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Interface ItemFactory

public interface ItemFactory

This interface is a factory for creating and destroying helper structures used in the graph during layout.

An implementation of this interface is provided by the HierarchicLayouter during the layout for the different sub-modules.

It is mainly for internal use.

Method Summary
 void convertToLabelNode(Node dummyNode)
          Converts a given Node to a label node.
 Node createBendNode(Layer layer, Edge edge)
          Creates a bend Node for the given Edge in the given Layer.
 Node createBendNode(Layer layer, Edge edge, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a bend Node for the given Edge in the given Layer and assigns it to the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance.
 NodeData createBendNodeData(Node node, Edge edge)
          Creates a NodeData object for a bend Node and associates it with the Node.
 NodeData createBendNodeData(Node node, Edge edge, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a NodeData object for a bend Node and associates it with the Node.
 Edge createBusDummyEdge(Node sourceBusNode, Node targetBusNode, EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor, java.lang.Object groupingId, boolean groupingAtSource)
          Creates a dummy edge that models the bus segment of a bus substructure.
 EdgeData createBusDummyEdgeData(Edge busDummyEdge, EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor, java.lang.Object groupingId, boolean groupingAtSource)
          Creates an EdgeData instance for a bus dummy edge.
 Node createBusDummyNode(Layer layer, Node groupNode, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.
 NodeData createBusDummyNodeData(Node busDummyNode, Node groupNode, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a NodeData instance for a bus dummy node.
 Node createConnectorProxyForGroup(Node groupNode, java.lang.Object groupId, Layer layer, Edge edge)
          Creates a dummy Node that mimics a connector to a group Node.
 Node createContentConnectorProxyForGroup(Node groupNode, java.lang.Object groupId, Layer layer, Edge e)
          Creates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.
 Node createDistanceNode(Layer layer, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double size, Edge[] edges)
          Creates a spacer Node for the drawing phase using the given bounds in the given Layer.
 Edge createDummyEdge(Node newSource, Node newTarget, Edge oldEdge, boolean sourceEnd, boolean targetEnd)
          Creates a dummy Edge using the given data.
 Node createEdgeGroupNode(Layer layer, java.lang.Object groupId)
          Creates an edge group Node in the given Layer.
 NodeData createEdgeGroupNodeData(Node node, java.lang.Object groupId, boolean source)
          Creates a NodeData object for an edge group Node and associates it with the Node.
 Edge createGroupBorderEdge(Node source, Node target)
          Creates an Edge that connects two group border Nodes.
 Node createGroupBorderNode(Node groupNode, Layer layer, byte type)
          Creates a group boundary Node for a group node in the given Layer.
 Node createGroupLayerDummyNode()
          Create a dummy Node for a group layer.
 Edge createGroupNodeConnectorEdge(Node groupNode1, Node groupNode2, Edge representative)
          Creates a group node connector Edge between two group Nodes.
 EdgeData createNormalEdgeData(Edge edge)
          Creates an EdgeData object for a normal Edge and associates it with the edge.
 NodeData createNormalNodeData(Node node)
          Creates a NodeData object for a normal Node and associates it with the Node.
 Node createProxyNode(Edge edge, boolean source)
          Creates a proxy Node for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy.
 Node createProxyNode(Edge edge, boolean source, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a proxy Node for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy and assigns it to a SwimLaneDescriptor instance.
 NodeData createProxyNodeData(Node node, Node proxy, Edge edge)
          Creates a NodeData object for a proxy Node and associates it with the proxy node.
 Edge createRecursiveDummyEdge(Node newSource, Node newTarget, Edge oldEdge, boolean sourceEnd, boolean targetEnd)
          Creates a dummy edge that belongs to a recursive Edge.
 Node createRecursiveEdgeDummy(Layer layer, Edge edge, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a dummy Node that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.
