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Class LayoutTool

  extended by y.layout.LayoutTool

public class LayoutTool
extends java.lang.Object

The LayoutTool provides several helper and utility functions for LayoutGraph and the layout algorithms.

See Also:
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Field Summary
          Node alignment policy that results in center-aligned nodes.
          Node alignment policy that results in vertically or horizontally distributed nodes.
          Node alignment policy that results in top-aligned nodes for vertical alignment and left-aligned nodes for horizontal alignments.
          Node alignment policy that results in bottom-aligned nodes for vertical alignment and right-aligned nodes for horizontal alignments.
static int CENTER
          Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its center.
static byte FLOW_DOWN
          Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is down.
static byte FLOW_LEFT
          Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is left.
static byte FLOW_NONE
          Edge flow specifier that defines that there is no main flow direction.
static byte FLOW_RIGHT
          Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is right.
static byte FLOW_UP
          Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is up.
static int JUSTIFIED
          Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its left border and its right border.
static int LEADING
          Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its left border.
          Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that constrains the height of the layout.
          Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that is unconstrained.
          Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that constrains the width of the layout.
static int TRAILING
          Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its right border.
Method Summary
static void alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph graph, NodeList nodes, Node referenceNode, boolean vertical, byte mode)
          Aligns the specified nodes either vertically or horizontally according to the specified node alignment mode.
static void applyGraphLayout(LayoutGraph graph, GraphLayout layout)
          Applies the layout information in the given GraphLayout to the LayoutGraph.
static java.awt.Dimension arrangeRectangleGrid(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect, double aspectRatio)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in a grid to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio.
static int arrangeRectangleMultiRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect, double preferredWidth, double preferredHeight, boolean compaction, byte constraintMode)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in multiple rows to fit the preferred width and height.
static int arrangeRectangleMultiRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect, double preferredWidth, double preferredHeight, boolean compaction, byte constraintMode, int alignment)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in multiple rows to fit the preferred width and height.
static int arrangeRectangleRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect, double aspectRatio)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio.
static int arrangeRectangleRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect, double aspectRatio, int alignment)
          Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio.
static void assignReverseLayout(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge1, Edge edge2)
          Applies the reversed layout of the first edge to the second edge.
static boolean autoFlipBox(OrientedRectangle rect)
          Flips the orientation of a given rectangle, if its up vector points downward (upY > 0).
static void clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Clips the path of the given edge on the bounding box of the source and target points.
static void clipEdgesOnBB(LayoutGraph graph)
          Clips the path of all edges in the graph on the bounding box of their source and target points.
static byte determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph graph, DataProvider considerEdges)
          Determines the main direction of the edge flow by analyzing the current layout of the graph.
static java.lang.String edgeLayoutString(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Returns a String representation of the path of the given edge.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Returns the bounding box of the given edge.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, EdgeCursor edges)
          Returns the bounding box of the edges accessible through the given cursor.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, Node node)
          Returns the bounding box of the given node.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given cursor.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, EdgeCursor edges)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, EdgeCursor edges, boolean includeLabels)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels and edge labels.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, EdgeCursor edges, boolean includeNodeLabels, boolean includeEdgeLabels)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels or edge labels.
static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, EdgeCursor edges, boolean includeNodeLabels, boolean includeEdgeLabels, boolean includeHalos)
          Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels, edge labels or NodeHalos.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout source, NodeLayout target)
          Returns the path of an edge clipped on the bounding box of the source and target node.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout source, NodeLayout target, double inset)
          Returns the path of an edge clipped on insets of the bounding box of the source and target node.
static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Returns the path of an edge clipped on the bounding box of the source and target node.
static LabelLayoutFactory getLabelFactory(LayoutGraph graph)
          Returns the LabelLayoutFactory for the given graph.
