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Class MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo

  extended by y.view.MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo
      extended by y.view.MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo
Enclosing class:

public static class MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo
extends MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo

Concrete subclass of MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo that describes the movement of a Port.


Constructor Summary
MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo(Port port, YPoint originalLocation, byte mode)
          Creates a new instance for the given port, location and mode
Method Summary
 void applyLocation(double dx, double dy)
          Calls Port.setOffsets(double, double) according to the movement constraints.
 Port getPort()
          Yields the port this instance acts on.
Methods inherited from class y.view.MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo
getOriginalLocation, isFreelyMovable, isHorizontallyFixed, isVerticallyFixed
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MoveSnapContext.MovingPortInfo(Port port,
                                      YPoint originalLocation,
                                      byte mode)
Creates a new instance for the given port, location and mode

port - The port to move
originalLocation - The absolute location of the port before the move started.
mode - The mode of the movement, which is a bitwise combination of MoveSnapContext.MOVE_X, MoveSnapContext.MOVE_Y, or MoveSnapContext.MOVE_XY.
Method Detail


public Port getPort()
Yields the port this instance acts on.


public void applyLocation(double dx,
                          double dy)
Calls Port.setOffsets(double, double) according to the movement constraints.

Specified by:
applyLocation in class MoveSnapContext.MovingInfo
dx - The delta in x coordinate direction of the move since the movement started.
dy - The delta in y coordinate direction of the move since the movement started.

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