 NodeData createRecursiveEdgeNodeData(Node node, Edge edge, SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
          Creates a NodeData for a dummy Node of a recursive Edge.
 EdgeData createRecursiveSameLayerEdgeData(Edge edge, EdgeData originalEdgeData, boolean isUpper)
          Creates an EdgeData object for a same-layer recursive Edge and associates it with the edge.
 Edge createRedirectedGroupEdge(Node newSource, Node newTarget, Edge groupEdge)
          Creates a redirected Edge to replace an Edge connected to a group Node.
 Edge createReverseDummyEdge(Node newSource, Node newTarget, Edge oldEdge, boolean sourceEnd, boolean targetEnd)
          Creates a reversed dummy Edge using the given data.
 EdgeData createSameLayerEdgeData(Edge edge)
          Creates an EdgeData object for a same-layer Edge and associates it with the edge.
 Edge createSameLayerProxy(Layer layer, Edge edge, Node toProxy)
          Creates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy Node and a given proxy Node in the given Layer.
 Node createSameLayerSideProxy(Layer inLayer, Node forNode, Edge edge)
          Creates a proxy Node for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
 Node createSameLayerSideProxy(Layer inLayer, Node forNode, Edge edge, SwimLaneDescriptor sld)
          Creates a proxy Node for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
 Node createSameLayerSwitchProxy(Layer layer, Edge edge)
          Creates a same-layer switch proxy Node (switching between two same-layer Edges on two different sides of the layer).
 EdgeData createSelfLoopEdgeData(Edge edge)
          Creates an EdgeData object for a self-loop Edge and associates it with the edge.
 void destroyDistanceNode(Node distanceNode)
          Destroys a spacer Node for the drawing phase created using createDistanceNode(Layer, Rectangle2D.Double, Edge[]).
 void destroyGroupConnectorLayer(Layer layer, boolean useInEdges)
          Removes the given layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.
 void destroyLabelNodeLayer(Layer layer, boolean useInEdges)
          Destroys a previously created label layer
 Edge destroyProxyNode(Node proxyNode)
          Destroys a proxy Node created using createProxyNode(Edge, boolean) for the drawing phase.
 Edge destroySameLayerProxy(Edge edge)
          Destroys a same-layer Edge proxy created using createSameLayerProxy(Layer, Edge, Node).
 void destroySameLayerSideProxy(Node proxyNode)
          Destroys a proxy Node created using createProxyNode(Edge, boolean) for the drawing phase.
 Edge destroySameLayerSwitchProxy(Node node)
          Destroys a same-layer switch proxy Node created using createSameLayerSwitchProxy(Layer, Edge).
 EdgeList insertEdge(Edge edge)
          Inserts a same-layer Edge or an Edge that may span multiple layers into the data structure and returns the resulting list of Edges that has been created if this edge spans multiple layers.
 Layer insertGroupConnectorLayer(boolean top, int index)
          Inserts a layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.
 Layer insertGroupNodeLayer(boolean source, int index)
          Inserts a layer for group Nodes.
 Layer insertLabelNodeLayer(boolean source, int index)
          Inserts a Layer for labels.
 void registerSameLayerEdge(Edge edge)
          Registers an Edge as a same-layer Edge appropriately into all data structures.
 void setDirectlyConnectSameLayerEdge(Edge sameLayerEdge)
          Converts a same-layer Edge to an Edge of type EdgeData.TYPE_DIRECT_SAME_LAYER_EDGE.
 EdgeData setTemporaryCriticalEdgePriority(Edge edge, int priority)
          Specifies the critical edge priority for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.
 EdgeData setTemporaryCrossingCost(Edge edge, double crossingCost)
          Specifies the crossing cost for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.
 EdgeData setTemporaryEdgeGroups(Edge edge, java.lang.Object sgId, java.lang.Object tgId)
          Specifies an edge group constraint for an Edge and assigns it to an EdgeData object.
 EdgeData setTemporaryEdgeThickness(Edge edge, double thickness)
          Specifies the thickness for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.
 EdgeData setTemporaryPortConstraint(Edge edge, boolean source, PortConstraint pc)
          Specifies a port constraint for an Edge at the given side and assigns it to an EdgeData object.
 void unconvertToLabelNode(Node labelNode)
          Reverts a label node to the normal Node.

