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Class Substructure

  extended by y.algo.Substructure

public class Substructure
extends java.lang.Object

Represents a substructure of a graph, like a tree, chain, star, clique or tree.

Class Substructures is able to detect such structures and returns them in a list of Substructure instances.


Method Summary
 EdgeList getEdges()
          Returns the edges that belong to this substructure.
 EdgeList getInterEdges()
          Returns the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it.
 NodeList getNodes()
          Returns the nodes that belong to this substructure.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public NodeList getNodes()
Returns the nodes that belong to this substructure.

the NodeList of nodes that belong to this substructure


public EdgeList getEdges()
Returns the edges that belong to this substructure.

the EdgeList of the edges that belong to this substructure


public EdgeList getInterEdges()
Returns the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it.

an EdgeList of the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it

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