static YPoint getLabelPlacement(EdgeLabelModel model, YDimension labelSize, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceLayout, NodeLayout targetLayout, java.lang.Object param)
          Returns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given edge label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
static YPoint getLabelPlacement(NodeLabelModel model, YDimension labelSize, NodeLayout nodeLayout, java.lang.Object param)
          Returns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given node label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
static double getNodeDistance(LayoutGraph graph, Node node1, Node node2)
          Returns the distance between the centers of the two given nodes.
static java.lang.String getNodePositions(LayoutGraph graph)
          Returns a String representation of all node positions in the graph.
static YPointPath getPathClippedOnBB(YPointPath path, YRectangle sourceBox, YRectangle targetBox)
          Returns the path of a given edge path clipped on the given bounding boxes of the source and target node.
static double getPathLength(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Returns the length of the path of the given edge.
static void initDiagram(LayoutGraph graph)
          Initializes the given graph.
static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(EdgeLayout edge, NodeLayout source, NodeLayout target, double halo)
          Checks whether or not the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the source and target node, considering the given halo.
static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Checks whether or not the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the source and target node.
static boolean isUsingOctilinearEdgeRoutes(LayoutGraph graph, DataProvider considerEdges)
          Determines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed octilinear.
static boolean isUsingOrthogonalEdgeRoutes(LayoutGraph graph, DataProvider considerEdges)
          Determines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed orthogonally.
static void moveEdge(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge, double dx, double dy)
          Moves all control points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveEdges(LayoutGraph graph, EdgeCursor edges, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the control points of all edges accessible through the given EdgeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveNode(LayoutGraph graph, Node node, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveNodes(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, double dx, double dy)
          Moves all nodes accessible through the given NodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph graph, EdgeCursor edges, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the subgraph induced by the edges accessible through the given EdgeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph graph, NodeCursor nodes, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the subgraph induced by the nodes accessible through the given NodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).
static boolean pathIntersectsRect(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect)
          Checks whether or not the path of the given edge intersects the interior of a given rectangular area.
static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph graph)
          Removes successive bends that have the same coordinates from all edges in the graph.
static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Removes successive bends that have the same coordinates from the given edge.
static void resetPath(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to the specified edge and sets the edge's ports to the center of the corresponding nodes.
static void resetPath(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge, boolean resetPorts)
          Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to the specified edge.
static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph graph)
          Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to all edges in the specified graph and sets the edges' ports to the center of the corresponding nodes.
static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph graph, boolean resetPorts)
          Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to all edges in the specified graph.
static void resetPorts(LayoutGraph graph)
          Sets the ports of all edges in the graph to the center of the nodes.
static void reverseEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout el)
          Reverses the layout of an edge.
static void roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Rounds the locations of the control points and ports of the given edge to integer values.
static void roundLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Rounds coordinates and sizes in the layout of an entire graph to integer values.
static void roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph graph, Node node)
          Rounds the location and size of the given node to integer values.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge1, Edge edge2, double lineDistance)
          Routes two edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge1, Edge edge2, double lineDistance, boolean joinEnds, double absJoinDist, double relJoinDist)
          Routes two edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge, EdgeList edges, double lineDistance)
          Routes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel.
static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge, EdgeList edges, double lineDistance, boolean adjustE1, boolean joinEnds, double absJoinDist, double relJoinDist)
          Routes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.
static void routeSelfLoop(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Routes a self-loop.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int LEADING
Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its left border.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int TRAILING
Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its right border.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int JUSTIFIED
Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its left border and its right border.

