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Class TopologicalIncrementalLayerer

  extended by y.layout.hierarchic.incremental.TopologicalIncrementalLayerer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TopologicalIncrementalLayerer
extends java.lang.Object
implements Layerer

This class is a Layerer implementation that inserts nodes incrementally into an existing layer structure, without destroying the existing layout.

Nodes are inserted such that the length of backward pointing edges is minimized (not their number!). The method implemented will insert new layers into the current layering, if necessary, at locally optimal positions.


Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of TopologicalIncrementalLayerer.
Method Summary
 void assignLayers(LayoutGraph graph, Layers layers, LayoutDataProvider ldp)
          Calculates an optimal layering for incremental nodes.
 LayeredComponentsMerger getLayeredComponentsMerger()
          Returns the LayeredComponentsMerger instance used for merging the layers of separate components into the current layering.
 Layerer getSeparateComponentsLayerer()
          Returns the Layerer instance used for the layering of separate components.
 void setLayeredComponentsMerger(LayeredComponentsMerger layeredComponentsMerger)
          Specifies the LayeredComponentsMerger instance used for merging the layers of separate components into the current layering.
 void setSeparateComponentsLayerer(Layerer separateComponentsLayerer)
          Specifies the Layerer instance used for the layering of separate components.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TopologicalIncrementalLayerer()
Creates a new instance of TopologicalIncrementalLayerer.

Method Detail


public void assignLayers(LayoutGraph graph,
                         Layers layers,
                         LayoutDataProvider ldp)
Calculates an optimal layering for incremental nodes.

Specified by:
assignLayers in interface Layerer
graph - the input graph
layers - the Layers instance that will be filled with the results of the calculation
ldp - the LayoutDataProvider used for querying information about the nodes and edges
See Also:
Layers.insert(byte, int), Layer.add(y.base.Node)


public Layerer getSeparateComponentsLayerer()
Returns the Layerer instance used for the layering of separate components.

the Layerer instance used for layering the separate components
See Also:


public void setSeparateComponentsLayerer(Layerer separateComponentsLayerer)
Specifies the Layerer instance used for the layering of separate components.

Default Value:
The default value is OldLayererWrapper. An instance of OldLayererWrapper wrapping a WeightedLayerer will be used for the layering of separate components.
separateComponentsLayerer - the given Layerer instance for layering the separate components
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified Layerer is null


public LayeredComponentsMerger getLayeredComponentsMerger()
Returns the LayeredComponentsMerger instance used for merging the layers of separate components into the current layering.

the LayeredComponentsMerger instance used for merging the layers of separate components
See Also:


public void setLayeredComponentsMerger(LayeredComponentsMerger layeredComponentsMerger)
Specifies the LayeredComponentsMerger instance used for merging the layers of separate components into the current layering.

Default Value:
The default value is DefaultLayeredComponentsMerger
layeredComponentsMerger - the given LayeredComponentsMerger instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified LayeredComponentsMerger is null

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