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Class Paths

  extended by y.algo.Paths

public class Paths
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides methods for finding paths within a graph that have certain properties.



Method Summary
static NodeList constructNodePath(EdgeList path)
          Constructs a path of nodes from a given path of edges.
static EdgeList[] findAllChains(Graph graph, boolean directed)
          Returns all chains present in the given graph.
static EdgeList[] findAllPaths(Graph graph, Node startNode, Node endNode, boolean directed)
          Returns all simple directed or undirected paths that connect a start node with an end node.
static EdgeList[] findAllPaths(Graph graph, Node startNode, Node endNode, boolean directed, Filter filter)
          A variant of findAllPaths(Graph, Node, Node, boolean) which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.
static void findAllPaths(Graph graph, Node startNode, Node endNode, EdgeMap pathEdges)
          Finds all edges that belong to a directed path from a start node to an end node.
static YCursor findAllPathsCursor(Graph graph, Node startNode, Node endNode, boolean directed)
          A variant of findAllPaths(Graph, Node, Node, boolean), which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence, only when needed.
static EdgeList findLongestPath(Graph graph)
          Returns the longest directed path in the given acyclic graph.
static EdgeList findLongestPath(Graph graph, DataProvider edgeLength)
          Returns the longest directed path in a given acyclic weighted graph.
static void findLongestPaths(Graph graph, Node startNode, EdgeMap dist, NodeMap maxDist, EdgeMap predicate)
          Calculates the longest path from a given node to all other node in a given directed acyclic graph.
static EdgeList findLongPath(Graph graph)
          Returns an EdgeList containing the edges of an undirected simple path within the given graph.
static boolean findPath(Graph graph, NodeList topSort, Node startNode, Node endNode, EdgeMap predicate)
          Returns whether or not a directed path from a start node to another node in an acyclic graph exists.
static EdgeList findPath(Graph graph, Node startNode, Node endNode, boolean directed)
          Returns an EdgeList containing the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static EdgeList findPath(Graph graph,
                                Node startNode,
                                Node endNode,
                                boolean directed)
Returns an EdgeList containing the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.

The edges are returned in the order that they appear in the found path. If the returned path is empty, no path between the given nodes was found.

startNode != endNode
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
startNode - the first node of the path
endNode - the last node of the path
directed - true if the path should be directed, false otherwise
an EdgeList containing the path edges between the start node and the end node


public static EdgeList findLongPath(Graph graph)
Returns an EdgeList containing the edges of an undirected simple path within the given graph.

The edges are returned in the order that they appear in the found path.

A heuristic is used for finding a path that is long. It is not guaranteed, though, that the returned path is actually the longest path within the given graph, since that is a well known hard problem.

The graph must be simple.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the given graph
an EdgeList containing the edges of an undirected simple path


public static void findLongestPaths(Graph graph,
                                    Node startNode,
                                    EdgeMap dist,
                                    NodeMap maxDist,
                                    EdgeMap predicate)
Calculates the longest path from a given node to all other node in a given directed acyclic graph.

The graph must be acyclic.
graph - a directed acyclic graph
startNode - the node for which the distances are calculated
dist - the EdgeMap that returns the distance (i.e. weight) of type double for each edge
maxDist - the NodeMap that will be filled during the execution and holds the maximum distance between the given node and all other nodes
predicate - the EdgeMap that returns a boolean value indicating whether or not an edge should be considered during the path search


public static EdgeList findLongestPath(Graph graph)
Returns the longest directed path in the given acyclic graph.

The graph must be acyclic.
graph - a directed acyclic graph
an EdgeList containing the edges of the longest directed path


public static EdgeList findLongestPath(Graph graph,
                                       DataProvider edgeLength)
Returns the longest directed path in a given acyclic weighted graph.

All edges of the graph have an integral length associated with them. The longest path is defined as one of all directed paths within the graph for which the edge lengths of all contained edges sum up to a maximum.