Rectangles in smaller rows will be distributed over the row, so that the row aligns with both sides.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int CENTER
Row alignment specifier which defines that each row will be aligned with its center.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final byte MULTI_ROW_NO_CONSTRAINT
Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that is unconstrained. Both, height and width, are not limited in size. The rectangles will be arranged in a way that the view ratio defined by the preferred height and width will be achieved.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleMultiRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int), Constant Field Values


public static final byte MULTI_ROW_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINT
Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that constrains the height of the layout. Limits the height of the arrangement to the given preferred height value. If some rectangles are higher than allowed, then they are placed nevertheless, but the constraint will still be considered for the rest and not weakened to the height of the higher rectangles. Having one rectangle being higher than the constraint does always result in arrangements consisting only of a single top-level row.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleMultiRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int), Constant Field Values


public static final byte MULTI_ROW_WIDTH_CONSTRAINT
Constraint specifier for a multi-row rectangle arrangement that constrains the width of the layout. Limits the width of the arrangement to the given preferred width value. If a rectangle is wider than allowed, then it will nevertheless be placed (in a row containing the rectangle alone), but the constraint will be still considered for other rows and not weakened.

See Also:
arrangeRectangleMultiRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int), Constant Field Values


public static final byte FLOW_UP
Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is up.

See Also:
determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph, DataProvider), Constant Field Values


public static final byte FLOW_DOWN
Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is down.

See Also:
determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph, DataProvider), Constant Field Values


public static final byte FLOW_LEFT
Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is left.

See Also:
determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph, DataProvider), Constant Field Values


public static final byte FLOW_RIGHT
Edge flow specifier which defines that the flow direction of most edges is right.

See Also:
determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph, DataProvider), Constant Field Values


public static final byte FLOW_NONE
Edge flow specifier that defines that there is no main flow direction.

See Also:
determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph, DataProvider), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ALIGN_NODES_LEADING
Node alignment policy that results in top-aligned nodes for vertical alignment and left-aligned nodes for horizontal alignments.

See Also:
alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph, NodeList, Node, boolean, byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final byte ALIGN_NODES_CENTERED
Node alignment policy that results in center-aligned nodes.

See Also:
alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph, NodeList, Node, boolean, byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final byte ALIGN_NODES_TRAILING
Node alignment policy that results in bottom-aligned nodes for vertical alignment and right-aligned nodes for horizontal alignments.

See Also:
alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph, NodeList, Node, boolean, byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final byte ALIGN_NODES_DISTRIBUTED
Node alignment policy that results in vertically or horizontally distributed nodes. In this context, distributed means that the vertical (or horizontal) extensions of nodes do not overlap, independent of their horizontal (or vertical) position.

See Also:
alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph, NodeList, Node, boolean, byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:
Method Detail


public static LabelLayoutFactory getLabelFactory(LayoutGraph graph)
Returns the LabelLayoutFactory for the given graph.

The factory instance is bound to the specified graph instance, i.e., you can only create, add and remove labels for this graph.
graph - the graph
the label factory of the graph


public static byte determineEdgeFlowDirection(LayoutGraph graph,
                                              DataProvider considerEdges)
Determines the main direction of the edge flow by analyzing the current layout of the graph.

The method only considers edges that are marked in the given DataProvider. If the provider is null, all edges are considered.

graph - the underlying graph
considerEdges - the edges to consider
one of the predefined flow directions


public static boolean isUsingOrthogonalEdgeRoutes(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                  DataProvider considerEdges)
Determines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed orthogonally.

The method only considers edges that are marked in the given DataProvider. If the provider is null, all edges are considered.

graph - the underlying graph
considerEdges - the edges to consider
true if most of the edges in the graph are routed orthogonally, false otherwise


public static boolean isUsingOctilinearEdgeRoutes(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                  DataProvider considerEdges)
Determines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed octilinear.

The method only considers edges that are marked in the given DataProvider. If the provider is null, all edges are considered.

This method also returns true for orthogonal layouts.
graph - the underlying graph
considerEdges - the edges to consider
true if most of the edges in the graph are routed octilinear, false otherwise


public static double getNodeDistance(LayoutGraph graph,
                                     Node node1,
                                     Node node2)
Returns the distance between the centers of the two given nodes.

graph - the graph to which the nodes belong
node1 - the first node
node2 - the second node
the distance between the nodes' centers


public static double getPathLength(LayoutGraph graph,
                                   Edge edge)
Returns the length of the path of the given edge. The path starts at the source point, traverses through all control points and ends at the target point.

graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge
the length of the edge's path


public static void reverseEdgeLayout(EdgeLayout el)
Reverses the layout of an edge. The order of the control points is reversed and source and target point are swapped.

This method will not reverse the edge in the graph structure.
el - the layout information of an edge


public static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph graph)
Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to all edges in the specified graph and sets the edges' ports to the center of the corresponding nodes.

Calling this method is equivalent to resetPaths(LayoutGraph, boolean) resetting the ports.
graph - the graph
See Also:
resetPaths(LayoutGraph, boolean)


public static void resetPaths(LayoutGraph graph,
                              boolean resetPorts)
Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to all edges in the specified graph.

graph - the graph
resetPorts - true if the ports of the edges should be set to the center of the corresponding nodes, false otherwise


public static void resetPath(LayoutGraph graph,
                             Edge edge)
Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to the specified edge and sets the edge's ports to the center of the corresponding nodes.

