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Package y.util.pq

Provides interfaces and implementations of priority queues for nodes.


Interface Summary
DoubleNodePQ Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated double values.
IntNodePQ Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated int values.
NodePQ Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by a comparable values.

Class Summary
ArrayIntNodePQ Implements a priority queue for nodes based on a array with bucket lists.
BHeapDoubleNodePQ This class implements a priority queue for nodes whose priority values are of type double.
BHeapIntNodePQ This class implements a priority queue for nodes whose priority values are of type int.
BHeapNodePQ This class represents a priority queue for nodes where the priority values are of type Object The implementation is based on binary heaps.
DoubleObjectPQ This class implements a priority queue for objects whose priority values are of type double.
IntObjectPQ This class implements a priority queue for objects whose priority values are of type int.
ListIntNodePQ A specialized priority queue that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated int values.
TreeIntNodePQ Implements a priority queue for nodes based on AVL Trees.

Package y.util.pq Description

Provides interfaces and implementations of priority queues for nodes.


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