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Class GraphCopier.EdgeDataProviderCopyFactory

  extended by y.util.GraphCopier.GraphDataCopyFactory
      extended by y.util.GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory
          extended by y.util.GraphCopier.EdgeDataProviderCopyFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class GraphCopier.EdgeDataProviderCopyFactory
extends GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory

Helper class implementation of GraphCopier.CopyFactory that can be used to copy the contents of a DataProvider registered with the source graph onto the target graph storing the values in newly a created edge map.

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.util.GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory
Constructor Summary
GraphCopier.EdgeDataProviderCopyFactory(GraphCopier.CopyFactory delegatingFactory, java.lang.Object dpKey)
          Creates a new instance using the delegate for the given data provider key.
Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Object copy(java.lang.Object dpKey, Edge src, Edge dst, java.lang.Object value)
          Callback method that performs the actual copying of the data.
protected  void copyData(Edge src, Edge dst)
          Empty stub to be overwritten by subclass implementations.
protected  DataMap createMap(Graph dst)
          Factory callback to create the backing storage.
Methods inherited from class y.util.GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory
getMap, preCopyData
Methods inherited from class y.util.GraphCopier.GraphDataCopyFactory
copyData, copyEdge, copyNode, createGraph, postCopyData, postCopyGraphData, preCopyGraphData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GraphCopier.EdgeDataProviderCopyFactory(GraphCopier.CopyFactory delegatingFactory,
                                               java.lang.Object dpKey)
Creates a new instance using the delegate for the given data provider key.

Method Detail


protected DataMap createMap(Graph dst)
Description copied from class: GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory
Factory callback to create the backing storage.

Specified by:
createMap in class GraphCopier.DataProviderCopyFactory


protected void copyData(Edge src,
                        Edge dst)
Description copied from class: GraphCopier.GraphDataCopyFactory
Empty stub to be overwritten by subclass implementations.

copyData in class GraphCopier.GraphDataCopyFactory
src - the old entity
dst - the new entity


protected java.lang.Object copy(java.lang.Object dpKey,
                                Edge src,
                                Edge dst,
                                java.lang.Object value)
Callback method that performs the actual copying of the data. This implementation simply returns the reference.

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