Calling this method is equivalent to resetPath(LayoutGraph, Edge, boolean) resetting the ports.
graph - the graph
edge - the edge
See Also:
resetPath(LayoutGraph, Edge, boolean)


public static void resetPath(LayoutGraph graph,
                             Edge edge,
                             boolean resetPorts)
Assigns a trivial path which has no control points to the specified edge.

graph - the graph
edge - the edge
resetPorts - true if the ports of the edge should be set to the center of the corresponding nodes, false otherwise


public static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph graph)
Removes successive bends that have the same coordinates from all edges in the graph.

graph - the graph


public static void removeDuplicateBends(LayoutGraph graph,
                                        Edge edge)
Removes successive bends that have the same coordinates from the given edge.

graph - the graph
edge - the edge


public static void moveEdge(LayoutGraph graph,
                            Edge edge,
                            double dx,
                            double dy)
Moves all control points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph
edge - the edge
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static void moveEdges(LayoutGraph graph,
                             EdgeCursor edges,
                             double dx,
                             double dy)
Moves the control points of all edges accessible through the given EdgeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph
edges - the edges to be moved
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static void moveNode(LayoutGraph graph,
                            Node node,
                            double dx,
                            double dy)
Moves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph
node - the node
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static void moveNodes(LayoutGraph graph,
                             NodeCursor nodes,
                             double dx,
                             double dy)
Moves all nodes accessible through the given NodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph
nodes - the nodes to be moved
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph graph,
                                EdgeCursor edges,
                                double dx,
                                double dy)
Moves the subgraph induced by the edges accessible through the given EdgeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph that contains the subgraph
edges - the edges that induce the subgraph
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static void moveSubgraph(LayoutGraph graph,
                                NodeCursor nodes,
                                double dx,
                                double dy)
Moves the subgraph induced by the nodes accessible through the given NodeCursor by the vector (dx,dy).

graph - the graph that contains the subgraph
nodes - the nodes that induce the subgraph
dx - the horizontal distance to move
dy - the vertical distance to move


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       NodeCursor nodes,
                                                       EdgeCursor edges)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given nodes and the control points as well as the source and target points of all edges.

The bounding box does not include node labels or edge labels.
graph - the graph that contains the nodes and edges
nodes - the nodes to include in the bounding box
edges - the edges to include in the bounding box
the bounding box containing the given nodes and edges
See Also:
getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, EdgeCursor), getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor)


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       Node node)
Returns the bounding box of the given node.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given node. It is identical to the node's bounds.

The bounding box does not include node labels.
graph - the graph that contains the node
node - the node
the bounding box of the node
See Also:


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       NodeCursor nodes)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes accessible through the given cursor.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given nodes.

The bounding box does not include node labels.
graph - the graph that contains the nodes
nodes - the nodes to include in the bounding box
the bounding box containing the given nodes
See Also:


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       Edge edge)
Returns the bounding box of the given edge.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the control points as well as the absolute coordinates of the source and target point of the edge.

The bounding box does not include edge labels.
graph - the graph that contains the edge
edge - the edge
the bounding box of the edge
See Also:
LayoutGraph.getSourcePointAbs(Edge), LayoutGraph.getTargetPointAbs(Edge), LayoutGraph.getLayout(Edge)


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       EdgeCursor edges)
Returns the bounding box of the edges accessible through the given cursor.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the control points as well as the absolute coordinates of the source and target points of all given edges.

The bounding box does not include edge labels.
graph - the graph that contains the edges
edges - the edges to include in the bounding box
the bounding box containing the given edges
See Also:
LayoutGraph.getSourcePointAbs(Edge), LayoutGraph.getTargetPointAbs(Edge), LayoutGraph.getLayout(Edge)


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       NodeCursor nodes,
                                                       EdgeCursor edges,
                                                       boolean includeLabels)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels and edge labels.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given nodes and the control points as well as the source and target points of all edges. If labels should be included, it also contains their boxes.

graph - the graph that contains the given nodes and edges
nodes - the nodes to include in the bounding box
edges - the edges to include in the bounding box
includeLabels - true if labels of nodes and edges should be included, false otherwise
the bounding box of the given nodes and edges
See Also:
getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph, NodeCursor, EdgeCursor, boolean, boolean)


