainter
backupGraphics, createSelectionColor, getFillColor2, getFillPaint, getLineColor, getLinePaint, getLineStroke, initializeFill, initializeLine, paint, paintHotSpots, paintPorts, paintSloppy, paintText, restoreGraphics
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GeneralPathNodePainter(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath path)
Initializes a new GeneralPathNodePainter instance.

path - the geometric shape used to represent nodes. Its bounds must lie in [0,1]x[0,1].
Method Detail


protected void paintNode(NodeRealizer context,
                         java.awt.Graphics2D graphics,
                         boolean sloppy)
Description copied from class: AbstractCustomNodePainter
Callback method to be overwritten by subclasses called by AbstractCustomNodePainter.paint(NodeRealizer, Graphics2D). This method is responsible for drawing the actual node only - neither the hotspots, nor the labels, should be painted by this method.

Specified by:
paintNode in class AbstractCustomNodePainter
context - the context node
graphics - the graphics context to use
sloppy - whether to draw the node sloppily
See Also:
AbstractCustomNodePainter.initializeLine(NodeRealizer, Graphics2D), AbstractCustomNodePainter.initializeFill(NodeRealizer, Graphics2D)


protected java.awt.Color getFillColor(NodeRealizer context,
                                      boolean selected)
Returns the fill color for the specified realizer. Overwritten to always consider the specified realizer to be not selected.

getFillColor in class AbstractCustomNodePainter
selected - ignored. Always considered to be false.
context - the context node
the color to use or null


public boolean contains(NodeRealizer context,
                        double x,
                        double y)
Description copied from interface: GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest
Used as a callback for the GenericNodeRealizer.contains(double, double) method.

Specified by:
contains in interface GenericNodeRealizer.ContainsTest

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