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Class Dfs

  extended by y.algo.Dfs

public class Dfs
extends java.lang.Object

Framework class for implementing depth first search (DFS) based algorithms.

A depth first search starts from a specified node and traverses the neighbors within a branch as deeply as possible (i.e., without visiting any vertex twice) before backtracking.

A depth first search traversal induces a DFS forest that may consist of more than one DFS tree. Based on these trees, the edges are divided into four categories (see example):

During a DFS run each node of the graph can be in one of the following states:

Graph algorithms, which are based on a depth first search, can extend this class and override appropriate callback methods provided by this class.

Example of a DFS traversal. Node labels indicate the order in which nodes are visited. Solid edges are the edges of the DFS tree while dashed edges represent back, forward and cross edges.


Field Summary
protected static java.lang.Object BLACK
          A constant indicating a node has been completed.
protected static java.lang.Object GRAY
          A constant indicating a node has already been visited, but has not been completed yet.
protected  NodeMap stateMap
          A NodeMap that holds for each Node an Object indicating the current state of the given node as it is visited by this algorithm.
protected static java.lang.Object WHITE
          A constant indicating a node has not been visited yet.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new Dfs instance with default settings.
Method Summary
protected  void cancel()
          Cancels the depth first search.
protected  void lookFurther(Node v)
          Callback method that will be invoked whenever DFS continues its search at a new root node.
protected  void postTraverse(Edge edge, Node node)
          Callback method that will be invoked after the DFS has returned from the given node.
protected  void postVisit(Node node, int dfsNumber, int compNumber)
          Callback method that will be invoked whenever a node visit has been completed.
protected  void preTraverse(Edge edge, Node node, boolean treeEdge)
          Callback method that will be invoked if the given edge will be considered the first (and only) time during the DFS.
protected  void preVisit(Node node, int dfsNumber)
          Callback method that will be invoked whenever a formerly unvisited node gets visited for the first time.
 void setDirectedMode(boolean directed)
          Specifies whether or not to interpret the edges of the graph as directed.
 void setLookFurtherMode(boolean lookFurther)
          Specifies whether or not to continue the depth first search after all nodes reachable from the first node have been visited.
 void start(Graph graph)
          Starts a depth first search on the given graph.
 void start(Graph graph, Node start)
          Starts a depth first search from a given Node of the input graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected NodeMap stateMap
A NodeMap that holds for each Node an Object indicating the current state of the given node as it is visited by this algorithm. Each node will be assigned one of the WHITE, GRAY or BLACK objects that describe the state of the nodes.


protected static final java.lang.Object WHITE
A constant indicating a node has not been visited yet.


protected static final java.lang.Object GRAY
A constant indicating a node has already been visited, but has not been completed yet. Such a node is still part of an active path of the DFS tree.


protected static final java.lang.Object BLACK
A constant indicating a node has been completed. Such a node has been visited before and is no longer part of an active path of the DFS tree.

Constructor Detail


public Dfs()
Creates a new Dfs instance with default settings.

Method Detail


public void setDirectedMode(boolean directed)
Specifies whether or not to interpret the edges of the graph as directed.

Default Value:
The default value is false. Graphs are considered undirected.
directed - true if the edges are considered as directed, false otherwise


public void setLookFurtherMode(boolean lookFurther)
Specifies whether or not to continue the depth first search after all nodes reachable from the first node have been visited.

Default Value:
The default value is true.
lookFurther - true if the depth first search should continue, false otherwise


public void start(Graph graph)
Starts a depth first search on the given graph.

The first node of the graph will be visited first.

graph - the input graph


public void start(Graph graph,
                  Node start)
Starts a depth first search from a given Node of the input graph.

If the given start node is null, this method returns silently.
graph - the input graph
start - the given start node


protected void preVisit(Node node,
                        int dfsNumber)
Callback method that will be invoked whenever a formerly unvisited node gets visited for the first time.

By default, this method does nothing. It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

node - the given node
dfsNumber - the DFS number of the given node


protected void postVisit(Node node,
                         int dfsNumber,
                         int compNumber)
Callback method that will be invoked whenever a node visit has been completed.

By default, this method does nothing. It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

node - the given node
dfsNumber - the DFS number of the given node
compNumber - the completion number of the given node


protected void preTraverse(Edge edge,
                           Node node,
                           boolean treeEdge)
Callback method that will be invoked if the given edge will be considered the first (and only) time during the DFS.

By default, this method does nothing. It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

edge - the given edge
node - the node to be visited next only if treeEdge == true
treeEdge - true if the node will be visited, false otherwise


protected void postTraverse(Edge edge,
                            Node node)
Callback method that will be invoked after the DFS has returned from the given node.

By default, this method does nothing. It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

edge - the given edge
node - the node that has been reached via the given edge


protected void lookFurther(Node v)
Callback method that will be invoked whenever DFS continues its search at a new root node.

By default, this method does nothing. It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

v - the new root node


protected void cancel()
Cancels the depth first search.

It may be overridden to support custom implementations.

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