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       NodeCursor nodes,
                                                       EdgeCursor edges,
                                                       boolean includeNodeLabels,
                                                       boolean includeEdgeLabels)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels or edge labels.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given nodes and the control points as well as the source and target points of all edges. If node or edge labels should be included, it also contains their boxes.

graph - the graph that contains the given nodes and edges
nodes - the nodes to include in the bounding box
edges - the edges to include in the bounding box
includeNodeLabels - true if labels of nodes should be included, false otherwise
includeEdgeLabels - true if labels of edges should be included, false otherwise
the bounding box of the given nodes and edges


public static java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBoundingBox(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                       NodeCursor nodes,
                                                       EdgeCursor edges,
                                                       boolean includeNodeLabels,
                                                       boolean includeEdgeLabels,
                                                       boolean includeHalos)
Returns the bounding box of the nodes and edges accessible through the given cursors, optionally including node labels, edge labels or NodeHalos.

In this case, the bounding box is the smallest paraxial rectangle which contains the given nodes and the control points as well as the source and target points of all edges. If node or edge labels should be included, it also contains their boxes. NodeHalos can also extend the bounding box if desired.

graph - the graph that contains the given nodes and edges
nodes - the nodes to include in the bounding box
edges - the edges to include in the bounding box
includeNodeLabels - true if labels of nodes should be included, false otherwise
includeEdgeLabels - true if labels of edges should be included, false otherwise
includeHalos - true if NodeHalos should be included, false otherwise
the bounding box of the given nodes and edges


public static YPoint getLabelPlacement(NodeLabelModel model,
                                       YDimension labelSize,
                                       NodeLayout nodeLayout,
                                       java.lang.Object param)
Returns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given node label as encoded by the specified model parameter.

The parameter describes the abstract position of the label within the specified model. The parameter must have been generated by that model.

model - the NodeLabelModel used for placing the label
labelSize - the size of the label
nodeLayout - the layout of the node to which the label belongs
param - the model parameter
the upper-left corner of the label's bounding box
See Also:
NodeLabelModel.getLabelPlacement(YDimension, NodeLayout, Object), OrientedRectangle.getBoundingBox()


public static YPoint getLabelPlacement(EdgeLabelModel model,
                                       YDimension labelSize,
                                       EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                       NodeLayout sourceLayout,
                                       NodeLayout targetLayout,
                                       java.lang.Object param)
Returns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given edge label as encoded by the specified model parameter.

The parameter describes the abstract position of the label within the specified model. The parameter must have been generated by that model.

model - the EdgeLabelModel used for placing the label
labelSize - the size of the label that should be placed
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs
sourceLayout - the layout of the edge's source node
targetLayout - the layout of the edge's target node
param - the model parameter
the upper-left corner of the label's bounding box
See Also:
EdgeLabelModel.getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object), OrientedRectangle.getBoundingBox()


public static void resetPorts(LayoutGraph graph)
Sets the ports of all edges in the graph to the center of the nodes.

The control points will not be changed.
graph - the graph
See Also:
LayoutGraph.setSourcePointRel(Edge, YPoint), LayoutGraph.setTargetPointRel(Edge, YPoint)


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge,
                                            NodeLayout source,
                                            NodeLayout target)
Returns the path of an edge clipped on the bounding box of the source and target node.

On the clipped edge, the source and target port will be located at the border of the corresponding node.

If the source/target end of the edge's path is not contained in the specified source/target node layout, the algorithm just keeps that end of the path as it is, i.e., this method does never extend the path.
edge - the clipped edge
source - the source of the edge
target - the target of the edge
the clipped path of the edge


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph graph,
                                            Edge edge)
Returns the path of an edge clipped on the bounding box of the source and target node.

On the clipped edge, the source and target port will be located at the border of the corresponding node.

If the source/target end of the edge's path is not contained in the source/target node layout, the algorithm just keeps that end of the path as it is, i.e., this method does never extend the path.
graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the clipped edge
the clipped path of the edge


public static YPointPath getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout edge,
                                            NodeLayout source,
                                            NodeLayout target,
                                            double inset)
Returns the path of an edge clipped on insets of the bounding box of the source and target node.

