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Interface ObjectStore

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ObjectStore

This interface will be implemented by classes which are able to serialize objects into a number of key value pairs.


Method Summary
 void restore(java.lang.Object object, java.util.Map propertyMap, ObjectStringConverter converter)
          This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to restore its attributes stored in the propertyMap using the converter to do the string to object conversion.
 void store(java.lang.Object object, java.util.Map propertyMap, ObjectStringConverter converter)
          This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to transform the attributes of the object into string values and puts the attribute-name string-value pairs in the supplied propertyMap.

Method Detail


void store(java.lang.Object object,
           java.util.Map propertyMap,
           ObjectStringConverter converter)
This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to transform the attributes of the object into string values and puts the attribute-name string-value pairs in the supplied propertyMap.

object - the object whose attributes will be stored in the propertyMap
propertyMap - the map, which contains the key value pairs, both keys and values must be Strings.
converter - the converter, which must be used to convert simple objects to corresponding String forms


void restore(java.lang.Object object,
             java.util.Map propertyMap,
             ObjectStringConverter converter)
This method takes an object, uses the supplied converter to restore its attributes stored in the propertyMap using the converter to do the string to object conversion. supplied propertyMap.

object - the object whose attributes will be restored from the propertyMap
propertyMap - the map, which contains the key value pairs, both keys and values are Strings.
converter - the converter, which should be used to convert the string representations to the object's attributes.

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