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Class TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition

  extended by y.option.TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition
Enclosing class:

public static final class TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition
extends java.lang.Object

Enumeration to specify the position of the editor's info component.


Field Summary
static TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition EAST
          Style with information component placed to the east of the table.
static TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition NONE
          Style with no information component at all.
static TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition NORTH
          Style with information component placed to the north of the table.
static TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition SOUTH
          Style with information component placed to the south of the table.
static TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition WEST
          Style with information component placed to the west of the table.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition NONE
Style with no information component at all.


public static final TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition NORTH
Style with information component placed to the north of the table.


public static final TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition WEST
Style with information component placed to the west of the table.


public static final TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition SOUTH
Style with information component placed to the south of the table. The default.


public static final TableEditorFactory.InfoPosition EAST
Style with information component placed to the east of the table.

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