On the clipped edge, the source and target port will be located inside the node with an inset to the border of the corresponding node.

If the source/target end of the given path is not contained in the specified source/target node layout, the algorithm just keeps that end of the path as it is, i.e., this method does never extend the path.
edge - the clipped edge
source - the source of the edge
target - the target of the edge
inset - the inset of the node
the clipped path of the edge


public static YPointPath getPathClippedOnBB(YPointPath path,
                                            YRectangle sourceBox,
                                            YRectangle targetBox)
Returns the path of a given edge path clipped on the given bounding boxes of the source and target node.

In contrast to methods getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, double), getEdgeClippedOnBB(LayoutGraph, Edge) and getEdgeClippedOnBB(EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout), the path can explicitly be specified and is not queried from a given graph and edge. Furthermore, this method does not consider any insets on the given boxes
path - the path that will be clipped
sourceBox - the box of the source node that the given path should be clipped at
targetBox - the box of the target node that the given path should be clipped at
the path clipped on the given nodes boxes


public static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         Edge edge)
Checks whether or not the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the source and target node.

The edge is outside the nodes if its control points as well as the source and target point are not inside the nodes' bounding boxes.

graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge
true if the edge is outside the nodes, false otherwise


public static boolean isEdgeOutsideNodes(EdgeLayout edge,
                                         NodeLayout source,
                                         NodeLayout target,
                                         double halo)
Checks whether or not the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the source and target node, considering the given halo.

The edge is outside the nodes if its control points as well as the source and target point are not inside the nodes' bounding boxes.

The nodes can be enlarged by a halo to check if the edge keeps some distance to the nodes.

edge - the edge
source - the source of the edge
target - the target of the edge
halo - the halo for the nodes
true if the edge is outside the nodes, false otherwise


public static void clipEdgesOnBB(LayoutGraph graph)
Clips the path of all edges in the graph on the bounding box of their source and target points.

On a clipped edge, the source and target port will be located at the border of the corresponding node.

If the source/target end of an edge's path is not contained in the associated source/target node layout, the algorithm just keeps that end of the path as it is, i.e., this method does never extend the path.
graph - the graph
See Also:
clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph, Edge)


public static void clipEdgeOnBB(LayoutGraph graph,
                                Edge edge)
Clips the path of the given edge on the bounding box of the source and target points.

On a clipped edge, the source and target port will be located at the border of the corresponding node.

If the source/target end of the edge's path is not contained in the source/target node layout, the algorithm just keeps that end of the path as it is, i.e., this method does never extend the path.
graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge to clip


public static java.lang.String edgeLayoutString(LayoutGraph graph,
                                                Edge edge)
Returns a String representation of the path of the given edge.

The source and target ports are not included in the representation.
graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge
the String that contains all control points of the edge


public static void roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                   Node node)
Rounds the location and size of the given node to integer values.

graph - the graph to which the node belongs
node - the node whose values are rounded


public static void roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                   Edge edge)
Rounds the locations of the control points and ports of the given edge to integer values.

graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge whose values are rounded


public static void roundLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Rounds coordinates and sizes in the layout of an entire graph to integer values.

graph - the graph
See Also:
roundNodeLayout(LayoutGraph, Node), roundEdgeLayout(LayoutGraph, Edge)


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph,
                                      Edge edge1,
                                      Edge edge2,
                                      double lineDistance)
Routes two edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel.

The second edge gets a path that is parallel to the path of the first (leading) edge.

graph - the graph
edge1 - the leading edge
edge2 - the edge to be adjusted
lineDistance - the distance between the two edges
See Also:
routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph, Edge, Edge, double, boolean, double, double)


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph,
                                      Edge edge1,
                                      Edge edge2,
                                      double lineDistance,
                                      boolean joinEnds,
                                      double absJoinDist,
                                      double relJoinDist)
Routes two edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.