Method Detail


Layer insertGroupNodeLayer(boolean source,
                           int index)
Inserts a layer for group Nodes.

source - true if the group refers to the source node of an edge, false otherwise
index - the index at which the specified layer is to be inserted
a layer instance


Layer insertLabelNodeLayer(boolean source,
                           int index)
Inserts a Layer for labels.

source - true if the source node of the edge, false otherwise
index - the index at which the specified Layer is to be inserted
a layer instance


void destroyLabelNodeLayer(Layer layer,
                           boolean useInEdges)
Destroys a previously created label layer

layer - the layer to destroy
useInEdges - whether the incoming edges should be used as the resulting edges


Layer insertGroupConnectorLayer(boolean top,
                                int index)
Inserts a layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.

top - true if this layer is placed above a group nodes, false if placed below
index - the index where the layer is inserted
the new layer
See Also:


void destroyGroupConnectorLayer(Layer layer,
                                boolean useInEdges)
Removes the given layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.

layer - the layer to destroy
useInEdges - whether the incoming edges should be used as the resulting edges
See Also:


EdgeList insertEdge(Edge edge)
Inserts a same-layer Edge or an Edge that may span multiple layers into the data structure and returns the resulting list of Edges that has been created if this edge spans multiple layers.

edge - the given Edge
the resulting list of Edges that has been created if this edge spans multiple layers


void registerSameLayerEdge(Edge edge)
Registers an Edge as a same-layer Edge appropriately into all data structures.

edge - the given Edge to be registered


void convertToLabelNode(Node dummyNode)
Converts a given Node to a label node.

dummyNode - the given Node to be converted


void unconvertToLabelNode(Node labelNode)
Reverts a label node to the normal Node.

labelNode - the given label node to be converted


Node createProxyNode(Edge edge,
                     boolean source)
Creates a proxy Node for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy.

edge - the given Edge
source - true if the source of the edge is referred, false otherwise
the new proxy Node


Node createProxyNode(Edge edge,
                     boolean source,
                     SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a proxy Node for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy and assigns it to a SwimLaneDescriptor instance.

edge - the given Edge
source - true if the node is the source node of the edge, false otherwise
laneDescriptor - a given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
the new proxy Node


Edge destroyProxyNode(Node proxyNode)
Destroys a proxy Node created using createProxyNode(Edge, boolean) for the drawing phase.

proxyNode - the proxy Node to be destroyed


Node createSameLayerSideProxy(Layer inLayer,
                              Node forNode,
                              Edge edge)
Creates a proxy Node for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.

inLayer - the given Layer instance
forNode - the given Node
edge - the given Edge
the new proxy Node


Node createSameLayerSideProxy(Layer inLayer,
                              Node forNode,
                              Edge edge,
                              SwimLaneDescriptor sld)
Creates a proxy Node for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.

inLayer - the given Layer instance
forNode - the given Node
edge - the given Edge
sld - a given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
the new proxy Node


void destroySameLayerSideProxy(Node proxyNode)
Destroys a proxy Node created using createProxyNode(Edge, boolean) for the drawing phase.

proxyNode - the proxy Node to be destroyed


Node createEdgeGroupNode(Layer layer,
                         java.lang.Object groupId)
Creates an edge group Node in the given Layer.

layer - the given Layer instance
groupId - the ID of the edge group
the new group Node


Node createBendNode(Layer layer,
                    Edge edge)
Creates a bend Node for the given Edge in the given Layer.

layer - the given Layer instance
edge - the given edge
the new bend Node


Node createBendNode(Layer layer,
                    Edge edge,
                    SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a bend Node for the given Edge in the given Layer and assigns it to the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance.

layer - the given Layer instance
edge - the given Edge
laneDescriptor - a given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
the new bend Node


Node createDistanceNode(Layer layer,
                        java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double size,
                        Edge[] edges)
Creates a spacer Node for the drawing phase using the given bounds in the given Layer.

layer - the given Layer instance
size - the given bounds
edges - an array of Edges
the new spacer Node


void destroyDistanceNode(Node distanceNode)
Destroys a spacer Node for the drawing phase created using createDistanceNode(Layer, Rectangle2D.Double, Edge[]).

distanceNode - the Node to be destroyed


Edge createDummyEdge(Node newSource,
                     Node newTarget,
                     Edge oldEdge,
                     boolean sourceEnd,
                     boolean targetEnd)
Creates a dummy Edge using the given data.

newSource - the source node of the Edge
newTarget - the target node of the Edge
oldEdge - the old Edge from which to retrieve the data
sourceEnd - true if the source node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
targetEnd - true if the target node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
a new dummy Edge


Edge createReverseDummyEdge(Node newSource,
                            Node newTarget,
                            Edge oldEdge,
                            boolean sourceEnd,
                            boolean targetEnd)
Creates a reversed dummy Edge using the given data.

newSource - the source node of the Edge
newTarget - the target node of the Edge
oldEdge - the old Edge from which to retrieve the data
sourceEnd - true if the source node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
targetEnd - true if the target node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
a new reversed dummy Edge


Edge createRedirectedGroupEdge(Node newSource,
                               Node newTarget,
                               Edge groupEdge)
Creates a redirected Edge to replace an Edge connected to a group Node.

newSource - the source node of the Edge
newTarget - the target node of the Edge
groupEdge - the given group Edge
a new redirected Edge


Edge createGroupNodeConnectorEdge(Node groupNode1,
                                  Node groupNode2,
                                  Edge representative)
Creates a group node connector Edge between two group Nodes.

groupNode1 - the first group node
groupNode2 - the first group node
representative - the given representative Edge
a new connector Edge between two group Nodes


