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Class Sorting

  extended by y.algo.Sorting

public final class Sorting
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides methods for efficiently sorting graph elements in graph structures.


Method Summary
static Node[] sortNodesByDegree(Graph graph)
          Sorts the nodes of a given graph by degree in ascending order.
static Node[] sortNodesByIntKey(Graph graph, DataProvider keys)
          Sorts the nodes of a given graph by an integer key associated with each node through a DataProvider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Node[] sortNodesByDegree(Graph graph)
Sorts the nodes of a given graph by degree in ascending order.

graph - the given graph
an array of Nodes sorted by degree in ascending order


public static Node[] sortNodesByIntKey(Graph graph,
                                       DataProvider keys)
Sorts the nodes of a given graph by an integer key associated with each node through a DataProvider.

The nodes are sorted in ascending order.

graph - the given graph
keys - the DataProvider that returns the keys based on which the nodes will be sorted
an array of Nodes sorted by an integer key in ascending order

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