The second edge gets a path that is parallel to the path of the first (leading) edge.

graph - the graph
edge1 - the leading edge
edge2 - the edge to be adjusted
lineDistance - the distance between the two edges
joinEnds - true if the edges should share their end points (the ones of the leading edge), false otherwise
absJoinDist - the absolute distance between the end points and the beginning of the parallel segment routing if the ends are joined
relJoinDist - the relative distance, measured relative to the length of the first/last segments if the ends are joined
See Also:
routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph, Edge, EdgeList, double, boolean, boolean, double, double)


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph,
                                      Edge edge,
                                      EdgeList edges,
                                      double lineDistance)
Routes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel.

All edges get a path that is parallel to the path of the first (leading) edge.

graph - the graph
edge - the leading edge
edges - the edges to be adjusted
lineDistance - the distance between two edges
See Also:
routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph, Edge, EdgeList, double, boolean, boolean, double, double)


public static void routeEdgesParallel(LayoutGraph graph,
                                      Edge edge,
                                      EdgeList edges,
                                      double lineDistance,
                                      boolean adjustE1,
                                      boolean joinEnds,
                                      double absJoinDist,
                                      double relJoinDist)
Routes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.

All edges get a path that is parallel to the path of the first (leading) edge.

The position of the leading edge may be adjusted if there is an odd number of parallel edges. It will be moved from the center to achieve a more symmetric port assignment.

graph - the graph
edge - the leading edge
edges - the list of edges that will be aligned with the leading edge
lineDistance - the distance between two edges
adjustE1 - true if the leading edge should be adjusted if the size of list is odd, false otherwise
joinEnds - true if the edges should share their end points (the ones of the leading edge), false otherwise
absJoinDist - the absolute distance between the end points and the beginning of the parallel segment routing if the ends are joined
relJoinDist - the relative distance, measured relative to the length of the first/last segments if the ends are joined


public static void routeSelfLoop(LayoutGraph graph,
                                 Edge edge)
Routes a self-loop.

For a self-loop edge, source and target are identical. The path of the self-loop will start at the top of the node, go around the upper-left corner and end at the left side of the node.

graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the self-loop


public static void assignReverseLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                       Edge edge1,
                                       Edge edge2)
Applies the reversed layout of the first edge to the second edge.

graph - the graph to which both edges belong
edge1 - the edge which adopts the points
edge2 - the template


public static java.lang.String getNodePositions(LayoutGraph graph)
Returns a String representation of all node positions in the graph.

graph - the graph
the String containing all node locations
See Also:


public static void initDiagram(LayoutGraph graph)
Initializes the given graph.

All nodes are placed at (0,0). The edges get connected to the center of their sources and targets, while all their control points are removed.

graph - the graph
See Also:
LayoutGraph.setLocation(Node, double, double), resetPaths(LayoutGraph)


public static int arrangeRectangleRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles,
                                       java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                       double aspectRatio)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio. This is achieved by arranging the rectangles in rows.

This method invokes arrangeRectangleRows with LEADING as the last argument.

The aspect ratio must be greater than 0.

rectangles - the rectangles whose coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension of the resulting rectangle
aspectRatio - the preferred aspect ratio of the resulting rectangle
the number of rows
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the aspect ratio is 0 or less


public static java.awt.Dimension arrangeRectangleGrid(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles,
                                                      java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                                      double aspectRatio)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in a grid to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio.

The aspect ratio must be greater than 0.

rectangles - the rectangles whose coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension will be placed in this rectangle
aspectRatio - the preferred aspect ratio of the grid
the dimension of the grid
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given aspect ratio is less than or equal to zero


public static int arrangeRectangleMultiRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles,
                                            java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                            double preferredWidth,
                                            double preferredHeight,
                                            boolean compaction,
                                            byte constraintMode)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in multiple rows to fit the preferred width and height. The rectangles will be placed within this bound, arranged in rows, where each row may be split into more sub-rows. This often leads to more compact results than provided by the procedure used in arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int). A row will be subdivided into more rows, if two successive rectangles to be placed in the row could be placed stacked within this row without making the row larger in height.

