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Class SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter

  extended by y.layout.SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
Enclosing class:

public static class SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter
extends java.lang.Object

Encodes the model parameters for the two slider modes. The valid position are either on the edge or beside the edge.

The location of the label is described by the according segment index, the ratio of the position on the segment, the ratio of the position on the edge's path, an offset to the edge segment and the side of the edge.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter(int segmentNumber, double ratio, YVector offset, byte position, double absRatio)
          Creates a new instance of SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter using the given information.
Method Summary
 double getAbsRatio()
          Returns the label's absolute ratio with respect to the entire length of the edge path.
 byte getLabelPosition()
          Returns the label's position specifier that determines the side of the edge where the label is placed.
 YVector getOffsetVector()
          Returns the offset vector between the label and the edge segment relative to which it is placed.
 double getRatio()
          Returns the label's ratio with respect to the length of the edge segment relative to which it is placed.
 int getSegmentNumber()
          Returns the index of the edge segment relative to which the label is placed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter(int segmentNumber,
                                           double ratio,
                                           YVector offset,
                                           byte position,
                                           double absRatio)
Creates a new instance of SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter using the given information.

segmentNumber - the zero-based index of the edge segment where the label should be placed
ratio - the ratio that describes the location relative to the segment where the label should be placed
offset - the offset vector between the label and the edge segment where it should be placed
position - one of the valid position specifiers
absRatio - the ratio that describes the location relative to the entire length of the edge where the label should be placed
Method Detail


public int getSegmentNumber()
Returns the index of the edge segment relative to which the label is placed.

The index is zero-based and starts at the edge's source end. Let s denote the number of edge segments. Then, a negative index value i denotes the segment with index s + i.

the zero-based index of the edge segment where the label should be placed


public double getRatio()
Returns the label's ratio with respect to the length of the edge segment relative to which it is placed.

the ratio that describes the location relative to the segment where the label should be placed


public YVector getOffsetVector()
Returns the offset vector between the label and the edge segment relative to which it is placed. The offset vector describes the distance between the edge segment and the label's upper-left corner.

the offset vector between the label and the edge segment where it should be placed


public byte getLabelPosition()
Returns the label's position specifier that determines the side of the edge where the label is placed.

one of the valid ratio specifiers


public double getAbsRatio()
Returns the label's absolute ratio with respect to the entire length of the edge path.

the ratio that describes the location relative to the entire length of the edge where the label should be placed
See Also:

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