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Package y.layout.grid

Provides classes and interfaces that are necessary for layout calculation of graphs with a partition grid.


Class Summary
ColumnDescriptor This class represents a column of a partition grid structure.
GenericPartitionGridStage This LayoutStage offers generic support for partition grid structures.
PartitionCellId PartitionCellId represents an identifier for partition cells of a partition grid structure.
PartitionCellId.Pair This class represents a single partition cell, i.e., a pair consisting of a row and a column.
PartitionGrid This class represents a partition grid that partitions the drawing area into rectangular partition cells.
RowDescriptor This class represents a row of a partition grid structure.

Package y.layout.grid Description

Provides classes and interfaces that are necessary for layout calculation of graphs with a partition grid.

Class PartitionGrid is responsible for creating a grid that partitions the drawing area into rectangular partition cells. Such a grid consists of rows and columns in which nodes are assigned using a PartitionCellId.

The PartitionGrid object has to be registered with the graph using DataProvider key PartitionGrid.PARTITION_GRID_DPKEY. Each node can be assigned to a PartitionCellId which represents a set of partition cells. The mapping has to be registered with the graph using DataProvider key PartitionGrid.PARTITION_CELL_DPKEY.

The following layout algorithms support a partition grid structure:

Example Graphs

A layout sample with a partition grid structure

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide section on Partition Grid for descriptions of the yFiles partition grid structure.


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