The preferred width and height should be greater than 0, otherwise the nodes are not arranged.

rectangles - the rectangles to arrange (coordinates will be assigned)
finalRect - the exact resulting dimension will be stored in this rectangle
preferredWidth - the preferred width of the result rectangle
preferredHeight - the preferred height of the result rectangle
compaction - true if the algorithm tries to always minimize the resulting dimension, whilst respecting the given constraints, false otherwise
constraintMode - the width or height constraints to consider
the number of rows used
See Also:
arrangeRectangleMultiRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int)


public static int arrangeRectangleMultiRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles,
                                            java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                            double preferredWidth,
                                            double preferredHeight,
                                            boolean compaction,
                                            byte constraintMode,
                                            int alignment)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles in multiple rows to fit the preferred width and height. The rectangles will be placed within this bound, arranged in rows, where each row may be split into more sub-rows. This often leads to more compact results than provided by the procedure used in arrangeRectangleRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, int). A row will be subdivided into more rows, if two successive rectangles to be placed in the row could be placed stacked within this row without making the row larger in height.

The preferred width and height should be greater than 0, otherwise the nodes are not arranged.

rectangles - the rectangles to arrange (coordinates will be assigned)
finalRect - the exact resulting dimension will be stored in this rectangle
preferredWidth - the preferred width of the result rectangle
preferredHeight - the preferred height of the result rectangle
compaction - true if the algorithm tries to always minimize the resulting dimension, whilst respecting the given constraints, false otherwise
constraintMode - the width or height constraints to consider
alignment - the alignment inside a row
the number of rows used
See Also:
arrangeRectangleMultiRows(Rectangle2D[], Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int)


public static int arrangeRectangleRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[] rectangles,
                                       java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D finalRect,
                                       double aspectRatio,
                                       int alignment)
Reassigns the bounds of the rectangles to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio. This is achieved by arranging the rectangles in rows.

The aspect ratio must be greater than 0.

rectangles - the rectangles whose coordinates will be modified
finalRect - the exact dimension of the resulting rectangle
aspectRatio - the preferred aspect ratio of the resulting rectangle
alignment - one of the valid row alignments
the number of used rows
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the aspect ratio is 0 or less


public static boolean pathIntersectsRect(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         Edge edge,
                                         java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect)
Checks whether or not the path of the given edge intersects the interior of a given rectangular area.

graph - the graph to which the edge belongs
edge - the edge
rect - the rectangular area to check for intersection
true if the edge path intersects with the given rectangle, false otherwise


public static void applyGraphLayout(LayoutGraph graph,
                                    GraphLayout layout)
Applies the layout information in the given GraphLayout to the LayoutGraph.

All nodes get coordinates and sizes. The edges get coordinates for the control points. For both nodes and edges the labels are placed.

The GraphLayout data must be defined for elements in the given LayoutGraph.
graph - the graph
layout - the layout information for the graph


public static void alignNodeLayouts(LayoutGraph graph,
                                    NodeList nodes,
                                    Node referenceNode,
                                    boolean vertical,
                                    byte mode)
Aligns the specified nodes either vertically or horizontally according to the specified node alignment mode.

For vertical arrangements, nodes are either top-aligned, center-aligned, bottom-aligned, or vertically distributed.

For horizontal arrangements, nodes are either left-aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, or horizontally distributed.

In this context, distributed means that the specified nodes are placed in such a way that the projections of their bounds onto the vertical or horizontal coordinate axis do not overlap. For example, after vertically distributing nodes, (n1.y + n1.height) <= n2.y for two consecutively placed nodes n1 and n2.

graph - the graph that contains the specified nodes
nodes - the subset of the specified graph's nodes that is arranged
referenceNode - if null, the common coordinate for aligning the specified nodes is calculated as the the vertical minimum (top-aligned), the vertical center, the vertical maximum (bottom-aligned), the horizontal minimum (left-aligned), the horizontal center, or the horizontal maximum (right-aligned) of the bounds of the specified nodes; otherwise the appropriate coordinate of the given reference node's bounds is used as common coordinate for aligning the specified nodes. The reference node is ignored when distributing nodes.
vertical - true if nodes should be aligned (or distributed) according to their y-coordinates; otherwise nodes are aligned (or distributed) according to their x-coordinates.
mode - one of the valid alignment modes


public static boolean autoFlipBox(OrientedRectangle rect)
Flips the orientation of a given rectangle, if its up vector points downward (upY > 0). That means, it rotates the rectangle by 180 degrees without changing the rectangle's center.

rect - the given rectangle
true if the given rectangle was flipped, false otherwise

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