Edge createSameLayerProxy(Layer layer,
                          Edge edge,
                          Node toProxy)
Creates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy Node and a given proxy Node in the given Layer.

layer - the given Layer
edge - the given Edge
toProxy - the given proxy Node
a new redefined same-layer Edge


Edge destroySameLayerProxy(Edge edge)
Destroys a same-layer Edge proxy created using createSameLayerProxy(Layer, Edge, Node).

edge - the Edge whose proxy will be destroyed
the redefined Edge after the removal of the proxy Node


Node createSameLayerSwitchProxy(Layer layer,
                                Edge edge)
Creates a same-layer switch proxy Node (switching between two same-layer Edges on two different sides of the layer).

layer - the given Layer
edge - the given Edge
the new same-layer switch proxy Node


Edge destroySameLayerSwitchProxy(Node node)
Destroys a same-layer switch proxy Node created using createSameLayerSwitchProxy(Layer, Edge).

node - the Node to be destroyed
the redefined Edge after the removal of the same-layer switch proxy Node


NodeData createNormalNodeData(Node node)
Creates a NodeData object for a normal Node and associates it with the Node.

node - the given Node
a NodeData object for the given Node


NodeData createProxyNodeData(Node node,
                             Node proxy,
                             Edge edge)
Creates a NodeData object for a proxy Node and associates it with the proxy node.

node - the given Node
proxy - the given proxy node
edge - the given Edge
a NodeData object for the given proxy node


NodeData createBendNodeData(Node node,
                            Edge edge)
Creates a NodeData object for a bend Node and associates it with the Node.

node - the given Node
edge - the given Edge
a NodeData object for the given bend Node


NodeData createBendNodeData(Node node,
                            Edge edge,
                            SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a NodeData object for a bend Node and associates it with the Node. The bend is assigned to the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance.

node - the given Node
edge - the given Edge
laneDescriptor - the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
a NodeData object for the given bend Node


NodeData createEdgeGroupNodeData(Node node,
                                 java.lang.Object groupId,
                                 boolean source)
Creates a NodeData object for an edge group Node and associates it with the Node.

node - the given Node
groupId - the given group ID
source - true if the edge group is referred to the source node, false otherwise
a NodeData object for the given edge group Node


Node createGroupBorderNode(Node groupNode,
                           Layer layer,
                           byte type)
Creates a group boundary Node for a group node in the given Layer.

groupNode - the given group Node
layer - the given Layer
type - one of NodeData.TYPE_GROUP_BEGIN or NodeData.TYPE_GROUP_END
the new group boundary Node


Node createGroupLayerDummyNode()
Create a dummy Node for a group layer.

a new dummy Node


EdgeData createNormalEdgeData(Edge edge)
Creates an EdgeData object for a normal Edge and associates it with the edge.

edge - the given Edge
an EdgeData object for the given Edge


EdgeData createSameLayerEdgeData(Edge edge)
Creates an EdgeData object for a same-layer Edge and associates it with the edge.

edge - the given Edge
an EdgeData object for the same-layer Edge


EdgeData createSelfLoopEdgeData(Edge edge)
Creates an EdgeData object for a self-loop Edge and associates it with the edge.

edge - the given Edge
an EdgeData object for a self-loop Edge


void setDirectlyConnectSameLayerEdge(Edge sameLayerEdge)
Converts a same-layer Edge to an Edge of type EdgeData.TYPE_DIRECT_SAME_LAYER_EDGE.

sameLayerEdge - the given same-layer Edge


EdgeData setTemporaryPortConstraint(Edge edge,
                                    boolean source,
                                    PortConstraint pc)
Specifies a port constraint for an Edge at the given side and assigns it to an EdgeData object.

edge - the given Edge
source - true of the port constraint is defined on the source node of the Edge, false otherwise
pc - the given PortConstraint instance
an EdgeData object


EdgeData setTemporaryEdgeThickness(Edge edge,
                                   double thickness)
Specifies the thickness for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.

edge - the given Edge
thickness - the new edge thickness
an EdgeData object with an adjusted edge thickness


EdgeData setTemporaryCrossingCost(Edge edge,
                                  double crossingCost)
Specifies the crossing cost for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.

edge - the given edge
crossingCost - the new crossing cost for the given edge
an EdgeData object with an adjusted edge crossing cost


EdgeData setTemporaryCriticalEdgePriority(Edge edge,
                                          int priority)
Specifies the critical edge priority for an Edge and defines it in an EdgeData object.

edge - the given edge
priority - the new priority for the given edge
an EdgeData object with an adjusted critical edge priority