The graph must be acyclic.
edgeLength.getInt(e) >= 0 for all edges e of the graph
graph - a directed acyclic graph
edgeLength - the DataProvider that returns the non-negative integer length of each edge
an EdgeList containing the edges of the longest directed path


public static NodeList constructNodePath(EdgeList path)
Constructs a path of nodes from a given path of edges.

The returned node path has length path.size()+1, if the given path is not empty. Otherwise, the returned path will be empty. The i-th node in the returned path will be either source or target node of the i-th edge in the given path.

path - the given path of edges
a path of nodes from the given path of edges


public static boolean findPath(Graph graph,
                               NodeList topSort,
                               Node startNode,
                               Node endNode,
                               EdgeMap predicate)
Returns whether or not a directed path from a start node to another node in an acyclic graph exists.

The graph must be acyclic.
graph - an acyclic graph which contains the two nodes
topSort - a list of nodes sorted in topological order
predicate - the EdgeMap that returns a boolean value indicating whether or not an edge should be considered during the path search
true if a directed path from a start node to another node exists, false otherwise


public static final void findAllPaths(Graph graph,
                                      Node startNode,
                                      Node endNode,
                                      EdgeMap pathEdges)
Finds all edges that belong to a directed path from a start node to an end node.

O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
startNode - the given start node
endNode - the given end node
pathEdges - the EdgeMap that will be filled during the execution with a boolean value indicating whether or not an edge belongs to a path connecting the two given nodes


public static EdgeList[] findAllChains(Graph graph,
                                       boolean directed)
Returns all chains present in the given graph.

A chain is a path of maximum length in which each internal node has degree 2.

The internal nodes on directed chains all have in-degree 1 and out-degree 1.

Method constructNodePath(EdgeList) can be used for converting an edge path to a node path.
O(graph.N() + graph.E())
graph - the input graph
directed - true if the chain should be considered as directed, false otherwise
an array of EdgeLists each of which contains the edges (at least two) that make up a chain
See Also:


public static EdgeList[] findAllPaths(Graph graph,
                                      Node startNode,
                                      Node endNode,
                                      boolean directed)
Returns all simple directed or undirected paths that connect a start node with an end node.

The number of different paths connecting two nodes can be exponential to the number of nodes and edges of a given graph. This said, even for small graphs the runtime and memory consumption of the algorithm can be excessive. To significantly lower memory consumption use findAllPathsCursor(Graph, Node, Node, boolean) instead.
Input graph, start node and end node must not be null.
O(2^ (graph.N() + graph.E()))
graph - the input graph
startNode - the given start node
endNode - the given end node
directed - true if the path should be considered as directed, false otherwise
an array of EdgeLists each of which represents a path between the start and end node


public static YCursor findAllPathsCursor(Graph graph,
                                         Node startNode,
                                         Node endNode,
                                         boolean directed)
A variant of findAllPaths(Graph, Node, Node, boolean), which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence, only when needed.

The returned cursor only supports the operation YCursor.ok(), YCursor.current(), YCursor.size() and

Input graph, start node and end node must not be null.
O(2^ (graph.N() + graph.E()))
graph - the input graph
startNode - the given start node
endNode - the given end node
directed - true if the path should be considered as directed, false otherwise
a YCursor that calculates the next path in the sequence


public static EdgeList[] findAllPaths(Graph graph,
                                      Node startNode,
                                      Node endNode,
                                      boolean directed,
                                      Filter filter)
A variant of findAllPaths(Graph, Node, Node, boolean) which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.

Input graph, start node and end node must not be null.
O(2^ (graph.N() + graph.E()))
graph - the input graph
startNode - the given start node
endNode - the given end node
directed - true if the path should be considered as directed, false otherwise
filter - a Filter instance that accepts or rejects a found EdgeList and adds it to the result
an array of EdgeLists each of which represents a path between the start and end node.

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