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Class PathSearchResult

  extended by y.layout.router.polyline.PathSearchResult

public class PathSearchResult
extends java.lang.Object

This class manages the best Paths found for each edge and provides according EdgeInfos. These are used by the ChannelBasedPathRouting algorithm to calculate the final segment locations for the segments of an edge path.


Constructor Summary
PathSearchResult(PathSearchConfiguration configuration)
          Creates a new instance of PathSearchResult.
Method Summary
 EdgeInfo getEdgeInfo(Edge edge)
          Returns an EdgeInfo for the given edge.
 Path getPath(Edge edge)
          Returns the previously registered path found for the edge.
 void setPath(Edge edge, Path path)
          Specifies a found path for an edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathSearchResult(PathSearchConfiguration configuration)
Creates a new instance of PathSearchResult.

configuration - the configuration used for the path search
Method Detail


public EdgeInfo getEdgeInfo(Edge edge)
Returns an EdgeInfo for the given edge.

If the given edge shall be routed but no path has been set for it, yet, null is returned. If no EdgeInfo has been created for the path by this context before, a new one is instantiated, otherwise the stored one is returned.

edge - the edge for which the EdgeInfo will be returned
an EdgeInfo describing the path of the edge
See Also:
setPath(Edge, Path)


public void setPath(Edge edge,
                    Path path)
Specifies a found path for an edge.

edge - the edge for which the path is set
path - the found path


public Path getPath(Edge edge)
Returns the previously registered path found for the edge.

edge - the edge for which the path is provided
the previously registered path found for the edge or null if no path has been registered, yet

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