EdgeData setTemporaryEdgeGroups(Edge edge,
                                java.lang.Object sgId,
                                java.lang.Object tgId)
Specifies an edge group constraint for an Edge and assigns it to an EdgeData object.

edge - the given Edge
sgId - the ID of the edge group at the source node
tgId - the ID of the edge group at the target node
an EdgeData object


Edge createGroupBorderEdge(Node source,
                           Node target)
Creates an Edge that connects two group border Nodes.

source - the source Node
target - the target Node
the new Edge connecting the two group Nodes


Node createConnectorProxyForGroup(Node groupNode,
                                  java.lang.Object groupId,
                                  Layer layer,
                                  Edge edge)
Creates a dummy Node that mimics a connector to a group Node.

groupNode - the given group Node
groupId - the given group ID
layer - the given Layer instance
edge - the given Edge
the new Node


Node createContentConnectorProxyForGroup(Node groupNode,
                                         java.lang.Object groupId,
                                         Layer layer,
                                         Edge e)
Creates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.

groupNode - the group node to which the edge is connected
groupId - the id of the group node
layer - the layer to which the dummy node will be assigned
e - the edge that connects to the dummy node
the dummy node


Node createBusDummyNode(Layer layer,
                        Node groupNode,
                        SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.

layer - the layer to which the created dummy node is added
groupNode - the group node to which the created dummy node is added
laneDescriptor - the lane to which the dummy should belong to
the newly created bus dummy node
See Also:


NodeData createBusDummyNodeData(Node busDummyNode,
                                Node groupNode,
                                SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a NodeData instance for a bus dummy node.

busDummyNode - the bus dummy node for which the data is created
groupNode - the group node to which the bus dummy node belongs
laneDescriptor - the lane to which the bus dummy node belongs
the newly created NodeData instance for the given bus dummy node


Edge createBusDummyEdge(Node sourceBusNode,
                        Node targetBusNode,
                        EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor,
                        java.lang.Object groupingId,
                        boolean groupingAtSource)
Creates a dummy edge that models the bus segment of a bus substructure.

Such an edge is created between the bus root node and the first bus dummy node and between bus dummy nodes on consecutive layers.

sourceBusNode - the source bus dummy node or the root node of the bus substructure
targetBusNode - the target bus dummy node or the root node of the bus substructure
edgeLayoutDescriptor - the descriptor which is assigned to the new dummy edge
groupingId - the edge grouping id assigned to the new dummy edge
groupingAtSource - true if the dummy edge should be grouped at the source side, false if it should be grouped at the target side
the newly created bus dummy edge connecting the two given nodes


EdgeData createBusDummyEdgeData(Edge busDummyEdge,
                                EdgeLayoutDescriptor edgeLayoutDescriptor,
                                java.lang.Object groupingId,
                                boolean groupingAtSource)
Creates an EdgeData instance for a bus dummy edge.

busDummyEdge - the bus dummy edge
edgeLayoutDescriptor - the descriptor which is assigned to the given bus dummy edge
groupingId - the grouping id assigned to the given bus dummy edge
groupingAtSource - true if the dummy edge is grouped at the source side, false if it is grouped at the target side
the newly created EdgeData for the given bus dummy edge


Node createRecursiveEdgeDummy(Layer layer,
                              Edge edge,
                              SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a dummy Node that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.

layer - the given Layer to which the dummy Node is assigned
edge - the given Edge to which the dummy Node belongs
laneDescriptor - the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
the new Node


NodeData createRecursiveEdgeNodeData(Node node,
                                     Edge edge,
                                     SwimLaneDescriptor laneDescriptor)
Creates a NodeData for a dummy Node of a recursive Edge.

node - the given Node
edge - the given Edge to which the dummy Node belongs
laneDescriptor - the given SwimLaneDescriptor instance
the new NodeData instance


Edge createRecursiveDummyEdge(Node newSource,
                              Node newTarget,
                              Edge oldEdge,
                              boolean sourceEnd,
                              boolean targetEnd)
Creates a dummy edge that belongs to a recursive Edge.

newSource - the source node of the Edge
newTarget - the target node of the Edge
oldEdge - the old Edge from which to retrieve the data
sourceEnd - true if the source node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
targetEnd - true if the target node of the edge is referred, false otherwise
a new dummy Edge


EdgeData createRecursiveSameLayerEdgeData(Edge edge,
                                          EdgeData originalEdgeData,
                                          boolean isUpper)
Creates an EdgeData object for a same-layer recursive Edge and associates it with the edge.

edge - the given Edge
originalEdgeData - the EdgeData object of the original edge
isUpper - true is the recursive edge is an upper same layer edge, false otherwise
an EdgeData object for the recursive same-layer Edge

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