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Class PortCalculator

  extended by y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
      extended by y.layout.PortCalculator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Layouter, LayoutStage

public class PortCalculator
extends AbstractLayoutStage
implements LayoutStage

A PortCalculator can be applied to move ports from the nodes' rectangular bounds to the actual outline.

Layout algorithms only consider rectangular nodes even though the actual shape of a node is, for example, circular. Hence, without adding specific strong PortConstraints, the ports are usually placed at the border of the nodes' bounding boxes (except for some layout algorithms that produce straight-line edge routes and place the ports at the nodes' center). A PortCalculator may wrap a core layout algorithm to adjust the port assignment after the layout calculation. For the calculation of the new port offsets, the PortCalculator delegates to instances of interface IntersectionCalculator. To specify such an instance for the source/target of an edge, use a DataProvider that is registered to the graph with key IntersectionCalculator.SOURCE_INTERSECTION_CALCULATOR_DPKEY and IntersectionCalculator.TARGET_INTERSECTION_CALCULATOR_DPKEY, respectively. Note that the intersection point (i.e., port) of an edge and the associated source/target node provided by method IntersectionCalculator.calculateIntersectionPoint(NodeLayout, double, double, double, double) will be added to the edge's EdgeLayout.

This class will not change the coordinates of a port if it is associated with a strong port constraint.
See Also:
IntersectionCalculator, IntersectionCalculator.SOURCE_INTERSECTION_CALCULATOR_DPKEY, IntersectionCalculator.TARGET_INTERSECTION_CALCULATOR_DPKEY, PortConstraint

Field Summary
protected  double EPS
          EPSILON used by equalsEps(double, double, double, double).
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.Layouter
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new PortCalculator instance with default settings.
PortCalculator(Layouter coreLayouter)
          Creates a new PortCalculator instance using the given core layout algorithm.
Method Summary
protected  void calculatePorts(LayoutGraph graph)
          Performs the actual port calculation on the specified graph instance.
 boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Accepts all graphs that can be handled by the core layout algorithm.
 void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Adjusts the ports after invoking the core layout algorithm.
protected  boolean equalsEps(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
          Determines whether two points are equal.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.AbstractLayoutStage
canLayoutCore, doLayoutCore, getCoreLayouter, setCoreLayouter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface y.layout.LayoutStage
getCoreLayouter, setCoreLayouter

Field Detail


protected double EPS
EPSILON used by equalsEps(double, double, double, double). By default this is 0.2d.

Constructor Detail


public PortCalculator()
Creates a new PortCalculator instance with default settings.


public PortCalculator(Layouter coreLayouter)
Creates a new PortCalculator instance using the given core layout algorithm.

coreLayouter - the core layout routine
Method Detail


public boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Accepts all graphs that can be handled by the core layout algorithm.

If there is no core layout algorithm, all graphs are accepted.

Specified by:
canLayout in interface Layouter
graph - the input graph
true if there is no core layout algorithm, the graph is null or the core layout algorithm accepts the graph, false otherwise
See Also:


public void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Adjusts the ports after invoking the core layout algorithm.

Specified by:
doLayout in interface Layouter
graph - the input graph
See Also:


protected void calculatePorts(LayoutGraph graph)
Performs the actual port calculation on the specified graph instance.

graph - the input graph


protected boolean equalsEps(double x1,
                            double y1,
                            double x2,
                            double y2)
Determines whether two points are equal.

This implementation uses EPS to add some tolerance to the comparison. It is called by calculatePorts(LayoutGraph) and may be overridden to change the accuracy/tolerance of the comparison.

x1 - the x-coordinate of the first point
y1 - the y-coordinate of the first point
x2 - the x-coordinate of the second point
y2 - the y-coordinate of the second point
true if both points are considered equal, false otherwise
See Also:
calculatePorts(LayoutGraph), EPS

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