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Class MedianLinearSegmentDrawer

  extended by y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
      extended by y.layout.hierarchic.MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MedianLinearSegmentDrawer
extends AbstractDrawer

This class implements the third phase of the hierarchic layout algorithm (i.e., the assignment of nodes' coordinates).

Edges are represented as polyline segments with at most two bends per edge. The algorithm has linear running time and is based on the article [BK01]:


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
distanceToNextNode, dummyMap, edgeLengthKey, graph, minimalEdgeDistance, minimalLayerDistance, minimalMultiEdgeDistance, minimalNodeDistance
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Constructor Summary
          Creates an instance of MedianLinearSegmentDrawer with default settings.
Method Summary
protected  void assignCoordinates(NodeList[] layerLists, DataProvider layerID)
          Assigns the coordinates to the nodes of the given graph.
protected  void dispose()
          Cleans up previously allocated structures.
protected  void horizontalCompaction(LayoutGraph graph, double[] x, NodeList[] layerLists)
          Calculates the coordinates of the graph.
protected  void init(Graph graph, NodeList[] layerLists)
          Initializes the data structures for all runs.
static void markConflicts(NodeList[] layerLists, EdgeMap conflictMark, NodeMap dummyMap, int[] pos)
          Marks conflicts occurred when a non-inner segment crosses an inner segment.
protected  void propagateCoordinates(LayoutGraph graph)
          Propagates the calculated x-coordinates to the nodes of the graph.
protected  void reinit(Graph graph, double[] x)
          Initializes the data structures for one basic step.
 void verticalAlignment(LayoutGraph graph, NodeList[] layerLists)
          Calculates a vertical alignment.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.hierarchic.AbstractDrawer
assignCoordinates, assignYCoords, assignYCoords, getBottomBorder, getBottomHalf, getBottomY, getDistanceToNextNode, getFullHeight, getFullWidth, getLeftBorder, getLeftHalf, getLeftX, getMinimalEdgeDistance, getMinimalLayerDistance, getMinimalMultiEdgeDistance, getMinimalNodeDistance, getRightBorder, getRightHalf, getRightX, getTopBorder, getTopHalf, getTopY, initializeDistancesToNextNode, setDummyMap, setEdgeLengthKey, setMinimalEdgeDistance, setMinimalLayerDistance, setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance, setMinimalNodeDistance
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MedianLinearSegmentDrawer()
Creates an instance of MedianLinearSegmentDrawer with default settings.

Method Detail


protected void assignCoordinates(NodeList[] layerLists,
                                 DataProvider layerID)
Assigns the coordinates to the nodes of the given graph.

The procedure has three steps (see U. Brandes and B. Koepf, 2001):

This method is called by AbstractDrawer.assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph, NodeList[], DataProvider) after the AbstractDrawer.initializeDistancesToNextNode(NodeList[]) has been called and can be overridden for custom calculation of the horizontal node positions.

Specified by:
assignCoordinates in class AbstractDrawer
layerLists - an array of NodeLists containing nodes that belong to the same layer
layerID - the DataProvider that returns the zero-based index of the layer to which each node belongs


protected void init(Graph graph,
                    NodeList[] layerLists)
Initializes the data structures for all runs.

graph - the input graph
layerLists - the array of NodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same layer


protected void reinit(Graph graph,
                      double[] x)
Initializes the data structures for one basic step.

graph - the input graph
x - the array in which the x-coordinates will be stored


public static void markConflicts(NodeList[] layerLists,
                                 EdgeMap conflictMark,
                                 NodeMap dummyMap,
                                 int[] pos)
Marks conflicts occurred when a non-inner segment crosses an inner segment.

An inner segment is a segment between two dummy vertices. This method corresponds to Algorithm 1 in [BK01].

layerLists - the array of NodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same layer
conflictMark - the EdgeMap that returns a boolean value for each edge determining whether or not an edge is marked as conflict
dummyMap - the NodeMap that returns a boolean value for each node determining whether or not the node is a dummy node (i.e., a node that corresponds to a bend)
pos - an array indexed by the index of a node and returns the rank of a node inside the layer to which it belongs


public void verticalAlignment(LayoutGraph graph,
                              NodeList[] layerLists)
Calculates a vertical alignment.

This method corresponds to Algorithm 2 in [BK01].

graph - the input graph
layerLists - the array of NodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same layer


protected void horizontalCompaction(LayoutGraph graph,
                                    double[] x,
                                    NodeList[] layerLists)
Calculates the coordinates of the graph.

This method corresponds to Algorithm 3 in [BK01].

graph - the input graph
x - the array in which the x-coordinates will be stored
layerLists - the array of NodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same layer


protected void propagateCoordinates(LayoutGraph graph)
Propagates the calculated x-coordinates to the nodes of the graph.

graph - the graph


protected void dispose()
Cleans up previously allocated structures.

dispose in class AbstractDrawer

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